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Chris Trottier

For nearly 20 years, Meta has proven time and time again that they care nothing for the open web.

And should they use the open web, it’s for sucking up as much personal data as they can.

So I’m not excited about Meta joining the Fediverse, and I’m skeptical.

Chris Trottier

That said, should Meta actually federate with Barcelona, it should be seen as a victory of sorts.

It means the biggest social media company in the world validated the notion of a Fediverse.

I’ll probably block Barcelona. You probably should too. Meta probably won’t be a good citizen.

Nevertheless, adoption of decentralized social media will soon be in full swing.

Chris Trottier

I suspect there’s a political component for why Meta is using ActivityPub for Barcelona.

Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t like Elon Musk, and I don’t think he likes Jack Dorsey either.

So that probably means that AT protocol is a no go for him.

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