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324 posts total
Chris Trottier

Bluesky's terms of use state: "We may terminate or suspend, in whole or in part, your access to and use of the Services, including suspending access to or terminating your ACCOUNT".

This is a very odd policy for a company that trumpets nomadic identity as its killer feature.

I mean, that's the whole reason why Bluesky built a whole new protocol instead of using ActivityPub, right?

If Bluesky can suspend your account without notice, what's the point?


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@atomicpoet Want yer account to never be terminated? Run yer own instance! People could still block you or your instance, but you're account will still be intact.
František Fuka (Fuxoft)

@atomicpoet @fediversenews How does this technically work with "decentralized" network...???

Chris Trottier

It's beautiful 😍

The directory of just got an update!

What is that?

An opt-in search engine for topics and people. If you're looking for fresh new way to discover the Fediverse, this is the place.

Made by @dansup, an API is being developed so that different Fediverse server software such as Pixelfed, Mastodon, and Calckey can utilize it for social discovery and recommendations.

Check it out here:


Chris Trottier

Meta’s ActivityPub-enabled Twitter competitor is moving ahead.

The project is called “Barcelona”.

It will be its own independent app, and it’s being pitched as “Instagram for your thoughts”.

How do you feel about Meta joining the Fediverse?

Here’s a screenshot of Barcelona.


Chris Trottier

For nearly 20 years, Meta has proven time and time again that they care nothing for the open web.

And should they use the open web, it’s for sucking up as much personal data as they can.

So I’m not excited about Meta joining the Fediverse, and I’m skeptical.

Chris Trottier

Just realized that I'm working on a lot of Fediverse projects:

1. #GreatApe, a federated audio/video P2P streaming server

2. #SpaceHost, a fully-managed Fediverse hosting service

3. An "unnamed" federated crowdfunding platform

4. An "unnamed" onboarding platform for the Fediverse

5. A local Fediverse server,, #Vancouver's home on the Fediverse

6. A general #Calckey server,

7. An art #Calckey server,

8. Testing of various clients and platforms...

Chris Trottier

By the way, I'm also running, a Pleroma server. Also,, a Pixelfed server.

And I'm testing out lots of emerging Federated platforms to better understand them.

And I'm writing about my experiences here on

Chris Trottier

Calckey is not "another Fediverse".

It is part of the same Fediverse as Mastodon.

Spread Mastodon

@atomicpoet The strength of the Fediverse is exactly this. Every #Fediverse platform helps bring value to every other one.

Network effects help every one.


Chris Trottier

The most important metric for decentralized social media isn’t, “How many people use it?”

What’s far more important is, “How many nodes connect through its protocol?”

24,587 nodes currently connect through ActivityPub.

In contrast, Bluesky is the only node that currently uses AT protocol—it is not decentralized yet.

Chris Trottier

I’m not against Bluesky.

But I don’t like Bluesky’s approach to focusing on mobile apps instead of building out actual decentralization.

It is actually scary that so many people are trumpeting this as The Next Big Thing™ when Bluesky operates on one node and is currently the sole key generator for identities.

Johannes Ernst

We should talk about good metrics for the #fediverse. Number of … users? Connections/follows? Servers? Posts? Comments? Comments per post? Different apps? Different use cases! And I’m sure there are many interesting others.


Chris Trottier

I disagree with those who say “Let’s focus on spreading awareness for Mastodon—not the Fediverse” for three reasons:

1. Some people hate Mastodon. If they don’t like Mastodon, they should know about options to their liking.

2. Some people are looking for alternatives to Facebook, YouTube, Instagram—and Mastodon is not the answer for them.

3. What about developers looking to build novel and new social media? They should know what ActivityPub does.

Chris Trottier

There’s very, very good reasons to not push people to Mastodon. What’s more important is asking, “How do you intend on using social media?”

Are you an artist who wants to curate your work? I’m not convinced that Mastodon is right for you.

Same with with anyone requiring rich text formatting. Mastodon is probably not for you, and that’s okay.

You have other options on the Fediverse.

Chris Trottier

Stephen King still has his Blue Check—which he refuses to pay for—and he’s PISSED!

He really doesn’t want that kind of social status.

Ben Ramsey

@atomicpoet I’m surprised he hasn’t switched to the Fediverse, honestly. It seems more his style.


@atomicpoet Elon is exerting control over the accounts of those that do not like him. I call it the Cyan Letter.

Toe Knee

@atomicpoet for crying out loud.

Can someone please tell everyone that's irritated about blue checks and whatnot to start posting links to Mastodon, Substack, and every article that journalists have been banned from Twitter over?

Chris Trottier

Finally, a mainstream blog explains the actual importance of ActivityPub!

@pierce from the Verge explains that ActivityPub is not just about Mastodon but a method to connect the larger social web.

Many people ask me, “Can ActivityPub really do more than microblogging?”

Absolutely, yes! This is the tech that can kill walled gardens.

The Verge also talks about potential risks too—which is fair. Good article 👍


Finally, a mainstream blog explains the actual importance of ActivityPub!

@pierce from the Verge explains that ActivityPub is not just about Mastodon but a method to connect the larger social web.

Many people ask me, “Can ActivityPub really do more than microblogging?”

