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Technology Connections

Real talk:

It is utterly exhausting to look at my notifications every morning (which is a difficult slog as it is with this many followers) and see response after response saying "just mute/block those folks" again and again.

I'm gonna make this as clear as I can:

On Twitter,

this. was. not. a. thing. I. had. to. do.

I can probably count on one hand the number of times I had to block people because, get this, Twitter had a quality filter which caught most insufferable people

221 comments | Expand all CWs
bapt :smug:

@TechConnectify I wish someone would make a Mastodon fork (or just a client?) with more algorithmic stuff (timeline sorting, recommended content, reply filtering...). As an option.

I get that some people are ideologically opposed to it, but I don't care; I don't like algorithms when they're built to make money off of my data, I like them when they improve the UX, like they can in that case.

Jacob Hoarston

@outadoc @TechConnectify

I find it frustrating having to defend the idea that the previous service I used for a decade actually had some things I liked and would continue to like to see.

bapt :smug:

@jacob_hst @TechConnectify Same. Especially when those things are clearly what's lacking to make the platform more popular, and when it's so easy to make them opt-in (either to users or to server admins), without affecting the experience of others.

My hope is that Threads might become that platform for users who want more algorithmic features (if they ever ship ActivityPub support...).

EDIT: to clarify, I would much prefer a Mastodon fork, but... not sure we'll ever see one

Kevin Mirsky :donor:

@outadoc @TechConnectify Additionally, the "anti-algorithm" people don't seem to realize 'chronological sorting' is an algorithm too, with its own impacts. It rewards the fastest, most online users by putting them at the top.

Technology Connections

@kevinmirsky @outadoc and also means nobody's gonna see that their point was made a dozen times before.

Sorting replies by popularity had some good effects, too!

Kye Fox

@TechConnectify @kevinmirsky @outadoc This kind of reply tends to be so stock, sorting by alphabetical might keep the 3rd+ person from saying it and make #2 consider deleting

Stephen Bell

@kevinmirsky @outadoc @TechConnectify The chronological filter is also a geography filter. You’re way less likely to see the posts of people in distant time zones who post while you’re sleeping.

Hector Sanchez

@outadoc @TechConnectify oh, man. I wish I had a localized timeline. Too much US stuff sometimes


@outadoc Or maybe just a content script/extension. The default web client for mastodon is pretty poor UX imo.

Not sure what the problem is here? He has a lot of hateful replies or many replies to other replies telling him to block this or just lots of spammy replies?

Must be hella bad as this sounds a bit unhinged.

Anyway I raised an feature request (something you can't do on Twitter) for disable replies, follower only replies but who knows if it will ever get implemented.

Technology Connections

@nf3xn @outadoc Did you have to use the word "unhinged"?

Anyway, here's a simple thing that would make my life a lot easier:

If notifications were stacked, I could see "oh, this post has 150 replies" without SEEING EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.

I think what gets lost on a lot of folks is that with this many followers, any time I say anything remotely controversial (which is often a surprise!) there is a lot of stuff I don't need or even WANT to see.

Technology Connections

@nf3xn @outadoc Right now, everything is signal which means that everything is noise.

I'm sure my perspective isn't the average one - smaller accounts probably like how raw and bare metal the experience is here.

I'm trying my hardest to say (as tactfully as I can) that this does not work at scale - and if this platform is to truly be an alternative to corporate services, that needs to be figured out and fast.

A* Ulven
@TechConnectify @nf3xn @outadoc The usual response to "Mastodon has scale problems" is "we don't want to scale, actually, because scaling is bad, we aren't Twitter"

@TechConnectify @outadoc sorry I meant sympathically, like desperate, at your wits end, exasperated, etc. no offense intended, and I even tried to untag so you wouldn't get bothered by it but that doesn't work either so just made it even worse lol my bad.

Technology Connections

@nf3xn @outadoc cool, thanks for explaining. I thought that might be what you meant but, y'know, lots of folks I run across say this sort of stuff in earnest.


@outadoc @TechConnectify Yes! the whole point of federation is that it gives you choice, it'd be great to have the choice to have content served based on algorithms, albeit open algorithms you can trust and opt out of

Technology Connections

The general (and relentlessly repeated) advice here, that I am the one who needs to take control over my experience here to have a good time, is honestly really really irritating.

