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45 posts total
Andrew (R.S Admin)

Hey! I'm seeing lots of doomsaying about Mastodon today, and lots of people lamenting their new found popularity and ...

I've been thinking about this a lot.

I've been thinking about what we're losing, of course, and I understand that people are lamenting that.

I'm also thinking about what we're gaining, and the opportunity we have.

Our small communities don't have to go anywhere. We still exist, out here in this federated space. I'll have to be a little faster on the block button for the next few weeks, but my friends are still here.

And, in the process, we are robbing Corporate "Social Media" of power, which is unquestionably good.

Are we equipped for the moderation nightmare to come? Hell no! That's why my instance is small, and mostly federates with other small instances. This doesn't solve the problem, but it does slow things down.

I hope that we can find a way to look past despair for what was, and towards what might be.

Hey! I'm seeing lots of doomsaying about Mastodon today, and lots of people lamenting their new found popularity and ...

I've been thinking about this a lot.

I've been thinking about what we're losing, of course, and I understand that people are lamenting that.

I'm also thinking about what we're gaining, and the opportunity we have.

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Kabit (/^ₓ^\) θΔ ~ 🔜ish ANE

@ajroach42 i honestly find mastodon hard to keep up with when it's not so busy. I'm finding the new influx great, as an early mastodon user

i understand not everyone feels that way, but i hop it continues and gets a bit gentler as we go


@ajroach42 good luck with it. I have jumped ship from *youknowwhere* and if i ever cross any lines inadvertently I hope I'm called out!

I've found the communities helpful and accepting so far 😃

Heike Naumann

@ajroach42 Hi, I'm a newbie coming from the bird site. I absolutely adore the atmosphere here, and I want to do my best to maintain it.

At first I was surprised by the use of CW, for example, but now I love them for their calming effect. I can open a message after having mentally prepared for it! What a relief 😍 So I already learned how to apply CW.

Thanks and happy neighborhood in the #Fediverse 🍀🌺

Andrew (R.S Admin)

@doot Is the account real? Just wanna make sure we don't have a Sofia imitator on the loose.

Andrew (R.S Admin)

Holy shit. FB just laid off 11,0000 people?

After twitter cut it's workforce in half.

While most tech stocks are circling the drain.

This is going to hurt.

Jeff Lindborg

@ajroach42 Zillow, Peleton and SalesForce also announcing significant layoffs. Not a great trend...

Andrew (R.S Admin)

I started writing an election recap last night.

Well, "election recap".

I left out the bits about who won and who lost, which I'll add tonight or tomorrow, but which are incidental to the story.

The story: the people in power can't be trusted to act in our best interests. We can't hang everything on an election, and we have work to do to build the systems that will enable us to thrive.

Dual power and all that.


@ajroach42 More third places and fifth estates, please. (Which yes, you've been assiduously building. Good job!)

Alan Tupper, Alleged Artist

@ajroach42 Now I need to find a version of the Enterprise opening that has the Smashmouth song over it.

Andrew (R.S Admin)

Eating for the first time today. Put it off for too long because executive dysfunction.

☆Jack the Squatcher☆ aka Josh

@ajroach42 just burned my tongue really bad on a totinos i overcooked, today is a day for minor food failures it seems

Andrew (R.S Admin)

I still maintain a non-gemini blog at, and I'm still working out the exact relationship between the two, but for now they coexist.

I'll be more active on the capsule than on my blog for a little while, because it's new and I'm trying to figure out how I want to use it, and that means I need to *use* it, but the big bits will probably make it back to the regular web at some point (and, if not, there's the web proxy.)

Andrew (R.S Admin)

Did you know that @Username_Here_ASAP and I write and produce a podcast (and a TV show) about the world's worst bigfoot hunter, his attempts to find and kill bigfoot, and the things he finds and kills instead?

It's free, at, but the first episode is also available as a sub 1.4 MB #floppycast that will fit on a #floppydisc

you can read more about the creation of this floppycast on my blog

Andrew (R.S Admin)

If this kind of thing interests you, you can also hear what it sounds like to take music and crush it down to Floppy Disc sizes:

Andrew (R.S Admin)

Hey new followers! Welcome to the fediverse. Tell me something that excites you, that makes you feel alive. Tell me about your goals, the things you want to create.

That's what, for the most part, I'll be telling you about.

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@ajroach42 the ocean! I want to explore the ocean, and since I can’t afford a science vessel I ended up making my own ocean exloration simulator 😀

Michael Coorlim

@ajroach42 researching, playing, and making videos about old and obscure video games.


@ajroach42 very excited to mulch mulch mulch all winter and potato potato potato in the spring

Andrew (R.S Admin)

Woke up sniffly. Coughed up a lump of flem the size of a small mammal or a medium sized insect. Went back to bed for three more hours.

I'm not running a fever, my cough has subsided, and I don't have covid, so back to face the day.


@ajroach42 that's been my status quo for the past couple of weeks... hope you beat it sooner than me.

🏳️‍⚧ Frankitopia 🏳️‍⚧

@ajroach42 my partner's been sick (bad but no fever) since last week with a virus going around the universities, what's she's heard is that it lasts a little longer than a week and will kick your butt in the mean time. Hope you feel better soon.

Andrew (R.S Admin)

I've been talking about gemini a bunch today, but I haven't really explained, and there are a bunch of new people here who've never seen this stuff before, so let me explain.

#gemspace #geminispace #projectgemini #gemini

Andrew (R.S Admin)

Throwing out a hearty #fediblock for for all the usual reasons.


@ajroach42 Wild West stuff there. Thanks for giving me that bit to know to block em.

Andrew (R.S Admin)

I'm still fiddling with my post template, and getting the server set up the way that I want, and migrating old blog posts in, and moving over all the other posts I've done on gemini in the past, but yeah.

Subscribe, if you do that kind of thing.

Longplay Games 🎮

@ajroach42 That's a great post :)
I was a heavy usenet user during that era, and I don't remember any eternal september, I just remember when the RIAA or MPAA would complain and suddenly my local ISP would drop access to Usenet.

That was part of what inspired me to work at a community BBS in the mid 90s :D

Andrew (R.S Admin)

I'm trying to overhaul my gemini server and running in to some frustrating and silly problems that largely stem from the amount of crap I'm trying to stuff in to a single server.

It's nothing major, I can see the edges of the issue, I'm just not familiar enough with this server software to know exactly where to put the bits to make it do the things.

If I can focus on it tonight, I'll resolve it quickly. I'm tired and this is annoying so maybe I won't do it tonight.

We'll see.

Andrew (R.S Admin)

Along the way, though, I've been thinking a lot about Gemini, and I've started writing what will become a gemlog post about gemini and about where and how it does/can fit in to my life, and where and how it might fit in to other people's lives.

I'm not a big fan of the whole "use the thing to talk about the thing" meta discourse, but I gotta get those thoughts out in order to get back to the rest of it.

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