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45 posts total
Andrew (R.S Admin)

I'm working on a little portfolio site to make it easier for people to know that I am accepting freelance work.

It's a work in progress right now.

I am accepting productive feedback, if you have any.

Andrew (R.S Admin)

This will be the home of my soon to be returning Impractical Computing zine.

It will also be the home of the Impractical Computing web series, if I ever make that.

In the meantime, it's a great way to see a showcase of the kinds of projects that I've worked on in the recent past, and to get an idea of the kind of work I'm willing to do.

Poise Under Chaos

@ajroach42 If you're actively looking work on the corporate side of things, more about that on the Work page would help. Or alternately, build out the last sentence in the first paragraph on the "About Me" page. Even if it's just a single line or (ugh, I know) forward to a LinkedIn profile or equivalent.

To my reading, either would help in terms of establishing scope past "I've done large-scale things and know what I'm doing." That part is clear, the "ok, but in what forest" part, less so.

Andrew (R.S Admin)

I haven't talked a lot about the writer's strike recently (mostly because I've been dealing with small implosions within my little community, as relationships have ended and people have drawn battle lines, and I've had to come to the defense of people I previously believed unassailable. So it goes.)

But I've been thinking about the writer's strike a lot, both because I care deeply about workers issues and because the outcome of the writers strike will directly impact the success of the company I am joining on Monday.

Yesterday, there were a lot of stories about the studios plans to drag the strike on as long as possible, in order to hurt the striking writers, and these were reported on uncritically as if it was some surprise.

I found this frustrating and naïve, and I'd like to talk about it a bit in between other things today.

I haven't talked a lot about the writer's strike recently (mostly because I've been dealing with small implosions within my little community, as relationships have ended and people have drawn battle lines, and I've had to come to the defense of people I previously believed unassailable. So it goes.)

Andrew (R.S Admin)

Of course the studios want to drag the writer's strike on for as long as they can afford to. It is the only way they can make writer's suffer.

But, more importantly, they want to project the idea that the writers need a paycheck more than the studios need writers. It's classic fearmongering.

"We'll ruin you. Our pockets are deeper. You'll run out first."

It's disgusting, and it's frustrating that so many otherwise progressive news organizations and publications parroted it without any deeper examination.

These organizations, in attempting to scoop a story about how evil these studios are, in fact participated in that evil. They brandished studio propaganda as fact.

Of course the studios want to drag the writer's strike on for as long as they can afford to. It is the only way they can make writer's suffer.

But, more importantly, they want to project the idea that the writers need a paycheck more than the studios need writers. It's classic fearmongering.

"We'll ruin you. Our pockets are deeper. You'll run out first."

Andrew (R.S Admin)

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is currently running an exhibit on Video Art.

One of the pieces they are screening is an interview the Video Freex did with Fred Hampton and some members of the Panthers just before the state murdered Fred.

I've seen clips from this interview before, but I'd never seen the whole thing.

Andrew (R.S Admin)

This was shot during the trial of the Chicago 7 (before Bobby Seale was ruled a mistrial and allowed to be tried separately, when they were still the Chicago 8)

It's one of the last times Fred appeared on camera in his lifetime.

He speaks a powerful message.

Andrew (R.S Admin)

Glass onion was a whole mood.

Just "Elon Musk will ruin things" the movie.

Cat Operated :astro:

@ajroach42 I saw gamers seriously upset about how “inaccurate” the Amoongus sequence was and I just… ugh…


@ajroach42 I thought it was very relevant. Definitely worth a second watch.

Andrew (R.S Admin)

Here's your irregular reminder that:

Twitter was a multi-billion dollar company with thousands of employees.

Mastodon is a niche hobbyist product run by volunteers

The fact that we're being seen as a viable alternative to them is an admission that a federated, decentralized future is not only possible, but desirable.

Mastodon is not one thing, or one place. It's a network of many things and many places. We don't have a spokesperson (I mean, there's me. I'm the official spokesperson for 💯 of the fediverse, but beyond me there is no spokesperson) we don't have consensus on moderation or blocking or tools or what is good and what is bad. Some of us are professional SREs and Sysadmins, some of us aren't. Some of our instances have been around for 5+ years, some won't be here in six months.