I'm gonna lay this out on the line right now: if I have to put this kind of work in to exist here peacefully, it's more likely that I'll just bow out and stop trying altogether.

My needs and experience here are likely VERY different from yours. At this point, they're often too different to reconcile.

Thomas 🔭✨


Mastodon HOA Mel Gibson


@TechConnectify It really does suck to hear that you're having this sort of problem with your experience.
I do think that grouping and combining them would help, alongside a filter that removes notifications from users that only made an account within the week or the month.



To take control over our experience here we really need some tools. I.e. most of us here don't miss black-box algorithms designed to keep our eyeballs peeled, but we _would_ enjoy the ability to plug in user-defined filters and algorithms.

Some system like, idunno, ublock where you can subscribe to filters, would be good.

See also what happened with reddit around mod tools. Shouldn't open protocols and source be enabling control tools already?

Kye Fox

@syklemil @TechConnectify That's one thing Bluesky is doing right. People look at all the Feeds and assume they're provided by Bluesky (and thus Bad Like Twitter), but most are developed independently.

They need to expand that thinking to the existing filters which are way too narrow. A near-duplicate reply filter would, if I understand correctly, solve a huge chunk of the problem for people with large followings. (for example)

Sheogorath 🦊

@syklemil Well, there is nothing preventing them to exist (for instance level administration they actually do), except of someone putting in the work to build them. There are APIs for all of this, there i the ability to fork the projects and there is a lot of documentation. But yet someone has to sit down and build it for it to exist. (maybe it actually already does exist it's just not known enough.)


Technology Connections

And one last point:

If, as the culture appears here to be, it is up to the individual user to curate their experience:

Just fuckin' unfollow me! Mute me! Curate YOUR feed! You can make your life better without making mine worse.

SkaveRat 🐀 :verified:

@TechConnectify but then I can't ragepost and feel entitled about me being miserable!!! /s

gay gay kitty gay :verified_rainbow:​

@TechConnectify you should pin this one in your profile.

Kali Rose Wolf

@TechConnectify Its the problem with this federated network, there is no structure to filter out the low quality stuff. If you decide that Mastodon isn't for you maybe try BlueSky?

A* Ulven :verified_blobcat:


I'm honestly shocked nobody has suggested you to "just sign up to a Fediverse admin with a list of blocked instances you dislike"

As if:

- You had a list of trusted admins prior to joining
- You had a list of instances you would like to avoid prior to joining
- Migrating between instances (especially instances running different software stacks) was at all easy

Just to be clear, I wholeheartedly support these criticisms that you are attempting to bring up, and I have hundreds of criticisms in addition to these regarding how Fediverse works.

The problem, as you have easily seen, is that any criticism of Fedi is seen as an attack of the fundamental inner-workings and the contributors. So you are quickly labeled hostile, and told to "fix it yourself" for any issues that you might have.

I hope you continue your presence here, but I wouldn't blame you if you decided to leave.


I'm honestly shocked nobody has suggested you to "just sign up to a Fediverse admin with a list of blocked instances you dislike"

As if:

- You had a list of trusted admins prior to joining
- You had a list of instances you would like to avoid prior to joining
- Migrating between instances (especially instances running different software stacks) was at all easy

Flaky :blue_jay:​

@AlgorithmWolf @TechConnectify Bluesky seems to be trying to make federation not an issue for its users, while here federation is a core part of the fediverse’s identity, for obvious reasons of course, but things can get messy when you have your gripes with it as Alec has seen. And that’s not counting the different sides of fedi he might’ve ran into that’d make it a bloody mess.

Matt Armitage

@TechConnectify I’m sorry that you’re feeling this. I genuinely enjoy your contributions here, and the reminders that you have a new video. I don’t have any solutions, and as you say, my experience is unlikely to match yours in any way that I could offer constructive advice. But if it helps at all, I, very selfishly I acknowledge, hope you stick around and continue posting.


@TechConnectify you're absolutely right, on both counts.

a) The Fediverse as it is right now does not support good self-care tools. Which is a shame, because these could be probably easily implemented. Someone "just" needs to build a client that handles these things. ( for example corrects a lot of gripes for me. Not perfect though...)

b) People telling others they are fediversing wrong are the worst :)

Serge from Babka


You're 100% right. The assumptions that Mastodon (specifically Mastodon) has no longer hold true. They did for a while, back in 2017/2018, but they no longer do, and in the meantime those assumptions have become "Fediverse assumptions".

