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324 posts total
Chris Trottier

Wow! I just discovered that @VOANews is Voice of America’s verified Mastodon account!

Maybe and should follow suit.

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Mehrad :kde: :emacs: :rstats:

@atomicpoet Sad to see that @VOANews is not spinning their own instance up and instead taking a free ride on

Stephen Foskett

@atomicpoet @VOANews @ai6yr this must be some kind of experimental or brand new thing. It’s not really mentioned on their website, but you’re right it is verified off of their official domain. Very excited to see media moving over here!

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edgeoforever 🍎

@atomicpoet I don’t buy it! Dogs are far more rational and kind than Space Karen! And I know we voted him out as CEO - my last action at the hellsite. Maybe that’s why he tries to blame it on the dog. People do that with farts usually, but Floki must also be a genius (his name means “pubes” in my native language)

Chris Trottier

If people are unwilling to talk to you away from Twitter, are they really your friends?

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𝖬𝖺𝗇𝗇𝖾𝗋 🫂

@atomicpoet If they are real friends and you have real ties, they can easily look for you in many other ways without limiting themselves to just one and without forcing you.


@atomicpoet I originally joined Twitter along w many other artists that were also friends. We had a lot of hopes of where It would take us. Most of us took our artists biz to FB & Insta. Much more profitable there, especially due to lots of friends & family. I only went back for journalists & podcasters.

elle mundy

@atomicpoet can’t imagine people who use twitter DMs as their primary form of text communication

Chris Trottier

I should buy online ads for that say, “Billionaires hate it!”

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@atomicpoet I really want to see if it's possible to write a script to drain truth social's ad budget (because they decided to pay for apple app store ads on "mastodon" and "fediverse" keywords) lol

Jon Reis...

@atomicpoet ***you wouldn’t believe how they value your privacy!

Dale Hagglund

@atomicpoet A crowdfunding opportunity? I'd chip in.

Chris Trottier

Substack is not a suitable alternative to Twitter.

If Elon Musk can buy Twitter, he can buy Substack.

However, Elon Musk cannot buy the Fediverse. No one company owns it. It is not for sale.

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Sarah T. Roberts, Ph.D.

@atomicpoet @chrisnoto Substack is a financial backer of Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Yglesias, Bari Weiss and whole bunch of other right wing assholes. I wish people would skip it.

suldrew 🚲🏳️‍🌈

@atomicpoet zero interest in any substack owned social thing. they can do whatever they like, I don't care

Chris Trottier

Be like NPR and quit Twitter!

1. Stop posting to Twitter
2. If you want to keep a connection with your Twitter followers, DM them to request their email addresses
3. Let everyone know where else to find you on social media

And remember, you really can do this!

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I logged into my Twitter today for the first time in a couple of months and the first thing I saw was a “notification” of a Joe Rogan tweet. I assure you I am not, nor have I ever been a follower of J.R.
What a waste of a platform. Just another site churning out hate and disinformation.


@atomicpoet @Anneke I try, I find it pretty hard. So many people on Twitter aren't using Mastodon actively.

Kiran J. Holla

@atomicpoet I am still on Twitter purely for the knowledge. A few educators that I have learnt immensely from seem to have refused to move away from Twitter.

Chris Trottier

Wildebeest, Cloudflare's Mastodon competitor, looks like a failure to me.

According to, Wildebeest has 6 accounts. That's not 6 MAUs, but 6 TOTAL accounts! is even more harsh with its counts. They can only find 1 Wildebeest account.

I've done a manual spot check on accounts. I've found no humans, only bots.

What about servers? I only count 44 nodes, and none of them have open registrations!

These graphs tells quite the story!

Wildebeest, Cloudflare's Mastodon competitor, looks like a failure to me.

According to, Wildebeest has 6 accounts. That's not 6 MAUs, but 6 TOTAL accounts! is even more harsh with its counts. They can only find 1 Wildebeest account.

I've done a manual spot check on accounts. I've found no humans, only bots.

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Sbectol :twt:

@atomicpoet is it possible they're somehow not being recognised and are counted as mastodon nodes?

Andrew Smith

@atomicpoet question is do Cloudflare care or was it just a tech demo for their Lambda replacement?

