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27 posts total
Neil Brown

The graying open source community needs fresh blood

An interesting opinion piece on The Register, about how major FOSS projects, and associated conferences, are struggling to attract younger developers.

Iron Bug
I'm not that young, but far from grey still. sometimes I think about it, but when I see all that BS about "inclusive pronouns", cocks in open projects. etc I get sick and definitely don't wanna step into this all. no way. if it was about code quality, hunting down complicated quirks and bugs, making software better and more stable, doing hardcore optimization and so on I could help. I have over 30 years of C/C++ development of network server software and hardware, real-time and high-load things. but I can't stand at python and keep strict suckless priniciples in software. if FOSS needs a serious developer that won't cancel RMS or somebody else for their look, or speech, for personal opinions or whatwever - I can help. but if they're sick leftists busy with changing logo "to show more community something" like Apache does at the moment - this is not my cup of shit. I don't play that games. I'm all about "show me your code" principle, really interested in making software fast and robust. but I'm totally not interested in socializing, banging around with non code-related issues and writing shitware. I cannot stand enshittification that happens all around. I'm purist and that's it.
I'm not that young, but far from grey still. sometimes I think about it, but when I see all that BS about "inclusive pronouns", cocks in open projects. etc I get sick and definitely don't wanna step into this all. no way. if it was about code quality, hunting down complicated quirks and bugs, making software better and more stable, doing hardcore optimization and so on I could help. I have over 30 years of C/C++ development of network server software and hardware, real-time and high-load things....
Neil Brown

“‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services”

It doesn’t mean anything at all, because you don’t own anything.

The language of ownership, or of buying something, is misleading.

Similarly, if you are running/storing something locally but it handcuffs it DRM or communication with someone else’s online server, you should be told this very clearly up front.

“‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services”

It doesn’t mean anything at all, because you don’t own anything.

The language of ownership, or of buying something, is misleading.

Similarly, if you are running/storing something locally but it handcuffs it DRM or communication with someone else’s online server, you should be told this very clearly up front.

Tats :disability_flag:

@neil me buying dvds on eBay doesn't seem so silly now. 😁

Frank Bennett

@neil I once had the notion, as a property law academic, that fragmentation of copyright interests should be constrained in the same way that restrictive covenants are supervised by the courts. There was a member of staff at (IIRC) Berkeley with similar ideas. But things have moved on so far now, making reasoned arguments about ©️ is like dissecting a train wreck after it's happened. It's like, go ahead guys, when the whole thing collapses I hope some of us can find enough food to keep us alive.

Neil Brown

I struggle with the notion that tech companies do not understand consent.

IMHO, they do understand consent.

They understand that seeking consent - freely-given, specific, informed consent - won't get them where they want to be.

To my mind, that's not a misunderstanding of consent, but a determination to avoid consent.

That's typically why one sees language of "choice" and "control" and "transparency" to describe an opt-out regime.

They're not confused. It's by design.

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Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
@neil I guess yeah they somewhat understand the idea of consent but I'd say the vast majority do not grok it and strongly do not want to.
smaller creature

@neil crashlytics which used to be under twitter's fabric (now under google's firebase) used to have a page in their docs telling you how to set up a dialog asking the user whether they want metric collection or not. there was a warning saying most users would choose no, so it is advised to not show the dialog at all.

Neil Brown

New blogpost: An introduction to 'ethical licensing'


Technology ... has always been political. I’ve very little time for discussions which try to separate “tech” and “politics”.

The same is true with licensing models.

Over the last couple of years, I’ve seen more people talking about “ethical licensing”. And, while I’ve yet to see an “ethical licence” come up in the course of my work, I thought it might be an interesting topic for a blog post.


