Od dawna w Polsce pokutuje myślenie sprowadzające „kompetencje cyfrowe” niemal wyłącznie do umiejętności technicznych – zdolności obsługi urządzeń czy aplikacji potrzebnych w codziennym życiu, pracy, edukacji. Projekt Strategii Cyfryzacji Państwa zdaje się unikać tej pułapki: „Obywatele muszą nie tylko umieć korzystać z technologii cyfrowych, ale także robić to w zdrowy sposób, znać zasady higieny cyfrowej czy umieć rozpoznać dezinformację.” Folks, I am stunned. An almost 200-page official draft of a 10-year National Digitization Strategy (yeah, the title leaves a bit to be desired), published recently by the Polish Ministry of Digital Affairs, does not mention "hackers" or "hacking" once. Not once! :blobcat: It goes deep into cyber threats, cybersecurity, etc. It mentions "hacktivists" one single time, but in a way that doesn't even make me cringe. But finds no need to besmirch the hacker community. :blobcatcoffee: Now go on and tell me how it's hard to write a three-page piece about cybersecurity without dropping h-words all over the place. I dare you. And I will show you a *book-sized* a policy document that not only doesn't do that, but makes it seem easy. :blobcathappy: @rysiek "Unless you're in EU they're using your data to train AIs" is such a mood. Especially if one knows the history of absolutely histerical lobbying against GDPR and other relevant EU regulations. :blobcatcoffee: Remember this next time a Big Tech company complains about EU regulations. Like when Microsoft tried to blame the EU for the CrowdStrike thing. Not all regulations are good, not all work, most have unintended consequences. But regulation remains an important tool we need in our toolset. @rysiek Also regulations can be regulated. @rysiek Q: You're just some rando on the Internet, what can you possibly know? 🤔 A: I used to work for the .IS ccTLD registry. I currently work for Quad9 DNS resolver. I happen to know a thing or two about DNS. Q: Okay, but you don't have personal stake in this, do you? So of course you're not worried! 🤷♀️ A: My home domain – where my blog is, where my personal infra is, and where my hobby projects are hosted – is rys.io. Yes, a .io domain. I have a very personal stake in this. @rysiek you pretty much said it. If France can still have what is effectively just another ccTLD for .aq, certainly the UK will not have a problem keeping .io alive for their claim. That's not even mentioning .gb exists and hasn't been used for decades, with the UK only last year giving their intention to retire it In principle I could even see myself supporting Mozilla's advertising thing. It would not be a bad idea, in general, to have a privacy-preserving, ethical advertising network. It would serve as an alternative for vendors, and as an example to regulators that this is possible – and that banning targeted advertising can be done without hurting organizations that rely on ads to stay afloat. Problem is, I don't trust Mozilla to hold up their side of this. I used to, but not anymore. As I am seeing some Medium links in my timeline today, and Medium is pretty annoying (pop-overs and all). So reminder that you can just replace: > medium.com …with: > scribe.rip In any Medium link and get a wonderful simple unobtrusive reading experience instead.
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@rysiek I blocked Javascript from medium.com years ago because it was so annoying. Will try scribe.rip, thanks for the tip. 12ft.io also works with medium and a lot of other paywalls: https://12ft.io/https://medium.com/
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@rysiek @patterfloof Next, custom UEFI for machines to disable the parts needed to run recall, as IIRC your pc needs to be "copilot+" rated. I can see mods to break that rating being produced... Krzysztof Izdebski, prawnik z Fundacji im. Stefana Batorego: > możemy mieć w tym przypadku do czynienia z tzw. SLAPPem > W interesie publicznym jest, aby dziennikarze i organizacje społeczne bacznie przyglądały się tej sprawie i weryfikowały czy faktycznie mamy do czynienia ze SLAPPem i z próbą tłumienia wolności wypowiedzi i prawa do prawdy Podczas środowej rozprawy, Newag zawnioskował o utajnienie całego procesu. Sąd wniosek odrzucił.