Eddie Coldrick 💻

@atomicpoet I did take a look at it, but it looked far too confusing to set up requiring all sorts of different parts of their service, and other services such as GitHub! All they need is a massive "Deploy on CloudFlare" button that asks you to link it to a domain, but no. It's confusing. It's long-winded. Plus, doesn't it defeat the point of decentralised if the idea is that you host it all on CloudFlare - one service?

Chris Trottier

Gizmodo just recommended "6 Musk-Free Twitter Alternatives".

Of course, Mastodon made the list.

They also mentioned that Mastodon is the social network that's gained the most traction.

Which is true. Mastodon is about to hit 11 million accounts this week.

The Fediverse itself is bigger. In fact Mastodon isn't even the fastest growing Fediverse service.

That honour goes to Misskey, which has doubled in size over the past month.


Gizmodo just recommended "6 Musk-Free Twitter Alternatives".

Of course, Mastodon made the list.

They also mentioned that Mastodon is the social network that's gained the most traction.

Which is true. Mastodon is about to hit 11 million accounts this week.

The Fediverse itself is bigger. In fact Mastodon isn't even the fastest growing Fediverse service.

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Bill Howard

@atomicpoet @fediversenews “ can’t be controlled by a single entity…”. Who foresaw the massive significance of this?


@atomicpoet @fediversenews i hate how theyre linking directly to instead of

also countersocial 💀

Chris Trottier

It's frustrating when people assume, based on my one profile pic, that I've never faced oppression nor harassment in my life.

I can talk a lot about the many times this has not been the case. But there's no good in trying to win the oppression olympics.

Instead, since certain people seem to regard my opinion on things (for reasons I don't entirely understand), it's more worthwhile to discuss how community safety can be improved.

Which it can be.


@atomicpoet “there's no good in trying to win the oppression olympics”

Boy are you on the wrong internet in the wrong decade

St Joan 🌈of Mastodon:🦘 Saint


Welcome to . There are already folks on here who feel a sense of ownership of words and no one can use them unless they are wearing the same shoes as the word's new owner.

from Twitter
from Twitter
from Twitter

And so on till it's tiring. Thank goodness for the button.

Chris Trottier

Someone should start an e-daddy service.

Not me, though. I’m too busy being an actual daddy. And the demands on me right now are simple: provide unicorn plushies and bake lasagna.

Being an e-daddy for someone else would be too much work.

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Chris Trottier

It’s actually funny when cis hetero men ask, “Why would anyone pay for an e-daddy?”

I mean, I don’t know what to tell them.

Gen X-Wing

@atomicpoet Have you considered father figure influencer?

Resting Facebitch

@atomicpoet For a minute there I thought you were talking about a niche online dating service.

Chris Trottier

Ex-CEO Parag Agrawal and other former Twitter executives are now suing Twitter.

They allege to have paid over $1 million out of pocket in legal fees incurred in shareholder lawsuits.

The irony: Parag Agrawal sued Elon Musk in order to force him to buy Twitter—and he succeeded!

That said, I don't think I've met a single ex-Twitter employee who actually likes what Twitter has become.

Epiphanic Synchronicity


> Parag Agrawal sued Elon Musk in order to force him to buy Twitter

If it weren’t for that, Twitter would have dodged the bullet. So when history records who was responsible for bringing Twitter to the gates of hell, Parag Agrawal will be number two on the list, right after Elon Musk.



I think it is relevant, and extremely important, that Twitter responds to every press inquiry by auto-replying with a poop emoji.

Twitter is a massive information regulating machine with immense global power. Its actions have life or death consequences for billions of people. Many falsely believe that it is a socially responsible corporation. It is not. It is an emotionally impaired 12-year-old boy who sends poop emojis.


@atomicpoet man, i don’t ever get any requests for comments ;)

Chris Trottier

It’s annoying that so many liberals are pro-TikTok just because Republicans want to ban it.

TikTok is not your friend. It will never be your friend. This enemy of your enemy is not your friend.

Just like the rest of Big Social, TikTok are surveillance capitalists who are out to monetize, not just your personal data, but your existence.

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@atomicpoet I dont use any of big socials or any other social media. Only on mastodon because I think its a much safer space.


@atomicpoet You do not have to be pro something to oppose government banning of it.

The list of things I really wish people wouldn't do, encourage them not to do, may disassociate myself from them if they do, and think both they as individuals, and society as a whole, would be better off if they didn't do, but which I do not think the government should fine, jail, or execute them for doing, is very long indeed.