And that's good! All of it, every last bit of it is good.

We're wrestling power away from the billionaire class, in real time, and reclaiming it for the People.

Here's your irregular reminder that:

Twitter was a multi-billion dollar company with thousands of employees.

Mastodon is a niche hobbyist product run by volunteers

The fact that we're being seen as a viable alternative to them is an admission that a federated, decentralized future is not only possible, but desirable.

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How many users: Musk V Masto?

Smaller entities are able do things their own way, b/c they're not a perceived threat. Interesting to see how Masto copes with scale and associated problems: Legal Issues; Content Moderation; Funding; Promotions / Advertising; Influencers; Etc.

Masto's at the shallow end of a hockey stick where people plays nice. When the rabble hordes arrive with empty vessel rage and bruised fragile sensibilities, that'll be when things heat up.

#mastodon #ftw


@ajroach42 just wish I could see other tweets in addition to med


“We’re wrestling power away from the billionaire class, in real time, and reclaiming it for the People.”

Swoon. ❤️

Andrew (R.S Admin)

So, new folks, you've mostly been here a week or so. How is it? What do you think? What do you love so far?

Vicks McQ ✨🌟

@ajroach42 So far I am absolutely loving it. Feels clean and kind. Long may it continue.

Mr. V

@ajroach42 love it so far! It's much better than when I first tried it out a couple years ago. Being more mature with how I ingest social media makes it better too.

Andrew (R.S Admin)

Alright, my Beatles listening is over.

Now I'm on to digging through Elephant Six's output from the early 90s through the early 00s.

Lots of folks tend to sleep on The Sunshine Fix and The Olivia Tremor Control and ... Fix your life, okay? Just love yourself and listen.

Trevor Flowers

@ajroach42 These days I don't run across many people who know about the Elephant Six bands. They were bouncing around Athens when I was a townie teen so I got to see some of their house and coffee shop shows.

Andrew (R.S Admin)

The new Revolver mix is, thus far, Astounding.

Revolver is probably the best Beatles album, IMO, and it's like they scraped away a bunch of yellowed varnish and replaced it with something new and shiny.

It's never sounded this good.

Andrew (R.S Admin)

I own mono and stereo US and UK copies of this record.

Probably five or six of each US variant, and at least one of each of the major UK variants.

I know this album.

I've never heard it like this.

DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab

@ajroach42 you are about the only person on the planet who could convince me to listen to a Beatles album this weekend, dammit

Tyrone Slothrop

@ajroach42 Wow, that is quite a difference. Amazing!

Andrew (R.S Admin)

I logged in to my facebook account to post an update to one of our business pages and I got an advertisement for a joke about mastodon getting suspended from twitter?

Thanks, I hate it.

Dallas, PE ✌️

@ajroach42 You got an advertisement for a joke?

Sorry, I'm not sure I understand. I haven't been on Facebook in years.

Andrew (R.S Admin)

It's Friday! Welcome new folks, we must supplant the algorithm. Time to suggest some people.

#ff #followfriday

@djsundog is some kind of wizard.

@DoctorDeathray is a rockstar.

@TaxDan does queer advocacy, doesn't do much tax work, and plays drums.

@inkguy Ink is new here, and posts some excellent artwork, I've really enjoyed adding this follow to my timeline.

@MoviesSilently Fritzi posts about silent movies, vintage recipes, jello, etc. Her silent movie blog is an absolute Wealth of wonderful reviews and amusing anecdotes. Well researched and fun. ( )

@ernie Ernie runs one of the best blogs on the net ( and just really Cares about telling compelling stories and saving forgotten history. What a guy.

@zoomar is a toy historian and part of the team at Archie McPhee. I've followed his work for a long time, but we've recently been interacting more often, and it has been really wonderful to discover how friendly and passionate he is.

Oh, and a rare corporate follow recommendation:

@blaft - Blaft is a publishing company working out of India. I know them mostly for their work collecting Tamil pulp fiction, and translating and releasing it in English. Really really excellent stuff.

It's Friday! Welcome new folks, we must supplant the algorithm. Time to suggest some people.