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@rysiek okay this is the one I was stalking through your feed for. Gonna need to talk to some friends about switching off Telegram. @rysiek When the Russian State media makes a press release saying how secure Telegram is, I'm guessing it's probably not. Just sayin. Awarie się zdarzają (mimo, że oczywiście nie powinny). W tym konkretnym wypadku środki są prawie na pewno bezpieczne, dotknięte nią są tylko konta firmowe, a problem zostanie rozwiązany w ciągu paru godzin. Więc bez paniki. Ale podobna awaria w przypadku e-wyborów byłaby katastrofą, podważyłaby zaufanie do ich wyniku. Wybory to nie e-banking. Przypominam mój tekst z czerwca: @rysiek Czy będą tymczasowe wyniki wyborów? @rysiek "Nie ma jak umożliwić nawet nam samym sprawdzenia, czy nasz głos został indywidualnie poprawnie zarejestrowany i policzony, bez porzucenia zasady tajności głosowania." Szczerze mówiąc, to jest do zrobienia, ale już samo tłumaczenie tego osobie znającej kryptografię jest dość skomplikowane, a próba wytłumaczenia opinii publicznej, że to bezpieczne + dlaczego i jak to działa jest IMO skazana na niepowodzenie. Ale prawdą jest to co piszesz dalej (przykład z przemocowym partnerem). While #Adobe is doing an absolute stupid with their new licensing terms, and (now Canva-owned) #Affinity slashes prices by half in a "flash sale", I am once again asking people to consider supporting #FLOSS tools instead. Yes, they are far from perfect. But with a small fraction of what these closed source vendors are raking in, these tools could be made immeasurably better. And they won't end up bought up and enshittified, as experience with past attempts at doing that to FLOSS tools shows.
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@rysiek While I agree with the sentiment, I’ve tried again and again for over twenty-five years to use FLOSS photography apps they’re generally outright unusable for me No doubt they work for other people but Gimp, Darktable, and every tool for photography I’ve tried is just UI hell for me, even when they have the actual functionality (which is rare). Even the ones that are somewhat learnable (they’re never actually usable) tend to break on HiDPI screens Krita and Penpot are great, though. @rysiek does this mean the social.network.europa.eu instance is being shut down? @EU_Commission @rysiek I think we should start a petition. I tried but I can't get through the preliminary questions. Looks like I need to find 1 million people first or something? Its confusing, @EU_Commission @rysiek Surely there has to be some internal body that runs PR for the EU that can take over running the servers day to day and the same contractors that did operations for the pilot can carry on as normal. My impression was that it was basically treated as a one way operation anyway and the rest of us were just a comments section so the EUI could just set it and forget it Happy *seventh* anniversary of "Six reasons Mastodon won't survive" to all who celebrate:
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@rysiek@mstdn.social this article gives me the same vibes as that one cuphead review FuckFuckNo. 🤦♀️ I just want a search engine that works. I have zero need for a godawful "AI" hallucinating mansplainer in my results. Just… no. Time to move off of DDG. What else is out there? Edit: yes, it seems to be for real: The Fediverse is Already Dead Despite the grim title, it's a wonderful, thoughtful, hopeful piece by @noracodes on what fedi was and what it has become. And what the future can hold. Highly recommended. Especially for those of us who are, like me, struggling with what "The Fediverse" is supposed to mean these days.
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Thanks for this. It's a good rendering of the situation. I think the truth is that some people don't want to communicate. They just want to pontificate. And if you don't fall in line with their expectations, you're to be demonized. Also, there's the self-appointed police who report rather than block. The last point is reading comprehension. A lot of people can read, but they lack the requisite comprehension skills to understand what they are reading. @rysiek@mstdn.social @noracodes@weirder.earth Threads is using ActivityPub, and ActivityPub spec includes the concept of "actors": Does that make threads[.]net accounts… Thread actors? :blobcatpeek: 2003 Yuri Shchekochikhin
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Is this why: double down on their lies and disinformation campaigns? |