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Andrew (R.S Admin)

This was shot during the trial of the Chicago 7 (before Bobby Seale was ruled a mistrial and allowed to be tried separately, when they were still the Chicago 8)

It's one of the last times Fred appeared on camera in his lifetime.

He speaks a powerful message.

Andrew (R.S Admin)

Less than two months later, the Chicago PD murdered him in his bed.

In this interview, he speaks frankly about the work that the panthers were doing, the ways the police were challenging them, and what it takes to build a movement that can survive suppression and coinprotel (he does not use the word coinprotel. He didn't know about coinprotel. He was murdered before we were given evidence of coinprotel.)

It's hard to watch, knowing what was coming for him, but it's also vital.

Andrew (R.S Admin)

Fred is talking about the struggles of black liberation, but Fred's message is relevant to more than just that struggle.

Our victories must be intersectional.

Tara 🕷️ :butterfly_trans:🌹

@ajroach42 "our victories must be intersectional" - i want to make a button/sticker with this. crucial for us all to remember. none of us are free until we all are free

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