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Michael Stanclift

Stop advocating for Lemmy.

kbin is where it's at.

That is all.


@vmstan neither works until some of those more nuanced subs move over, IMO. Just some of the consumer brand focused ones, alone.

What a weird time in social media.

Chris Ely

Lemmy is in a more advanced state and used a language I like better.

> This is a very early beta version, and a lot of features are currently broken or in active development, such as federation.

EDIT: You might want to follow [@] to keep updated on how things are going.


Benjamin Loyle

@vmstan Looks like it’s worth hoping for at least.

frater mus

@vmstan I dunno. Lemmy seems to work, for some definition of "work". OTOH My first interaction with kbin (an upvote/favourite) caused an error, and 50% of my replies disappear -- they aren't even counted on my profile metrics. I don't mind posting to the void (tiny number of users), but posts should at least *post* to that void.

twitter -> mastodon has been a great experience. Reddit -> lemmy/kbin not so much.

Michael Stanclift

@fratermus Mastodon was pretty much a fully functioning platform when that migration happened. Missing features and some server scaling aside, it’d been around for years.

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