Technology Connections

(one last one last point)

Another thing I want y'all to know - the reason I've been boosting my replies to annoying folks lately?

It's to try and give a signal to those folks *and others* that I find that behavior unacceptable.

That is something this platform desperately needs - like it or not, some of the features of other platforms allow the crowd to signal what's good and bad. That is its own form of moderation. Like giving digital side-eye.

Its absence here isn't all good.


@TechConnectify I think there's a subtle difference between Masto and Xitter: in X, you'd get notified if somebody retweeted a reply. So if you retweeted your own reply in an argument, it looked egotistical. Masto doesn't treat likes/retoots of toots that are replies to your toots as worth notifying about, so I'm much more willing to use the "retoot" button on my own replies to put them into my followers' feed.

I still think they should make that more visible and explicit tho.


@TechConnectify I figured that was what you were doing, some instances do have that feature but the Masto project doesn't want it because of its history of abuse on other platforms.

I'm not sure that's a good reason anymore given people pile on either way.

Technology Connections

@gudenau I'm glad you figured that out.

A whole lotta "just ignore them!" folks don't seem to understand that they're asking me to ignore a wasp nest as the wasps keep stinging me.

The nest needs to be dealt with.

Aaron A Brown 🌱

@TechConnectify i'm not social aware enough to parse the dynamics of 'the ratio' but it seems to be a big signifier of derision elsewhere, is that a related mechanism to what ypure trying?

old man and the cbowns

@TechConnectify was thinking about this over coffee, idly hoping the reply-guys wouldn’t scare you off the platform. I think those boosts are perfect: it’s a way of expressing a social norm to your followers (and I think most of us agree with you!) so keep ‘em coming!

Charles Gillanders

@TechConnectify I love your videos and your comments and I love the occasional snark I’ve seen on both Twitter and Mastodon. If the presence of too many ignorant boorish reply guys makes you stop posting here I for one will miss you but you have to look after yourself, no-one should expect anyone else to put up with that kind of crap just for their entertainment.


@TechConnectify my feeling is that lazy mode filtering should be a plugin or a bot, not part of the Mastodon. The latter should make the platform pluggable and let people choose their algo



Not so much on your posts, but I've started replying "Mute" to people just before I mute them (that is, when the muting is for them being jerkish, not when I'm just not interested in their stuff).

As it is, jerks have the power to take over a discussion. We have to find ways to push back.

Bill Phillips

@TechConnectify I 100% agree with you, but... as someone watching you and all these reply guys, it is like being stuck in a bad business meeting

I can yell about Robert's Rules of Order and criticize people all they want, but it will only add to the noise and make the problem worse

I try to add good vibes because I dig what you do, and I also dig your critical commentary on this platform, but I can't even nudge those folks

Richard "mtfnpy" Harman

@TechConnectify man, I really want to look into making some kind of server side filtering using Bayesian filters, because I want folks like you in my timeline.

Johan | PD1JMB


Won't unfollow, I need my daily dose of drama 😋

Cragsand :catjam:

A #QualityFilter for #Mastodon is sorely needed from reading yours and other creators with a large following.

It doesn't have to be contrary to the design vision as long as it's optional and opt-in.

Would be glad to see more suggestions for an implementation from knowledgeable developers here. I'm sorry but I'm not experienced enough to code it.

Ludovic Archivist Lagouardette


Hey, you are absolutely correct that these people do not know what it looks like on your side.

I really do not want to make any contribs to mastodon or misskey (maybe it would be different for Akkoma but whatever), but would you help me with the requirements of an alternative client software to handle users such as you? I want to help, but I do not have enough data for that



Honestly, you've put more energy into trying to make this work than I would have.

My guess is that you're probably going to end up leaving, so while you're still here I'll take the opportunity to say "Thanks for giving it a try, and see you on YouTube".

(And good luck with the Xmas lights! )

Jacob Hoarston

@TechConnectify I am always surprised at the amount of feedback you get on this topic that amounts mostly to “how is your personal experience not mine?”

Crashdoom :crashdoomMyaaa: 🔧 🔜 FC 2024

@TechConnectify It does suck there’s no way to filter out the obvious trolls and abusive comments by default.