@neil Patents and licenses may provide the economic representation of hardware requirements and supreme values of the dominant conception of knowledge and ethics in the context of the Internet.
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@neil it's easy, you just make a bunch of deployments, services, ingresses, roles/rolebindings, and loadbalancers with special annotation depending on which cloud provider you're using (or just ingresses if you're using ingress-nginx), and then you package that up into a helm chart, and you put a bunch of helm charts together into a helmfile and deploy that with gitops using fluxcd, ensuring you keep variables straight between deployment environments

what could go wrong
@neil it's easy, you just make a bunch of deployments, services, ingresses, roles/rolebindings, and loadbalancers with special annotation depending on which cloud provider you're using (or just ingresses if you're using ingress-nginx), and then you package that up into a helm chart, and you put a bunch of helm charts together into a helmfile and deploy that with gitops using fluxcd, ensuring you keep variables straight between deployment environments
Neil Brown


I should that it was @luis_in_brief who pointed me towards this, and he gave me the actual link:


Michael T. Bacon, Ph.D.

@neil Help, you need Child Protection Services called on you . . .

Neil Brown

My blog posts, into which I put considerable time and effort, and which (sometimes) contain material not covered elsewhere, are probably part of commercial LLM training data.

Does that comply with the licence? No.

Does it infringe copyright? Probably, IMHO, from an English law perspective. Other jurisdictions, YMMV.

Is this "stealing” or “theft”? No. I get that this is an emotive topic, absolutely, but I thought we had moved beyond “copyright infringement is theft” 15+ years ago.

Neil Brown

You know what would be nice?

An "open firmware" project, where people produce and share FOSS firmware for common household devices, replacing the manufacturer's firmware with a decrapified version.

A smart TV? Reflash it with FOSS firmware, which removes tracking, calls to the manufacturer's servers, and any Internet-connected services that you don't want?

A printer? It's now yours. No ink subscription, or need for an app to print remotely.

And so on.

A man can dream, eh.

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Starting such a project is relatively straightforward. Reverse engineering firmware is hard, though 😭

I love writing code but I don't have the skill required or the time to acquire it. (Talk to me in ten years, when my kids are older.)

Mikal with a k


If I win the lottery, I will fund this. I'll let you know.

Neil Brown

In this blogpost, I’ll show you how to use OBS - a fantastic FOSS audio and video mixer - to inject your own adverts into your video call streams, so that you too can offer people the chance to pay you £3/month to turn off adverts in your calls with them.

You can do partial ads (in the corner of the screen), interstitials, full screen video replacement, and scrolling subtitle ads.

Works with all video conferencing software.

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Robee? Na! 🌈

@neil I should do this for work calls, I mean yeah we both entered into a contract with certain expectations but I need more money

Frank Bennett

@neil I can see possibilities in hardware was well. "Please present a valid credit card if you would prefer not to be struck by this vehicle for the next 30 days or 15 encounters, whichever comes first."

Joachim Ziebs

@neil Oh, great for video conferences, too!

Neil Brown

Today's #FreeSoftwareAdvent is Organic Maps

Organic Maps is a privacy-focused, community-developed, open-source navigation app, for Android and iOS.

Don't forget to download your maps ahead of time.

I used it recently in Germany, and I was impressed.


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@neil @organicmaps it is using #openStreetMap, so it is as good quality as your local mappers make it... so, contribute to the map in your local area!

Georg Arne Spenden

@neil @organicmaps The route planning is amazing. The hiking trails it found in our Odenwald were better than the official ones.


@neil @organicmaps Strongly seconded! And wonderful that it works just as well without any 'Net connection.
It's even more brilliant when overlaid with GPX/KML route-traces downloaded from

Neil Brown

The best time to install Firefox was 15+ years ago.

The second best time is now.

Neil Brown


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Well, I used to give this another anatomic name…
Just think about something you have to play with a finger, most of the times, people have difficulties finding and using it… Starts with a C

Esi Jóhannes G.


Neil Brown

I have had 6 calls so far today. Each one has used a different system:

XMPP (Sandra)

Signal (Dad)

VoLTE (Mum)

Teams (client)

WhatsApp (client)

Jitsi (client)

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Ben Tasker

@neil You need to find someone to have a slack huddle with next.


@neil We need to know the CODECs and bps in each case!

wakest ⛬

@neil This situation is getting absurd. The amount of different places that I get notifications is completely out of hand.

