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Chris Trottier

So many people are saying Bluesky is “easy” and Mastodon is “hard”.

Except Mastodon has 16,000 nodes—22,000 if you count the entirety of ActivityPub.

Bluesky has 1 node.

Everything is “easy” if you only have to care about 1 node.

Ariadne Conill 🐰

@atomicpoet yes, but the ability for your identity to be your own personal domain name (without having to deploy mastodon) is something that the fediverse should learn from, quickly

Tim Chambers

@ariadne @atomicpoet

In theory - and in practice I think - a Wordpress blog with ActivtyPub activated would give you this, using the sites domain name.

Ariadne Conill 🐰

@tchambers @atomicpoet

cool, now make that wordpress work with the mastodon app. this is an example of suggesting a non-solution 🙃

Tim Chambers

@ariadne @atomicpoet

this makes every wordpress user on a site with that CMS functionally a mastodon-compatible user account:

So it integrates into Mastodon seemlessly.

Ariadne Conill 🐰

@tchambers @atomicpoet

ok cool, show me the wordpress plugin which allows me to use this application:

or this application:

again: you're suggesting a solution that majority does not want, because they want to use mastodon.

Joel Jacobsen

@atomicpoet How silly on "Mastadon is hard". It's not. people just don't like change.


@JoelforWI @atomicpoet
People all talk about how decentralized the internet olf the future, the web3, is goin to be, but then they get scared of choosing a Mastodon instance 🥶


People have become accustomed to being spoonfed their social media that requires zero technical ability. The number of twitter users that just plain refuse to make any effort is quite large and we need to understand that this is also a significant driver in what platform will be successful. It is about quantity vs quality.

Chris Alemany🇺🇦🇨🇦🇪🇸

@noondlyt @atomicpoet I think it would help a LOT if the “official” Mastodon app wasn’t one of the least good options, it really needs to improve in a big way.

Stop That

@chris @noondlyt @atomicpoet Hard agree. Most folks default to using an official app if they see one, and have no idea how much better the others are.

Chris Alemany🇺🇦🇨🇦🇪🇸

@stopthatgirl7 @noondlyt @atomicpoet Exactly. Same goes for the default web interface of a server. I wish there was a “Twitter-face” for it that could be turned on at setup to ease people into Mastodon. There is a lot to be said for familiarity to aid transition.


@chris There are so many apps available for mastodon because it is decentralized. People should look into the tech they are using. We are where we are because of sheep and mob mentality. I have accounts everywhere and use multiple interfaces when available. Too many just do not want to make an effort to curate their own account. That's the second most common complaint: I have to pick what and who I'm going to see????

Andres Jalinton

I can be wrong, but I feel that :mastodon: and in general the :fediverse: is better because it has a learning curve to it. People have to make a conscious effort to get in and even after that, to stay... Many third party clients, many interactions with others have to happen before any resemblance of a timeline occurs.
The people that stays are the resilient ones and I love them.


@atomicpoet Damn people get scared for just a link goddamn

Ellia Ivy McLeod

@atomicpoet I just wish I could get on it to find out myself. Signed up as soon as it was possible and heard nothing.

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