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26 posts total
Molly White

if you're trying to migrate off feedly, here's how to export an .opml file to import all of your feeds into a new RSS reader

#rss #feedly

Molly White

if you want to get a sense of some of the impact of this change, just look at the quote tweets đź’”

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Well, at least they're giving a warning this time. That's an improvement.



this seems specifically targeted to kill the golden goose

who wants to stay on a Twitter without Possum Every Hour, or whatever whimsical bot makes it kinda nice to check in?


@molly0xfff many apps that interact with it's API had problems even before this announcement and may have been deliberate:

Remember photobucket? Controversial changes that happened in 2017 that broke 1000s of images on the internet by putting "off site hosting" behind a paywall. They did soften this policy a bit, but that's just one feature of the many useful features that were stripped out.

Molly White

if you are at all able (or able to learn), i highly recommend:
• creating your own website
• on your own domain
• acquiring copies of your data that you care about that's on third party sites (particularly twitter)

Molly White

i am much more willing to be a chaos gremlin on twitter knowing i have my own platform-of-one to fall back on, and it's freeing

Molly White

The FTX hearing by the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs starts shortly. I'll be livetweeting it here, and will be publishing a recap of it in my newsletter later.

Hearing stream:

I'll use the #FTXhearing hashtag throughout, so feel free to filter it out if I'm clogging your feed or you'd rather catch up later.

The FTX hearing by the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs starts shortly. I'll be livetweeting it here, and will be publishing a recap of it in my newsletter later.

Hearing stream:

Molly White

Statements by witnesses—Prof. Hilary Allen, Kevin O'Leary, Jennifer J. Schulp, and Ben McKenzie—have already been published at the link above.


Molly White

The FTX hearing by the House Committee on Financial Services starts in about twenty minutes. I'll be livetooting it here, and will be publishing a recap of it in my newsletter later.

Hearing stream:


Molly White

I'll use the #FTXhearing hashtag throughout, so feel free to filter it out if I'm clogging your feed or you'd rather catch up later.

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