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Chris Trottier

So @sequel is not the only social network I've seen that runs through Gemini.

Station is another one:


However, Station is centralized.

What I find interesting about @sequel is that it plausibly works more like Mastodon -- you could plausibly run your own server.

Chris Trottier

As others have noted, @sequel has a bit of an NFT component.

I don't like that, but it is optional.

I'm not telling you to join @sequel, but I want to draw your attention to how the Gemini protocol is being used to create a decentralized social network. Anyway you cut it, that is unique and novel.

And if you don't like @sequel, at least now you have an interesting proof of concept.

Peter Nimmo

@atomicpoet @sequel what is the NFT component? And why is it necessary?

Chris Trottier

@Peternimmo You can connect a crypto wallet to your @sequel account. It's not necessary.

Peter Nimmo

@atomicpoet @sequel thanks for the explanation. But can I therefore frame my question differently? Why have Sequel thought it necessary to offer their customers the option of paying in cryptocurrency?


@atomicpoet @sequel I am failing to see where Gemini fits in all their stuff, like ok, you can see their homepage and read-only view of the stuff happening, but that doesn't mean it's "using the Gemini protocol".

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