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Molly White

super cool that all these companies have decided to make customers opt OUT of having their data sold for AI training purposes

"but no one would do it if it was opt-in!"



> "but no one would do it if it was opt-in!"

Then you don't have a business model, you have an extortion racket. Give it up before we imprison you.


Lots of people are enjoying this pithy expression of the problem (not original to me, to be sure).

I'll direct readers to someone who has better words than mine for exploring this evil shift in expectations.

#DefaultsMatter #ConsentIsRequired #DataSovereignty #OwnYourData

Derek Powazek 🐐

@molly0xfff Also cool how the standard is now "give all the content to the AI companies and THEN offer the opt-out to users."


@fraying @molly0xfff But but but, AI Director Spittle says: "I *believe* partners will honor this based on our conversations with them to this point."

CM Harrington

@fraying @molly0xfff and why aren’t the authors of the content getting a cut of the deal?

Ethan Marcotte

@molly0xfff it’s truly inspiring to see what happens when an industry with multiple decades’ worth of broken consent models gets a terrifying amount of capital dangled in front of the hot new surveillance tech

wait, not “inspiring”, the other one


@JeffGrigg @samhainnight @stevegis_ssg @beep @molly0xfff Stone “Inspire Fear” card

A purple-faced monster weaves magic.

0 and 3

Kiho Fear Water Battle: Target one of your unbowed Monks or Shugenja: Move home a target Human Personality opposing him. If the performer has the Water keyword, the Personality can not move to battlefields this turn.

"You know nothing of true horror, Crab."

TTT ILLUS. ERIC LOFGREN ™ & (c) 2007 AEG 144 o 156


@beep @molly0xfff
Really strong 'I would never possibly break my principals unless you compensated me' energy.

Eric Likness

@beep @molly0xfff It feels like the other one begins with "En" and ends in "-tifying" or "-tification"

Mark Hurst


"You put rocks in the Fritos?? Why??"

"Well, it cuts down on manufacturing costs. Also, we allow people to opt out of the rocks."

"Opt OUT? Why not just ask people if they want rocks in their Fritos?"

"C'mon, no one would ever ask for that!"

PJ Coffey

@markhurst @molly0xfff

Well some people would ask for that.

They're the people using generative AI to "prompt" and "create" things.

The fact that they're uniformly dull and uninspiring is, I'm sure unrelated to using better artists work to "join the club".

#AIjobs #AIethics

Josh Davis

Apparently, when someone connects OtterAI to their Zoom and Google accts, the bot will auto-join any Zoom meeting in their Google calendar and start transcribing, whether the person is attending or not. 👍 😎


@GuerillaOntologist @molly0xfff Perfect, a spybot that is also part of a corporate botnet. just. wonderful. -_-

CMDR Yojimbosan UTC+(12|13)

@GuerillaOntologist @molly0xfff "This was another meeting that could have been an email; oh hang on, OtterAI just sent me the transcript and a summary, so as far as I'm concerned it was ..."

Josh Davis

@yojimbo @molly0xfff
It's creepy af. And in case it wasn't clear, this "feature" is the default behavior, so you need to opt-out of having the bot automatically eavesdrop on meetings you're not at.


@GuerillaOntologist @samhainnight @yojimbo @molly0xfff Today was the second time a Zoom I’m in had an uninvited bot attendee, and we’ve had to remove them from the meeting manually when discovered.

It’s awful. Moderators and meeting owners should be able to toggle that crap off. I’m about to go spelunking in the extended preferences to find out. They were supposedly realtime transcription bots, and nobody claimed them, so it’s an ugly problem.


@GuerillaOntologist @samhainnight @yojimbo @molly0xfff The two we kicked were not Otter, but I’m not sure if I captured their names.

Josh Davis

@skry @samhainnight @yojimbo @molly0xfff
Exactly what happened to us. The person who unknowingly had a bot attending our meeting was pretty appalled and embarrassed as well. I'd say the FCC or FTC should be doing something about this, but ever since Elon's "autopilot" was allowed on public roads, it's been clear that US regulatory agencies are basically useless, so...


@molly0xfff AI is cool and all but this stuff should be done only though surveys, like seen in medical surveys and stuff. people get paid for their time and insight into training the models, and the ethics are a bit more sound. Either that or just don't train the plagiarism machine.

Elwynd If no one would do it if it was opt-in, maybe it shouldn't be done at all.


@molly0xfff the UK did this with NHS data years ago. All our data is fair game to make the nobles richer. The existence and produce of the serfs belong to the lord of the estate.

Radio Resistance

@molly0xfff if they want my data they can pay for it like real capitalists.

Auld Ma Twəgg

@arrrg @molly0xfff they are paying for it, just not paying you. They're paying the owner of the machines, not the person using the machines to produce. That's very capitalist.


@molly0xfff tbh I think a good amount of people would opt-in if they got a thing offering them $5 on Venmo to do it

Scott Andrews

@molly0xfff there should be a law against unilateral amendment of a ToS.

ROTOPE~1 :yell:

@scott @molly0xfff but that would be bad for 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑒 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑡 𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛. You don't hate 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑒 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑡 𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛, do you?


@rotopenguin @scott @molly0xfff Seriously. Think of all of the poor billionaires. They could starve 🥺🥺
For just a piece of your privacy a day, you can feed a billionaire.

Craig Nicol

@molly0xfff and they're also mysteriously avoiding the EU, but that's absolutely nothing to do with data privacy 🤔


@molly0xfff right...
What can we do about it that will be effective?


@yaelwrites made this Big-Ass opt-out list.

My questions:
What specific services need to be added to this list?

