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lee :sparkletrans:

@molly0xfff hey, just so you know, screenreaders (and dyslexic folks, people who are learning English, all sorts of folks) can struggle with hashtags that are all lower case. camelCasing your hashtags can help!


@molly0xfff wow. When you try to virtue signal and a bot calls you out!

Erik Haugen

@m1ke @molly0xfff
Not really called out in a meaningful way, though. No attempt is made to determine if the company is doing something bad to contribute to the pay gap, for example.


@ech @m1ke @molly0xfff Out of curiosity: What would be a scenario where a company pays median women 41% less per hour where they'd not be "doing something bad"?

Erik Haugen

@Teskariel @m1ke @molly0xfff
There are a variety of causes of the gender pay gap, of course.

See for some analysis. It's like the author of this bot has such a superficial understanding of the issue as to not even be aware of the issues raised in the first paragraph there. Either that or they just wanted to score cheap rhetorical points instead of advancing any real understanding of anything.

Erik Haugen

@Teskariel @m1ke @molly0xfff


* Men face enormous pressure to make lots of money; they're far more likely to choose well-paying careers. You might think that's jacked up, but it's not really Alzheimer's Society's fault.

* Women are more likely to choose to interrupt their careers when they have children. Now, this one's tricky: maybe they do it because they want to – great! But maybe this is because of the gender pay gap, or social pressure. Or... Again, though, maybe not AS' fault.


@ech @m1ke @molly0xfff There's a reason why I said 41%. 21% - okay, that's possible. But 41%? For an organization called "Cathedral Schools Trust", so not exactly a garage with women in the office and men on the workshop floor? I find it *very* hard to believe there isn't a "because we can get away with it" among the reasons.

Erik Haugen

@Teskariel @m1ke @molly0xfff

It's harder than making a snarky bot, but this might be something one could get to the bottom of if one was interested.

I suspect for the school you mention it has to do with how crappy teacher pay is, but that's just a guess. (See my first bullet point.)

Jemal Cole Loves Each Of You

@molly0xfff Finally a reason to encourage more large organizations to move to the fediverse: NAMING AND SHAMING.


@jemal @molly0xfff fuck the fediverse, these hypocrit companies should be named and shamed everywhere!

your 5:00 call to go blading

@molly0xfff with my name legally changed and me job hunting I’m now suspicious that I’m going to get low salary offers or worse, fewer calls back.

your 5:00 call to go blading

@molly0xfff but it’s still miles better than pretending to be a dude. Not even close.

British Tech Guru

@molly0xfff I'm a firm believer in published pay scales where anybody be they male, female, trans, blac, white, green, gay, hetero, other, able bodied or disabled knows exactly how much they and everybody else on the scale makes. I believe in complete pay transparency.


@molly0xfff I feel this will continue , as long as old white men have the power to regulate. The world is changing fast, and some can't handle that!

SIEM Shady

@molly0xfff Illinois has an amazing pay transparency law that is being phased in and I'm here for it.


@molly0xfff Personally I don't believe in feminism since it is something I've been able to live without in the past but I support this 💞
Stay strong women!


@sultry_salatre you don't support equal rights and complete autonomy for women?


@Iwillyeah I do!!! Of course I do! I just don't like to associate myself with the cringe feminist people you see on TikTok these days😊


@sultry_salatre @Iwillyeah If you support equal rights and bodily autonomy for women... you're a feminist. A few cringe teenagers on tiktok don't define reality.


@nbtentaclekitten @Iwillyeah I support the causes that feminism fights for but I don't like to associate myself with the term feminist.


@molly0xfff omg the first time in 4ever I opened the birdie app, but I just had to scroll through the timeline


@molly0xfff This is so sad actually and when you bring all these issues up, all you get is "well, women don't have to do military service", "Men are the ones doing the heavy work" and many more stupid comments. It's not like feminists (some of who are also men) are trying to solve all these social issues, but thx to idiots saying the bs above, we are REGRESSING.

Molly White

@pussista yeah the comments on that bot's tweets are a nightmare zone


@molly0xfff One of the many reasons I don't use Twitter. Not saying Mastodon has no such jerks like that, but it's way easier to escape them here than there or on any corporate network.

Erik Haugen

@pussista @molly0xfff
I wonder if that's just because mainline Mastodon is currently a lefty echo chamber, and once more normies get on here you'll start getting more pushback of that sort.


@ech @molly0xfff Even if, as long as they're not straight up bigots, it's totally fine to get a different point of view. And since Mastodon has many different instances, i doubt normies would pick the very left-leaning ones. If any instance starts becoming extremist, any instance could block it easily from becoming federated, thus I wouldn't have to put up with toxicity.

Erik Haugen

@pussista @molly0xfff
But, is noting that men are more likely to pursue higher paying careers really extremist?

(I mean, there are many reasons for this, some innocuous and some terrible, but still.)


@ech @molly0xfff It's not. It's the reality of things. I was talking about xenophobic and queerphobic folks and that I don't want to avoid them as much as possible.

Cian Mac Mahon

@molly0xfff There's an Irish one this year too and while it's not yet a bot because the government haven't set up a DB yet, it's just as 😙👌


@molly0xfff best thing I've seen in a long long time!! How does the bot get payroll estimations btw?


@stickyburn @molly0xfff
In the UK organisations over 250 employees have to report their gender pay gap data annually to the government.

Wendy Lady

@molly0xfff the gender pay gap affects women's social security amount at retirement. Affecting women with Alzheimer's even more impactfully.


@molly0xfff « funny » thing is, the gap is wider than the year before.


@molly0xfff Do you know where the data is from?


@tommy @molly0xfff
In the UK organisations over 250 employees have to report their gender pay gap data annually to the government.


@beecycling @molly0xfff Also cool it's the median and not the mean.


@tommy @molly0xfff The data is public, and broken down too, so you can see the split at lower and higher paid jobs at the company. A typical breakdown is shown in the attachment. Lots of them look like this, the gap being caused by there being fewer women in the higher paid roles in an organisation.

You can search on the company name.

Diabetic Heihachi


Gender Pay Gap bot immolating clout chasers.
(art: Xavier Ribeiro)

Jeroen Postma

@molly0xfff So if I get this right, this bot calls out organizations on their virtue signalling bullshit when they try to piggyback these hashtag trends? That's awesome!

Erik Haugen

This is a great example of how not understanding a problem can lead to solutions that won't do any good.


@molly0xfff Good to know they're still fighting the good fight over there. With all the Twitter craziness I wasn't sure the bot would still work.


@molly0xfff just out of curiosity, how are the gaps calculated?

uncle drumble

@molly0xfff if i've learned anything from this bot, it's that council jobs have the best pay equality and universities really are shameless in paying women peanuts

how awful of an employer are you if you're paying women 40% less?


@molly0xfff i really wish this bot would migrate to Masto. It is a great truth teller.

Nuno & Lua :DsaprvingLua:

@molly0xfff great bot, but sadly still supporting the chief trust fund kid network

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