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@GuerillaOntologist @samhainnight @yojimbo @molly0xfff Today was the second time a Zoom I’m in had an uninvited bot attendee, and we’ve had to remove them from the meeting manually when discovered.

It’s awful. Moderators and meeting owners should be able to toggle that crap off. I’m about to go spelunking in the extended preferences to find out. They were supposedly realtime transcription bots, and nobody claimed them, so it’s an ugly problem.


@GuerillaOntologist @samhainnight @yojimbo @molly0xfff The two we kicked were not Otter, but I’m not sure if I captured their names.

Josh Davis

@skry @samhainnight @yojimbo @molly0xfff
Exactly what happened to us. The person who unknowingly had a bot attending our meeting was pretty appalled and embarrassed as well. I'd say the FCC or FTC should be doing something about this, but ever since Elon's "autopilot" was allowed on public roads, it's been clear that US regulatory agencies are basically useless, so...

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