@neil it's easy, you just make a bunch of deployments, services, ingresses, roles/rolebindings, and loadbalancers with special annotation depending on which cloud provider you're using (or just ingresses if you're using ingress-nginx), and then you package that up into a helm chart, and you put a bunch of helm charts together into a helmfile and deploy that with gitops using fluxcd, ensuring you keep variables straight between deployment environments
what could go wrong
@neil it's easy, you just make a bunch of deployments, services, ingresses, roles/rolebindings, and loadbalancers with special annotation depending on which cloud provider you're using (or just ingresses if you're using ingress-nginx), and then you package that up into a helm chart, and you put a bunch of helm charts together into a helmfile and deploy that with gitops using fluxcd, ensuring you keep variables straight between deployment environments
@neil If you're legit looking for that book, you can get the PDF here: https://www.cncf.io/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/The-Illustrated-Childrens-Guide-to-Kubernetes.pdf or buy the dead tree version here: https://store.cncf.io/products/the-illustrated-childrens-guide-to-kubernetes-book