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Andrew (R.S Admin)

It's Friday! Welcome new folks, we must supplant the algorithm. Time to suggest some people.

#ff #followfriday

@djsundog is some kind of wizard.

@DoctorDeathray is a rockstar.

@TaxDan does queer advocacy, doesn't do much tax work, and plays drums.

@inkguy Ink is new here, and posts some excellent artwork, I've really enjoyed adding this follow to my timeline.

@MoviesSilently Fritzi posts about silent movies, vintage recipes, jello, etc. Her silent movie blog is an absolute Wealth of wonderful reviews and amusing anecdotes. Well researched and fun. ( )

@ernie Ernie runs one of the best blogs on the net ( and just really Cares about telling compelling stories and saving forgotten history. What a guy.

@zoomar is a toy historian and part of the team at Archie McPhee. I've followed his work for a long time, but we've recently been interacting more often, and it has been really wonderful to discover how friendly and passionate he is.

Oh, and a rare corporate follow recommendation:

@blaft - Blaft is a publishing company working out of India. I know them mostly for their work collecting Tamil pulp fiction, and translating and releasing it in English. Really really excellent stuff.

David Wahl

@ajroach42 Thanks, Andrew! It has been a pleasure getting to know you as well. The more I learn about your work, the more inspired I am.

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