(Tik Tok is a particularly egregious ban, because it's a case of "Chinese corporations and the Chinese government can't spy on Americans like that! Only American corporations and the US government can spy on Americans like that!")

@atomicpoet You do not have to be pro something to oppose government banning of it.

The list of things I really wish people wouldn't do, encourage them not to do, may disassociate myself from them if they do, and think both they as individuals, and society as a whole, would be better off if they didn't do, but which I do not think the government should fine, jail, or execute them for doing, is very long indeed.

Chris Trottier

Another “What is Mastodon?” guide.

The ultimate argument for the Fediverse comes down to one word: control.

I don’t want Big Social to control me. I don’t give them permission to control me. And I now have the technological wherewithal to use social media beyond their control.

What’s the tool that gives me this control? Decentralization.



@atomicpoet @fediversenews It's not a panacea. Business models centralize, decentralize, centralize, decentralize. The Fediverse as is (at this time) a lot of independent entities (instances) that talk to each other.

Somewhere along the line the evil ones will offer free or low-cost hosting for any independent instantance that is facing a cash crunch. The peak of a steep decline and one that is hard to reverse.

Ambigram Art

@atomicpoet @fediversenews

Welcome to Mastodon!

1. Make an account on every fediverse server and create a unique introduction post for each one.

2. Put a content warning on any post that is tangentially related to the Irish Potato Famine.

3. Always use the hashtag . Otherwise, we will assume you are hostile.

4. When browsing Mastodon, remove your socks. It is customary.

5. Tell five of your friends to join. Yes, it's a pyramid scheme.


@atomicpoet @fediversenews

Article does propagate once again the same erroneous "engage with a large audience" BS about big corporate controlled social which power-user pundits just can't adequately face.

Only selected celeb / power-users have Big Corp Social visible posts. They're fake social platforms, to broadcast at the plebs, not engage with them.

As an ordinary mortal you engage with a massively larger audience by using the instead, by using over and above

Chris Trottier

This is the future of Big Social.

People auto-generating comments in order to make it look like they give a damn about you, while the other guy on the other end does the same -- with both folks convinced they are somehow "influencers".

Oh no! Wouldn't want to actually talk to each other as human beings! That would be awful!

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Milagros Marrero

Don't they realize they are actually devaluing their products?


WordPress has had this 'feature' for years.
Just set up a new self-hosted install, leave the default settings in place, and watch your site fill up with automated comment spam. Most of it is variants of "hey, great blog!"

Hunter Perrin

@atomicpoet My AI loves me more than your AI loves you!

Wait, are you an AI?

Chris Trottier

I hope floppy disks make a comeback in the same way vinyl did.

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AJ 🏳️‍🌈

@atomicpoet Software had a lot more top-end detail and warmer mid-range on floppies, that's for sure!


@atomicpoet My first Linux install was I believe 19 1.44MB floppy images downloaded from a university FTP server over dialup, which took a couple of days. If I could find a 486DX2-66 to install it on, it might be fun to recreate that.

Apart from the 2 day download; I have no desire to recreate 9.6 kilobaud or 14.4 kilobaud or whatever speed I was running at the time.

Rafi C

@atomicpoet Agreed, most media today now is locked behind some SaaS forever subscription. We need a physical format, to trade media with, preferably capable of running small applications straight from the disk.

Chris Trottier

Microsoft Windows just got a new Mastodon client!

It's called @ellieapp.

While it's very early access, I love the incredibly minimal interface and the snappy responsiveness.

I'm also glad that a new native Windows app was just released because the main Windows app has been Whalebird, and it's much too Slack-like for my liking.

Features are lacking in Ellie right now, such as Federated feed and the ability to upload photos.

But I like what I see!


Microsoft Windows just got a new Mastodon client!

It's called @ellieapp.

While it's very early access, I love the incredibly minimal interface and the snappy responsiveness.

I'm also glad that a new native Windows app was just released because the main Windows app has been Whalebird, and it's much too Slack-like for my liking.

Chris Trottier


According to @mastodon_daily_active_users, this was the highest growing server today by percentage increase.

It is also full of CSAM, Russian propaganda, and spam.

Admins say they will ban anything illegal but this is clearly not the case.

Chris Trottier

What if Steven Seagal owned Twitter, and Elon Musk was an aikido master who directed and starred in the 1994 action film On Deadly Ground?

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