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Andrew (R.S Admin)

Have we talked about Lapsang Souchong recently?

It's tea! It has a Chinese name, but is most popular in the UK (go figure, imperialism.)

It's a black tea that is smoked over pine needles.

If you add some milk (steamed perhaps) and a bit of sugar or honey or agave syrup or other sweetener of your choice, you get something best described as a campfire latte.

Just slightly sweet, creamy, and smokey.

Over ice, with a splash of milk and less sugar, you get just absolutely my favorite iced beverage.

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Digital Mark λ 📚 🕹 💾 🥃

@ajroach42 Not iced, I only do tea hot black and sweet, but it was my favorite, along with Russian Caravan which is LS plus other black teas. But these days I pretty much just use Yorkshire Tea, which is "generic strong black tea packed in Yorkshire". All 3 have that nice "fill the area with tea smell" effect.

Kristoffer 🍄

@ajroach42 My favorite tea! Although I prefer to drink it as is, without milk or sweetener. It’s totally unique as well, I would personally class Lapsang Souchong as its own kind of tea most closely similar to Pu’er tea. ❤️

Michael Coorlim

@ajroach42 my girlfriend calls it "campfire tea," which is evocative enough.

Brett Sheffield (he/him)

@ajroach42 I've loved Lapsang Souchong ever since I was a teenager. I had a tea collection, would you believe? Yes, I was that nerdy.

Went to a tea shop in Canberra during the bushfires in 2020, and bought some tea we'd tasted there. When we got it home it turned out the nice smoky flavour was just the bushfires, and nothing to do with the tea...


@ajroach42 Welp, now I'm gonna have to try this...😋

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