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Andrew (bookseller era)

I'm still fiddling with my post template, and getting the server set up the way that I want, and migrating old blog posts in, and moving over all the other posts I've done on gemini in the past, but yeah.

Subscribe, if you do that kind of thing.

Andrew (bookseller era)

What Everyone Seems To Get Wrong About Mastodon


What Mastodon't

I'm sure you've seen, in the last day or four, the exodus of users from Twitter. Many of these users find themsleves reaching for the open source, federated "twitter alternative" Mastodon, or one of the several other Activity Pub compatible software packages. For me, and many other longtime denizens of the Fediverse, this has been a kind of mixed blessing. I've seen an influx of new followers, up 1,000 people or so in the last week.

That's Significant, I have a wider reach now than I did before.

It's also stressful, I have a wider reach now than I did before.

Of course, with this influx of new users comes a redux of the same hand wringing that we see every time there are new users, plus a New bit of hand wringing with whispers that sound a lot like "Eternal September" Most of this hand wringing is bullshit, or at least misunderstood or misrepresented. The whispers of "Eternal September" are especially frustrating. I don't want to spill a lot of bits to re-hash the same arguments that have been made over and over again, but I do want to address a couple, and talk about what Mastodon is and isn't.

What Everyone Seems To Get Wrong About Mastodon


What Mastodon't

I'm sure you've seen, in the last day or four, the exodus of users from Twitter. Many of these users find themsleves reaching for the open source, federated "twitter alternative" Mastodon, or one of the several other Activity Pub compatible software packages. For me, and many other longtime denizens of the Fediverse, this has been a kind of mixed blessing. I've seen an influx of new followers, up 1,000 people or so in the last week.

Longplay Games 🎮

@ajroach42 That's a great post :)
I was a heavy usenet user during that era, and I don't remember any eternal september, I just remember when the RIAA or MPAA would complain and suddenly my local ISP would drop access to Usenet.

That was part of what inspired me to work at a community BBS in the mid 90s :D

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