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Andrew (R.S Admin)

Hey! I'm seeing lots of doomsaying about Mastodon today, and lots of people lamenting their new found popularity and ...

I've been thinking about this a lot.

I've been thinking about what we're losing, of course, and I understand that people are lamenting that.

I'm also thinking about what we're gaining, and the opportunity we have.

Our small communities don't have to go anywhere. We still exist, out here in this federated space. I'll have to be a little faster on the block button for the next few weeks, but my friends are still here.

And, in the process, we are robbing Corporate "Social Media" of power, which is unquestionably good.

Are we equipped for the moderation nightmare to come? Hell no! That's why my instance is small, and mostly federates with other small instances. This doesn't solve the problem, but it does slow things down.

I hope that we can find a way to look past despair for what was, and towards what might be.

8 comments | Expand all CWs
Mike G

@ajroach42 something to encourage more use of CWs would really help now

Andrew (R.S Admin)

@mg Do you think it would? I'm not sure.

Content Warning usage comes with culture and will normalize with time, I think.

Kingu Platypus :verified_paw:​

@ajroach42 One thing I see over on Twitter are comment in the vein of "If Mastodon want to be the replacement for Twitter, it will needs to bla bla bla"

I think "Mastodon" don't want anything. As a user, myself, it is definitely NOT something I wants. My little Fediverse space was totally fine before the Musk start all this..

But as you said, our friends are still there....

Kabit (/^ₓ^\) θΔ ~ 🔜ish ANE

@ajroach42 i honestly find mastodon hard to keep up with when it's not so busy. I'm finding the new influx great, as an early mastodon user

i understand not everyone feels that way, but i hop it continues and gets a bit gentler as we go


@ajroach42 good luck with it. I have jumped ship from *youknowwhere* and if i ever cross any lines inadvertently I hope I'm called out!

I've found the communities helpful and accepting so far 😃

Andrew (R.S Admin)

@PronobAntiballs I'm glad to hear it.

What are you looking to get out of the fediverse? What are you looking to put in to it?


@ajroach42 hopefully I'll add something by interacting, following, and sharing. I'm also hoping I can meet people of varying backgrounds to chat to!

Heike Naumann

@ajroach42 Hi, I'm a newbie coming from the bird site. I absolutely adore the atmosphere here, and I want to do my best to maintain it.

At first I was surprised by the use of CW, for example, but now I love them for their calming effect. I can open a message after having mentally prepared for it! What a relief 😍 So I already learned how to apply CW.

Thanks and happy neighborhood in the #Fediverse 🍀🌺

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