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Molly White

finally! i've always wished i could look at my #NFTs on [checks notes] the dashboard of my mercedes


@molly0xfff Apparently someone forgot to let #Mercedes know that #NFTs are so yesterday ;)


@molly0xfff Good idea displaying the NFTs inside the car, that way passers-by can't take photos of them :blobcatthinksmart:

Zac Belado

@molly0xfff WTF?

I know people joke a lot about uninformed VPs and CEOs making ‘hand wavy’ decisions about things but this clearly looks like someone saying “we need to add NFTs” without any real details or understanding

ROTOPE~1 :yell:

@molly0xfff finally, the dream of Self-Scamming cars is becoming real

Chris Johnson

@molly0xfff This is just the shot in the arm NFTs need to shoot them into the stratosphere. The sky’s the limit!

Ark 🏳️‍⚧️

@molly0xfff why would anyone want this feature? Also, couldn't you do this before through android auto?


@molly0xfff are those NFTs or just the characters Nintendo rejected for Animal Crossing?


@molly0xfff when management forgets that a dev team exists for a few years.

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