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Open on Michael StancliftWhois:
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Owner/Administrator of :vmstio: Mastodon Contributor & Triage Team Member Boldly Going :newtrek: Vintage 1983 🥃 Lifelong Kansan 🌻 Heavily Caffeinated ☕️ Virtually Benevolent :vmware: Liberally Minded 🗽 Humanist 👤 Father of Four
Wall 7 posts
Threads users who have federated their accounts can now see replies from other platforms, but not reply to the replies (yet) @vmstan ProTip: Don't make a big deal about trying to find ways to calculate LOWER user numbers than other sources have calculated. PR101. @vmstan Charitable interpretation is that this is the total number of users *ever* including now gone instances, which would of course be double counting since most of such users would have migrated elsewhere. To some extent this is arguing over how tall the shortest dwarf is - Fediverse total users ever is a small fraction of Threads monthly active, for example. “Twitter minus Nazis” turns out not to be a generally compelling reason to switch. Which probably explains the enduring existence of Nazis. There is a new Mastodon composer in PR 28119. It features a new design including new background colors. No more blinding white light when you go to post in dark mode!
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@vmstan It might be worth ranking them by number of users instead. I could see a small amount of people deploying their own server and then neglecting it. I have been guilty of that with other services. @vmstan When deploying mastodon using helm on kubernetes, most of the work is done for you. But if you run it on plain virtual machines, there is actual work to do for every upgrade. Checking dependencies, running upgrade tasks, etc. So that makes upgrades diffficult or at least 'more interesting'. That could hold people back #mastoadmin
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@vmstan I dunno. Lemmy seems to work, for some definition of "work". OTOH My first interaction with kbin (an upvote/favourite) caused an error, and 50% of my replies disappear -- they aren't even counted on my profile metrics. I don't mind posting to the void (tiny number of users), but posts should at least *post* to that void. twitter -> mastodon has been a great experience. Reddit -> lemmy/kbin not so much. Docker is turning off the Mastodon foundation’s Docker Hub account unless they start paying, which they’re not willing to do. If you’re running an instance with containers, they’ll now be available from From what I’ve heard the Docker Hub change doesn’t target Mastodon, but any organization that was on their free tier. So you’ll want to check any other FOSS projects and see if they’re relocating their images as well. |
@vmstan Welcome, @timbl!
@vmstan @timbl I appreciate the work he's done but I among many others will remember him for this until the end of time. Extremely sad legacy.
@vmstan @timbl Welcome Tim!