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Andrew (R.S Admin)

This is a TinyNES from Tall Dog

I got mine on crowd supply ( I dunno if they're making more.

They make other things:

This thing, the TinyNES is an open hardware (CC-BY-SA baby!) NES compatible console, made with some pretty premium parts. It feels nice, it does the thing, it looks good doing it.

No upgrades, no emulation, no FPGA, no upscaling. Just an NES/Famicom compatible game console made using mostly new parts and an #opencontent schematic.

#OSHW #openhardware

This is a TinyNES from Tall Dog

I got mine on crowd supply ( I dunno if they're making more.

They make other things:

This thing, the TinyNES is an open hardware (CC-BY-SA baby!) NES compatible console, made with some pretty premium parts. It feels nice, it does the thing, it looks good doing it.

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