@ajroach42 researching, playing, and making videos about old and obscure video games.
@ajroach42 researching, playing, and making videos about old and obscure video games. 7 comments
@ajroach42 yeah, I've got a youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoDQj54Gd-w8RTdukMrQScQ Covers games that never saw a US release, mods, romhacks, and video game history. Used to have a podcast devoted to the topic, but I wasn't able to devote all the time needed to clean up everybody's audio every week. @ajroach42 I mean professionally I write novels and make games, but the video game history stuff I do for free. To me that makes it a more pure passion. If I was able to find a full time job that eliminated profit motive from the stuff I make, it'd get a lot weirder, and a lot more passionate. @mcoorlim I love that. Let me take a look at your videos. We run a small anticapitalist streaming service for our town, and I'm always looking for new folks who may want to participate ( @NewEllijayTV ) @mcoorlim Hell yeah! Maybe we can work together. @DoctorDeathray and @Username_Here_ASAP and @djsundog and @Ricardus and @connor_dylan and @TaxDan have all been involved in various capacities. |
@mcoorlim Sounds awesome. Do you publish them anywhere?