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spudicus 🦀🥔🌽 :thisIsFine:

@molly0xfff getting an error. Looks like the server needs a nudge.

Trevor :aim_logo:

@molly0xfff Uh oh... did the site get the hug of death?



Yay! Congratulations!

Thank you for the extra effort, it doesn't go unnoticed.



@molly0xfff Your citation needed newsletter is no longer online :(

Molly White

and now it's no longer online at all 😅 bear with me, you hugged it to death



Cloudflare should have caught that!


@vruz @molly0xfff For that, cloudflare would need to be set up to cache pages. By default it's only CSS, js, images, things like that. Everything else passes through to the server.


@dixf I'm sure that this is trivial, and it's already being dealt with by @molly0xfff 's more than capable hands.


@molly0xfff Works from here. Thank you for moving!


@molly0xfff The sub-confirmation link is currently not working with a 500 error 😆 I'll wait a bit again to sub. It's a good problem to have Molly!

Alice :amaze:

@molly0xfff It works for me, and yay to self-hosting!! 🥳

Jemal Cole Loves Each Of You

@molly0xfff Works - will you continue generating audio/podcast versions going forward? I was surprised, even as a heavy podcast user, how much I appreciated hearing your delivery of the same excellent content. The guy who trained me as a telemarketer was right: you can hear when people are smiling!

Molly White

@jemal I will be! I didn't for this one because it's kind of a technical one-off, but for my usual work I will.


@molly0xfff seems like the host is down according to cloudflares proxy page? (Routing through Cloudflares Toronto site so perhaps config changes you did haven't propagated everywhere yet?)


@molly0xfff I think it might be back down again, sorry. Getting a 502 right now on it



8 hops from where I'm sitting, the Stripe network needs to start thinking about #ipv6 ...

Kevin Webb

@molly0xfff tbh, just tooting causes a minor DDoS as the fedi servers spin up their toot card renders — with an account your size it’s probably a lot of traffic almost instantly.

Kevin Boyd

@kvnweb @molly0xfff is there a name for that yet? Tootdotting, perhaps?

Kevin Webb

@kboyd it needs one! Every time I share a link and I see the traffic graph I am like holy hell! And I only have 1/100th of the followers that @molly0xfff has...

"Temporarily Tooted Out" or TTO'd?

Kevin Webb

@kboyd @molly0xfff on the other hand, maybe we should just go back to using centralized infrastructure... :)

Kevin Boyd

@kvnweb @molly0xfff I think there's a middle ground, one that would allow multiple mastodon servers to efficiently and safely share these lookups.

Kevin Webb

@kboyd @molly0xfff I'm kidding, but yeah there are ways mastodon could improve this.

Tbh, the real pain point is for the folks administering larger servers -- I suspect they'll eventually sort this out given the resource requirements.

Zac Belado

@molly0xfff As other folks have mentioned, you'll need to look into a cache system for your site. Especially any endpoints you have that Fediverse servers access.

Molly White

@ZacBelado i stuck cloudflare in front of it, but looks like i may need to look into something a little more.

Zac Belado

@molly0xfff When I was using Cloudflare I was often struck by how often it didn't seem to do what I thought it would :-)

What are you using as a backend?

Zac Belado

@molly0xfff Not something I am familiar with. I did see this page that has some specific settings for edge caching with Cloudflare.

Zac Belado

@molly0xfff Seems pretty peppy now. Maybe Cloudflare caught up with you?

Molly White

@ZacBelado made some caching tweaks on my end too :)

Zac Belado

@molly0xfff Yay! Caching was the one part of running a website that I really disliked.

Martin Kelly

@molly0xfff Awesome! And I conveniently had some spare money from subs i cancelled on substack so here you go.


@potatogunkelly @molly0xfff Me too! Thank you Molly, from a less brainy but super grateful Molly


@molly0xfff Yay, I've loved working with Ghost. Good choice.


@molly0xfff Congrats! SourceSerif looks really weird for some reason, it might be my installed fonts.

Officer-involved pooping

@molly0xfff oh and mailgun and stripe

Jared White

@molly0xfff Subscribed and gladly paying to support your indie freedom. 🤘


@molly0xfff Ooh, Ghost! Would love to hear your experiences with it once some time passes, if that's something you'd want to write about :)

Molly White

@basil there will be a newsletter issue about it very shortly!


@molly0xfff I wasn’t aware of your writing until I saw this toot. Good for you for standing up for principles and leaving a site that platforms Nazis.

A question though: your bio shows an active Twitter account. Aren’t they just as guilty of platforming neo-Nazis, anti-semites, and other hate speech accounts—especially since the musk takeover?

Phil, warden

@molly0xfff congratulations on the smooth and timely migration. I'm waiting till February before I unsubscribe from any newsletter received through substack.

blue linden

@molly0xfff oh sick! welcome to the Ghost family! i’ve used Ghost for about a year and i don’t think i could ever go back to blogging on a closed platform. i like owning my content fully.

Nihl L'Amas

@molly0xfff For the dipwads who think "nazi" is being tossed about too much, Nilay Patel asked Chris Best if Substack policy prohibited demanding entire races be deported, and he wouldn't say yes or no.


@molly0xfff Congrats, Molly; You made the right choice!

Thanks for being transparent about your stack & your VPS provider (I use Ghost & DO as well).

I loved the "Mexico por la libertad" photo. It sent me to some great articles that I can't wait to share with my wife, when she gets home.


@molly0xfff I recently paid $85 to support you on Substack and now you’re asking me to pay for a brand new subscription. I am very disappointed.

Molly White

@mdrips you absolutely do not need to pay for a new subscription. all previous subscribers are still subscribed!

@molly0xfff Is the font supposed to look like this? I don't usually care about these things but this one is annoyingly hard to read for me.

@molly0xfff congrats on the move!
I took out an annual subscription back in October through SubStack. Should this transfer over to the new site? Is there anything I need to do myself on that front?

Molly White

@hugh it's been transferred. you should be able to sign in at the new site under that email and see your subscription in the "Account" section.


@molly0xfff ah - awesome. Should probably have tried that first 🤦


@molly0xfff Awesome. Now doing a paid subscription for all my Nazi free Crypto dunking. Thank you!

Ryan Singel

Congratulations on the move!

As for the transactional emails, that's part of what Outpost does for Ghost. Full featured autoresponder built for Ghost, plus great deal on Plausible analytics and a great tip jar.

Free trial at

Pax Ahimsa Gethen


Thanks so much for putting in the effort to migrate away from #Substack! You are awesome.


Nate Bowling


Yay for people with principles doing principled things 🎉🎉🎉


@molly0xfff thanks for doing this! I had gone to unpaid on Substack, have switched to paid on your new platform

Sarah Schumacher

@molly0xfff appreciate your explanation and the technical details about your migration. I'd considered Substack in the past for the network effects, but had never been able to get past not owning my own content. I build websites for a living though, so in a lot of ways it's an easier decision. I haven't followed this closely but I really feel for all the writers trying to figure out what to do.

♿🔞 Many the Mousetacular

@molly0xfff woo!! i'm glad it has a more easily found RSS link, too, gonna go migrate my feed reeder to the new link now!

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