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Iron Bug
I'm not that young, but far from grey still. sometimes I think about it, but when I see all that BS about "inclusive pronouns", cocks in open projects. etc I get sick and definitely don't wanna step into this all. no way. if it was about code quality, hunting down complicated quirks and bugs, making software better and more stable, doing hardcore optimization and so on I could help. I have over 30 years of C/C++ development of network server software and hardware, real-time and high-load things. but I can't stand at python and keep strict suckless priniciples in software. if FOSS needs a serious developer that won't cancel RMS or somebody else for their look, or speech, for personal opinions or whatwever - I can help. but if they're sick leftists busy with changing logo "to show more community something" like Apache does at the moment - this is not my cup of shit. I don't play that games. I'm all about "show me your code" principle, really interested in making software fast and robust. but I'm totally not interested in socializing, banging around with non code-related issues and writing shitware. I cannot stand enshittification that happens all around. I'm purist and that's it.
Neil Brown


if they're sick leftists


I’m in a completely different position to you on this, as I think that FOSS, and tech more generally, needs more humanity and thoughtfulness, not less.

Iron Bug
yes, and I'm very thoughtful. I never got into stupid hype or anti-scientific cultists-like BS. I'm very thoughtful anf serious like hell, all the time. hardware and software developer must be thoughtful like nobody else. and what I see is this madness that plagued the world lately should be stopped. all that fascistm with cancelling somebody and so on.

development is development. it is not about silly kids that missed biology lessons at school or think it's some kind of game. it's not about writing idiotic senseless claims in COCs. it's a hard work and it needs cool head, education and experience. I do it for many years, and I sure know what it is like. if people mean software, not stupid hype, if they want all OSS not going to total hell, they should return back to common sense and sanity, stop playing clowns and do the global code review of the piles of BS that spread instead of software nowadays and make it suckless and just working. it's a lot of work. really a lot. like cleaning up of Augean stables, for the sake of sanity and goodness. but only if they really mean to make working software, not playing in tolerance with idiots and pretending everything is all right when the code goes to hell and distributions enshittificate themselves with shitpacks of all kinds and containers because nobody can even normally build software, not mentioning writing it from scratch. I see all the BS in open source and I'm very thoughtful and concerned with the future of OSS. playing with stupid hype definitely ruins the quality. and software is not something that can work "somehow", leak and glitch. it's either perfect or none. that's why I stand against enshittification and turning development into some kind of a circus.
yes, and I'm very thoughtful. I never got into stupid hype or anti-scientific cultists-like BS. I'm very thoughtful anf serious like hell, all the time. hardware and software developer must be thoughtful like nobody else. and what I see is this madness that plagued the world lately should be stopped. all that fascistm with cancelling somebody and so on.
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