#ff #followfriday

@djsundog is some kind of wizard.

@DoctorDeathray is a rockstar.

@TaxDan does queer advocacy, doesn't do much tax work, and plays drums.

@inkguy Ink is new here, and posts some excellent artwork, I've really enjoyed adding this follow to my timeline.

David Wahl

@ajroach42 Thanks, Andrew! It has been a pleasure getting to know you as well. The more I learn about your work, the more inspired I am.

Andrew (R.S Admin)

Love being paged at 1am in a thunderstorm.

Andrew (R.S Admin)

I've been pretty disengaged from the internet lately. Disengaged from my phone too.

This is good.

🏳️‍🌈 HeroRareheart 🏳️‍⚧️

@ajroach42 I've noticed that a bit to myself, it's likely a good thing but I'm not used to it.

Andrew (R.S Admin)

This is a TinyNES from Tall Dog

I got mine on crowd supply ( I dunno if they're making more.

They make other things:

This thing, the TinyNES is an open hardware (CC-BY-SA baby!) NES compatible console, made with some pretty premium parts. It feels nice, it does the thing, it looks good doing it.

No upgrades, no emulation, no FPGA, no upscaling. Just an NES/Famicom compatible game console made using mostly new parts and an #opencontent schematic.

#OSHW #openhardware

This is a TinyNES from Tall Dog

I got mine on crowd supply ( I dunno if they're making more.

They make other things:

This thing, the TinyNES is an open hardware (CC-BY-SA baby!) NES compatible console, made with some pretty premium parts. It feels nice, it does the thing, it looks good doing it.

Andrew (R.S Admin)

Hell yeah @blaft is on the fediverse! That's fucking sick.

We sell Blaft's Ghosts Monsters and Demons of India, as well as the Tamil pulp fiction collections at our coffee shop, and they are always A Hit.

I think I still have a few copies of the whole set of the tamil pulp fiction, and one or two ghosts etc. if anyone in the US is interested in checking them out.

Some of my favorite books, from an awesome publishing company.

Andrew (R.S Admin)

Have we talked about Lapsang Souchong recently?

It's tea! It has a Chinese name, but is most popular in the UK (go figure, imperialism.)

It's a black tea that is smoked over pine needles.

If you add some milk (steamed perhaps) and a bit of sugar or honey or agave syrup or other sweetener of your choice, you get something best described as a campfire latte.

Just slightly sweet, creamy, and smokey.

Over ice, with a splash of milk and less sugar, you get just absolutely my favorite iced beverage.

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Michael Coorlim

@ajroach42 my girlfriend calls it "campfire tea," which is evocative enough.

Brett Sheffield (he/him)

@ajroach42 I've loved Lapsang Souchong ever since I was a teenager. I had a tea collection, would you believe? Yes, I was that nerdy.

Went to a tea shop in Canberra during the bushfires in 2020, and bought some tea we'd tasted there. When we got it home it turned out the nice smoky flavour was just the bushfires, and nothing to do with the tea...


@ajroach42 Welp, now I'm gonna have to try this...😋

Andrew (R.S Admin)

Is it just me, or does this letter Zuckyboy wrote feel plagiarized?

Reinder Dijkhuis Does Art

@ajroach42 it seems similar to the Stripe layoff statement, from what I’ve seen.

Maybe it's Eyesaline

@ajroach42 It would be unbelievably on-brand for him to use GPT-3 to write it.

Andrew (R.S Admin)

What are the best open content games in the world today?

#gpl or #creativeCommons or other open source or open content stuff.

I'm looking for games that have been under active development for 15 years, and games that are Brand New. I want things that are fun to play or beautiful to look at, and that treat linux with First Class support.

What's out there?

#games #gamers #gameing #gaming #videogames

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jan AKO (alasa kili olin) 🌱

@ajroach42 Emilia Pinball (sudo apt install pinball) began in 2000 and saw major releases in (iirc) 2002, 2006, 2010, and 2020. It's so nice but I want more tables. Of the current tables, Gnu is my favorite.


@ajroach42 I'm a big fan of Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. It's GPL and people have played it for years and still get a lot out of it.

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