Absolutely, yes! This is the tech that can kill walled gardens.

Paul Schoe

@atomicpoet @pierce @fediversenews
Indeed a very good Fediverse article from David Pierce in The Verge. 1 quote

'But if our current social system was decentralized, you’d be able to post a picture on Instagram and I could see it + comment on it in the Twitter app. Your friends could read your tweets in their TikTok app. ... Different apps would have different strengths and weaknesses, ..., but you’d have the same set of followers and follow the same accounts no matter which platform you use.'

Chris Trottier

Wow 😲

Just discovered a decentralized and federated social network that works through the Gemini protocol.

It's called @sequel, and you can access it here:


Right now, it operates on 2 nodes with 95 users.

To say I'm shocked is an understatement.

If you're unaware of the Gemini protocol, it's something that resembles HTTP and Gopher. Here's info:

If you want to read about @sequel on the regular web, here it is:

Wow 😲

Just discovered a decentralized and federated social network that works through the Gemini protocol.

It's called @sequel, and you can access it here:


Right now, it operates on 2 nodes with 95 users.

To say I'm shocked is an understatement.

If you're unaware of the Gemini protocol, it's something that resembles HTTP and Gopher. Here's info:

Chris Trottier

So @sequel is not the only social network I've seen that runs through Gemini.

Station is another one:


However, Station is centralized.

What I find interesting about @sequel is that it plausibly works more like Mastodon -- you could plausibly run your own server.

Chris Trottier

Twitter to the National Weather Service: “Screw health and safety—you’re not getting API access!”

Also, can we please get these important public services onto the Fediverse please?



Such an anti-Midas touch Elon has.

Dismantling everything that made Twitter "indispensable".



maybe some kind of plug-in for their already existing internet infrastructure is the way to go. I wonder what the backend at all these media companies and govts looks like.

Patty A. Gray


Credit: New York Times Magazine article by Willy Staley, April 18, 2023, photo by Jamie Chung, design by Pablo Delcan.

Chris Trottier

Here's a stat that is causing me to completely re-think the Fediverse.

Calckey has the highest proportion of active users relative to sign-ups.

Of its 5,123 total users, 2,191 are active.

That's an astonishing 42.8% active rate!

This is, in fact, the highest active participation rate on the Fediverse.


@atomicpoet I have an alt on Calckey and I really like it! The platform is still a bit too rough around the edges for it to become my main fedi account, but that could definitely happen as Calckey improves.

Matthew :mastodon:(he/him)

@atomicpoet Silly question but what's the difference between Mastodon and Calckey? Calckey looks prettier from what I can see

Chris Trottier

So many people are saying Bluesky is “easy” and Mastodon is “hard”.

Except Mastodon has 16,000 nodes—22,000 if you count the entirety of ActivityPub.

Bluesky has 1 node.

Everything is “easy” if you only have to care about 1 node.

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Andres Jalinton

I can be wrong, but I feel that :mastodon: and in general the :fediverse: is better because it has a learning curve to it. People have to make a conscious effort to get in and even after that, to stay... Many third party clients, many interactions with others have to happen before any resemblance of a timeline occurs.
The people that stays are the resilient ones and I love them.


@atomicpoet Damn people get scared for just a link goddamn

Ellia Ivy McLeod

@atomicpoet I just wish I could get on it to find out myself. Signed up as soon as it was possible and heard nothing.

Chris Trottier


Reason: misinformation, Russian propaganda, Fascism. I highly suspect it’s run by state-sponsored actors.


@atomicpoet Any examples? What exactly makes you think it is run by state-sponsored actors?

Having some news bots in Russian (even RT) hardly qualifies for such recommendations.

Chris Trottier

Star Wars would be so much more interesting if it focused on the weapons merchants who are selling to both the Empire and the Rebel Alliance.

After all, they have the biggest interest in keeping the wars happening perpetually.

They’re playing both sides of the fence, and are profiting handsomely.

Chris Trottier

One day, some asshole is going to synthesize his wife’s voice, hook it up to an LLM, and turn it into a Tamagotchi that’s duct-taped to a Fleshlight.

I, for one, can’t wait to read the divorce court transcripts.


@atomicpoet better their wife's voice than somebody else's


@atomicpoet why am I both terrified and excited by this glimpse of the immediate future? I hate myself.

Erika Hammerschmidt


ironically, it was created as a backup wife in case of divorce.

(did not end up serving its purpose after wife sues for custody of it)

Chris Trottier

Why has nobody named their LLM as “Frankenstein’s Monster”?


@atomicpoet They see it as a god or an angel because they are the god.


@atomicpoet boring answer: because no-one who created one has the surname Frankenstein.

Chris Trottier

Bluesky actually is better than Nostr.

In that regard, I’m grateful.



and i went lookin' and posted a comment not long ago ... interesting.

Chris Trottier

I suspect that, for most neurotypicals, life is pretty much about worrying and navigating the subtext of interpersonal relationships.

Chris Trottier

It’s not that I’ve become more radical. It’s that Mastodon has become more mainstream.

That was entirely expected 🤷‍♂️

Chris Trottier

Let me tell you, last year on Mastodon, I was considered far less radical than some who dominated the Trending feed.

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