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Poise Under Chaos

@ajroach42 If you're actively looking work on the corporate side of things, more about that on the Work page would help. Or alternately, build out the last sentence in the first paragraph on the "About Me" page. Even if it's just a single line or (ugh, I know) forward to a LinkedIn profile or equivalent.

To my reading, either would help in terms of establishing scope past "I've done large-scale things and know what I'm doing." That part is clear, the "ok, but in what forest" part, less so.

Andrew (R.S Admin)

@poiseunderchaos I *really* don't want to do tech industry work again.

But a link to a resume or a linkedin profile ain't a bad idea.

Poise Under Chaos

@ajroach42 Finding the right balance is a challenge, I find! I mean, I can do all sorts of things, especially on the tech writing slash information architecture slash front end coding and UI/UX end of things, but how to say that without sounding like a breathing servomechanism...well.

Andrew (R.S Admin)

@poiseunderchaos I tossed a linkedin link around "I've managed teams of dozens to maintain infrastructure serving tens of millions for companies valued at tens of billions."

Poise Under Chaos

@ajroach42 Perfect. I'm not on there much these days, but it's clear well enough from the other side of the walled garden. *nods*

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