Neil Brown


"I'm trying to log in to my account, and am being rick-rolled. Why?

Tusky [an Android fedi client] does not support usage by accounts on some servers because of their association with hate groups."

Neil Brown

If your complaint is that there is too little fun / shitposting in the fediverse, you are following the wrong people.

If your complaint is that there is too much fun / shitposting in the fediverse, you are still following the wrong people.

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@neil ... and if you follow the right people, your feed is juuuuuust right! 😇
The porridge is not too hot nor is it too cold 🍚🔥❄️


@neil damn, boosted by Mr Mastodon himself. You've made it

Neil Brown

If you don’t like what Google is doing, spend a few moments seeing if some non-Google alternatives work for you:

Android —> GrapheneOS, /e/, Droidian, and more
Chrome —> Firefox, Safari, (Lynx :))
Docs —> cryptpad, Nextcloud docs, Collabora online
Drive —> Nextcloud
Gmail —> protonmail, mail from someone like Mythic Beasts
Search —> DuckDuckGo, StartPage

You don’t have to change everything at once, or commit to anything immediately. But it is Google, so you may be forced to move at some point!

If you don’t like what Google is doing, spend a few moments seeing if some non-Google alternatives work for you:

Android —> GrapheneOS, /e/, Droidian, and more
Chrome —> Firefox, Safari, (Lynx :))
Docs —> cryptpad, Nextcloud docs, Collabora online
Drive —> Nextcloud
Gmail —> protonmail, mail from someone like Mythic Beasts
Search —> DuckDuckGo, StartPage

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@neil I was "forced" to deGoogle my phone because I have a Huawei, and let me tell you it's an absolute pain in the ass. The "big" apps all work fine, but all the small, local administrative stuff don't. The transportation app didn't work. The health insurance app doesn't work. The delivery app doesn't detect my location. Payment app entered captcha loop.


@neil 🏃🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ i'm a bit late to the party, but use krystal instead of google domains.

source: i used google domains from march 2021 (simply because it was easy to use and affordable for me, a person with a visual arts/design background, and a pinch of technical knowhow at the time), and had to move from there when they announced that they were closing down and selling their assets to squarespace. i landed on krystal because they're a small(ish) sustainable company in the uk, and they also offer hosting as well (i'm not paid by them to say this, i'm just saying it from my own experience)

@neil 🏃🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ i'm a bit late to the party, but use krystal instead of google domains.

source: i used google domains from march 2021 (simply because it was easy to use and affordable for me, a person with a visual arts/design background, and a pinch of technical knowhow at the time), and had to move from there when they announced that they were closing down and selling their assets to squarespace. i landed on krystal because they're a small(ish) sustainable company in the uk, and they also...

Michael ヘビ Steinwandter

Do you know
They list good alternatives, but not #Ecosia which I highly recommend too 😉

Neil Brown

I need a better bio.

Not here (well, yes, perhaps also here), but for meetings and conferences and things.

We were all asked to introduce ourselves at a panel session yesterday, and every other panellist spoke for *several minutes*, about how they had won an award for this, were chair of that, sat on this group, wrote this paper which was published here, and so on.

My usual "Hi, I'm Neil. I am a lawyer, and I'm sorry" felt rather lacking.


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Lars Wirzenius

@neil FWIW, when a bio is spoken, I prefer short, to the point, and informative.

Written bios can be longer, but should still be to the point and informative.

In both cases, the bio probably should be tailored for the audience. What's interesting about you for these people and this occasion? Plus maybe one memorable unusual thing.

It's not an easy thing to achieve.

Karl Austin

@neil I did a networking event the other month and they always have a "skill share" and it was someone from NatWest Enterprise on how to write your 60s pitch for networking etc. I'll see if I can find my notes from it. As I don't think they sent the slide deck out.

Neil Brown

Clams struggle with programming, but they're right at home with shell scripts.

They keep their code to themselves though, rather than sharing it under FOSS licences. They're shellfish like that.

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Diana Probst, Cambridge Artist

@neil Did you know clams use their reflexes instead of their brains for storage? They rely on mussel memory.

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