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Neil Brown


"I'm trying to log in to my account, and am being rick-rolled. Why?

Tusky [an Android fedi client] does not support usage by accounts on some servers because of their association with hate groups."


@neil I'm a big fan of Tusky. I use it because I know it will neither give me up nor let me down.


@neil They don't get too many bug reports about that, but what they do get is pretty good.


@stibbons @neil

Google Play for the Gabai Gabby app link: "We're sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server."

The market decided. :blobfoxsmirk:


@neil So the authors of this thing decided to impose their political sensibilities on all their users?

Well if I was using it I'd be uninstalling it right now. It's not up to them to decide what people can read. What if Chrome did that?

Neil Brown


> I was using it I'd be uninstalling it right now.

I'm sure they would be 100% fine with that.

@mike805 @neil It's foss, if you don't like their restrictions then fork it.
Matt Palmer

@mike805 @neil Chrome most definitely imposes its authors' political sensibilities on the userbase. The only difference is that the political sensibilities involved are things like "it is fine to surveil users" and "ad blockers are bad", rather than "fuck Nazis".


@womble @neil Well yes Chrome is spyware. Firefox is not entirely immune. But an information access platform having a built in list of "things you cannot see" is a whole new level of control freakery.

You know, some people DO go into Nazi forums to understand their talking points, so as to answer them more effectively.

We saw with FB and TWIT that the censorship went from "Nazis" to "any questioning the COVID narrative or the election" very fast. That doesn't need to come to Mastodon.


@mike805 @womble @neil mhmmm, fosstodon libertarian who thinks going to nazi forums to "understand their talking points" is in any way a legitimate justification for anything *checks bingo card*

Here's how to answer a nazi more effectively: "fuck off".

Anything more gives legitimacy to their existence.


@mike805 @womble @neil gosh it's so strange how every time someone has a very noble and principled "free speech" objection to censoring fascists, they always turn out to be a conspriacy theorist within a few replies


I find this comment interesting because you're on fosstodon, which already blocks 3/4 of these sites. You might want to switch instances.

Besides, Google already "imposes their political sensibilities on all their users" for web search. You might want to stop using Google Search too.

Hateful content:

Harassing content:

Terrorist content:

I find this comment interesting because you're on fosstodon, which already blocks 3/4 of these sites. You might want to switch instances.

Besides, Google already "imposes their political sensibilities on all their users" for web search. You might want to stop using Google Search too.

excited for the mastodon rise

@mike805 hating Nazis isn't a "political sensibility", it's basic human decency and more people should do it.

And less people should concern troll on behalf of evil people.

Demon Queen Lucretia
@mike805 @neil it's literally only 4 terrible servers, you would be losing zero value in continuing use of the app.
Adam Piggott

@neil Fedilab is an excellent Android client.


@neil Good. It's like.. 3 servers serving fascists.

*Happily posted from my tusky app.

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