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324 posts total
Chris Trottier

BuzzFeed finally caught on that the rest of Twitter's biggest shareholders are rotten to the core, and that Prince Alwaleed bin Talal in particular is no guardian of progressive values.

Chris Trottier

I mentioned Prince Alwaleed two weeks ago, and many of Twitter's biggest cheerleaders took acception:

"Prince Alwaleed is a good guy! He's misunderstood! MBZ put him in prison! You're an Islamophobe for criticizing this billionaire!"

Chris Trottier

Just a reminder that Twitter perceives the Fediverse as a threat, and their project Blue Sky is actively spreading FUD about ActivityPub on their website.

Rysiekúr Memesson 🇺🇦

@atomicpoet they've been blabbing about BlueSky for 2.5 years with nothing to show for it. Plus, what they are ostensibly trying to do (decentralized protocol) is directly opposed to their business model (centralized walled garden).

BlueSky is a FUD project, entirely.

Chris Trottier

Shocking results from starting a new @pixelfed instance 🤯

So is 2 weeks old. Despite this, my new profile ( has achieved exposure similar to what I had on Instagram.

Key learnings 🧵

Chris Trottier

It started as a test. I wanted to see the efficacy of starting up a Fediverse instance that wasn't based on Mastodon. I chose @pixelfed because I liked @dansup's vision, and it filled a gap -- I don't have an Instagram account.

Chris Trottier

Reading about Elon Musk's hostile takeover of Twitter 🍿

To me, it's two authoritarians battling for control of the public square.

Meanwhile, I'm here on the Fediverse, chilling on a platform out of their reach 😏

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