Who can write a script to do all the opt-ing out for me, given this list?


@molly0xfff 💯 It's not a mistake. If you lead with 'Opt out' you *know *you are the bad guy. Let's not try to be cute.

Peter Wood


The golden rule: treat others as you'd like them to treat you.

Natasha Nox 🇺🇦🇵🇸

@pete @molly0xfff What you like or not is worthless in our society. Everyone expects the other to rip you off and extort you for personal gain, therefore everyone acts accordingly. The expectation fulfills itself. Welcome to capitalism dystopia.

Hot Dog Water


I imagine sooner than soon, once we sign up for any online venture we will agree to them automatically signing us onto every other service and site and subscription they also provide, and from any subsidiaries, since they’ll already have hands in our entire was-private life, including bank info. And it’ll be up to us to catch and cancel as it goes, with each month restarting the auto-subs on a clock.
Then the indentured servitude from near-instant massive debt starts.


I'm deleting every app off my phone that is not completely necessary. Fuck em.


@molly0xfff Not in support of AI and data harvesting but there are *A lot* of things in software that nobody would ever opt into if they weren't opt-out by default. Less so because they don't want it, but moreso because they don't care and don't feel like expending effort to do so.

Rich Felker

@craftxbox @molly0xfff Great, so don't make those things. Saves users the trouble of getting something they don't want, saves developers the trouble of making it.


What's the over/under on them selling your data even if you opt out?


@jargoggles @molly0xfff As soon as they go bankrupt that data is up for grabs to the highest bidder I think. All that’s required is to remake the company so the original TOS are nullified.

Bill's in the shop for repairs

@molly0xfff I would very much like to see consumer protection legislation that preemptively outlaws doing anything to a consumer or with their data that they would have said no to had they been directly asked.

I am Jack's Lost 404

@wcbdata @molly0xfff

I would very much like to see consumer protection legislation...

at all...

Please? :blobsadeyes:


@molly0xfff Wordpress seems like the platform of choice for SEO-hacking spam blogs that are the most enthusiastic adopters of LLMs, so maybe in this once instance, it will be a self-correcting problem.

Jesse Cail

@molly0xfff Uninstalled Adobe this week because an update force fed an AI feature. Byeeeee


@molly0xfff no one does anything if it's opt in FYI. It's a broken model.

Jessica's new Main apple has a permission to track users. turns out that most people clicked deny even when the app itself nagged the user.


@wraptile @molly0xfff A lot of people accept cookies, and it is opt in.

Julien Barnoin

Fine, we'll make it opt-in.

"Enable the setting below to opt-in to keeping your data away from our data brokers (until next time we ask)."

Patashu (Dragon Style!)


honestly if it was opt out by default I'd be the only one to opt in just so all AIs would be trained on my exact mannerisms and behave like me. that'd be kind of fucking funny.

Alexander Schmidt-Lebuhn

@molly0xfff "You need to let us do the thing that nobody wants us to do or we don't have a business model" is always such a great argument. An argument for something, at least, even if maybe not for the conclusion they think they are making it for.

Sky UwU

@molly0xfff Make AI training opt-in and organ donations opt-out.

BrazMogu (i.e. Bruno Guedes)

@molly0xfff As I tend to say, if you have to trick people into accepting your product, maybe what you have is a bunch of shit

Jared White

@molly0xfff Old and busted: "If you're not paying for the product, you are the product."

New hotness: "If you're not paying for the product, you're training some other company's product." (and sometimes you still are even when paying for the product! 😵‍💫️)


@jaredwhite @molly0xfff Unless you are specifically paying to not train another product, you will eventually be training another product

Orca🌻 | 🏴🏳️‍⚧️ Instead of becoming more likeable they literally decided to rob everyone.


@molly0xfff When the EU started demanding websites to *easily offer a way to reject tracking/marketing cookies* I read about marketers complaining that this was really hurting their businesses because when people could make the choice easily 90% opted out...

Joan // Stay apart, Mask up

@molly0xfff Are they doing that in the EU? (Do you have more info / links?)

Molly White

original report that prompted this: (registration-gated)
derivative report, no gate:

but this has been a pretty wide phenomenon beyond the recent news about Automattic

Joan // Stay apart, Mask up

@molly0xfff Thank you so much!

(Time to assert my GDPR rights..)


@molly0xfff My favourite part of the GDPR is that it requires informed consent. If people don’t understand what they are consenting to, you don’t have the consent required by law. A lot of web sites fail to meet that bar.


@molly0xfff I'm sure we're opted in by default for our safety/security/convenience*

... *delete where applicable

BeyondMachines :verified:

@molly0xfff Which companies have actually even offered opt out for AI training purposes?

Molly White

@beyondmachines1 OpenAI, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft...

BeyondMachines :verified:

@molly0xfff I found ONLY the OpenAI opt out form, and it was buried DEEP.
Still looking for the others, if you have links we will all appreciate.


@molly0xfff It used to be "If you're not paying for the product, you're the product."
Now it's "If you didn't know about / forgot to turn off our AI training features, you're the product."
Soon it'll be "You're the product. Try to disable our data sharing services and see how fast your entire digital life gets put up for ransom."
Moving swiftly on to "Disabling our 'integrated AI collaboration platform' will net you X years in prison" (under the guise of "stopping cyberterrorism" of course).

OldTurk🗽Focus: #FreeAssange


Hi #AI: I opt out. If you’re truly intelligent, you’ll know what to do.

Paul O'Malley

@molly0xfff in the EU illegal... There may be legals ahead.


@molly0xfff @BeefGriller well I would opt in but I’m the minority in this, so …

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