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Neil Brown


34 comments | Expand all CWs
The Unit Tess

@neil ahahahaha :D

Moo the Brynndylow

@neil L-lewd :o

tiddy roosevelt

@FrazzledBrynn @neil @diffractie hahaha sup, we having a gk convention in the nip mouse replies?

Moo the Brynndylow

@babe @neil @diffractie nip mice bring us all out of the woodwork apparently

Jason Petersen

@FrazzledBrynn @babe @neil @diffractie in the states we always called them clit mice?

Neil Brown

@jason @FrazzledBrynn @babe @diffractie

See the alt text on the image :)

tiddy roosevelt

@neil @jason @FrazzledBrynn @diffractie Covering all bases. And at least some nipples.

Ellavescent ✨

@FrazzledBrynn @babe @neil @diffractie Can we really be blamed for that?

tiddy roosevelt

@neil Oh my 👀


@neil *fans self*


@neil you have mastered the art of the "technically true" content warning

i gotta get one of those external thinkpad keyboards

Neil Brown



i gotta get one of those external thinkpad keyboards

This lives in my travel bag - no way I would have paid full price for it, but for the £30ish I paid on eBay, I'm very happy with it.

Flippin' eck, Tucker!

@neil You forgot to link to your OF!


@neil I love a good nip pic.

Michael Stanclift

@neil you monster.


@neil Most people I know don't call it a nipple :)

Neil Brown

@szescstopni What do they call it?!


@neil łechtaczka


@carcosa @neil Are there any areas left that XKCD didn't cover?


@neil Hot-Diggedy! 🧐

Greg Harvey 🌍

@galooph @neil The amazing thing is my nipple is almost identical. 😯

ThatKomputerKat :neocat_cool:

@neil @revk don’t look over there kids, it’s an unashamed nipple enthusiast! :neocat_glare:


@neil THIS NIPPLE IS TOO MUCH, I can't stand watching it, I need to touch it, to use it !


@neil oh , you call that a nipple. I use another small resembling part of the female anatomy for that little red knob. 😂

Neil Brown

@n3wjack See the alt text (albeit without gendering it :))!


Well, I used to give this another anatomic name…
Just think about something you have to play with a finger, most of the times, people have difficulties finding and using it… Starts with a C

Neil Brown

@yanncphoto Have you read the alt text? :)


Now I have 😄

Esi Jóhannes G.


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