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Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

Folks, I am stunned.

An almost 200-page official draft of a 10-year National Digitization Strategy (yeah, the title leaves a bit to be desired), published recently by the Polish Ministry of Digital Affairs, does not mention "hackers" or "hacking" once.

Not once! :blobcat:

It goes deep into cyber threats, cybersecurity, etc. It mentions "hacktivists" one single time, but in a way that doesn't even make me cringe.

But finds no need to besmirch the hacker community. :blobcatcoffee:


Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@catsalad thank you!

I will, shamelessly, take *a bit* of credit for that, for I have been banging that drum in Polish media and policy and NGO context for over a decade.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

Now go on and tell me how it's hard to write a three-page piece about cybersecurity without dropping h-words all over the place.

I dare you.

And I will show you a *book-sized* a policy document that not only doesn't do that, but makes it seem easy. :blobcathappy:

Michael Lucas :flan_set_fire:


I'd say not using the word "hacker" in such a document is absolutely necessary.

Sadly, it is insufficiently precise. The meaning varies depending on if the reader is a hacker or not...

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@mwl sure, but that lack of precision is a great reason *not to* use this word in such context.

Rachael Ava 💁🏻‍♀️

@rysiek Ever since I learned about the true hacker culture, I've made an effort to refer to what people normally call hackers "malicious actors" or "bad actors", and refraining from calling what people normally call "hacked" with things like "gaining unauthorized access". It makes it much clearer what I'm talking about, and I don't throw my hacker nerds under the bus.

#Hacker #HackerCulture #Cybersecurity

Patryk :proletariat_verified:

@rysiek and yet, newag can't say 2 sentences without "hacker" (as in black hat hacker)

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@pgronkievitz I will note, however, that Newag is – thankfully! – not part of the Polish Ministry of Digital Affairs.

Patryk :proletariat_verified:

@rysiek yeah, but it seems they've got some influence on politicians


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