If you notice them coming from a particular instance, you can also do a full-instance block as a user to stop anyone from that instance interacting, though the fact you have to is awful.

Ryan (99 Firemaking)

I'm not sure why this is, but fedi definitely fosters a busybody culture.

This feels like something that should be solved at the home-server level, especially on smaller instances. Just do a bit of sentiment analysis on anything that would generate a notification, and suppress it if it doesn't meet some per-user criteria.

As-is, the service generates way too many nuisance notifications in general.

Carl Walther

@TechConnectify sound like a great product from some one to write and develop, but it is not nothing in cost, time and emotional energy, to have to deal with your self.

Demon Queen Lucretia
@TechConnectify i cannot imagine how annoying this platform would be with 31000 followers - a great many of them being dullard reply guy nerds.
I love it as it is but I'd be surprised if Final Town is even really properly federated to 31000 accounts. I probably can't even see half the people commenting on your stuff.
I wonder how the Twitter quality filter worked, and how something like that maybe could be developed for users in your situation on fediverse.
@TechConnectify i cannot imagine how annoying this platform would be with 31000 followers - a great many of them being dullard reply guy nerds.
I love it as it is but I'd be surprised if Final Town is even really properly federated to 31000 accounts. I probably can't even see half the people commenting on your stuff.
huxley(fur) 🔜 Furcationland

@TechConnectify unfortunately mastodon still does not have good tools for Big Accounts to manage their experience. I hope they rectify this soon or else they will lose their most valuable contributors.

𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤 𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕔𝕒𝕤𝕙

@TechConnectify fairly certain @Gargron said some sort of quality filter was being tested on the Android app. Not sure if it’s something that can/will eventually get implemented server side…


@TechConnectify As someone with less than 1% the number of followers as you, allow me to explain to you how I understand your use case better than you do.

Kevin Mirsky :donor:

@TechConnectify For a platform with so many technologists, we sure seem to have a problem wrapping our heads around "this solution does not scale" 🤦🏻

Scott Bronson

@TechConnectify It also discounts what an unfun experience Mastodon has become. So much scolding, so many replyguys.

The solution to this is NOT endless DIY blocking. It's a waste of time and doesn't actually solve anything. There are just too many replyguys.

Many of my friends have already decamped to Bluesky because it's more fun (so they say). I haven't yet ... but it's on my mind.

Mx Amber Alex

@TechConnectify here, the quality filter is the human moderation teams. Reporting has uses beyond a user's own instance, because if the report is forwarded to the offender's instance (enabled by default, can be turned off by the reporter), they can take more effective action. can only block the offender from interacting with, and so can every other instance, but the offender's home instance can affect their behaviour at the source, and also retains their signup details to prevent duplicates from the same address.

We're all used to Twitter's moderation, where cases weren't seen by human moderators and reports tended to go nowhere, but that's not the case here (instances whose moderators don't do their jobs notwithstanding).

"Just mute/block" indeed doesn't help anyone but yourself and tends to feel like whack-a-mole, but escalating it to the moderation teams is what can help others and yourself more effectively. Especially if repeat offenders originate from the same instance, i.e. one with less or no moderation or even dedicated to harassment, those can be isolated by instances severing connections with them and leaving them with nobody but their troll friends.

It's a trade-off: no algorithm to moderate means more work for users and moderators, but less algorithmic overreach, less gaming the algorithm, and ideally, better accountability since all decisions are made (and, if following best practices, documented) by human moderators.

TLDR: It's more work here, admittedly, but blocking isn't the end of the available means, and bringing harassment to the moderators' attention has more chances of curbing harassment both for you and for the wider network in general.

But yeah, I'd be lying if I didn't say, the cost of moderation that's done humanly is more whack-a-mole. That's a trade-off you have to decide to make or not make. It's the price of not having selfies automatically banned for having queer symbols in it, of being able to distinguish between parody and hate, or civility and politely phrased hate.

@TechConnectify here, the quality filter is the human moderation teams. Reporting has uses beyond a user's own instance, because if the report is forwarded to the offender's instance (enabled by default, can be turned off by the reporter), they can take more effective action. can only block the offender from interacting with, and so can every other instance, but the offender's home instance can affect their behaviour at the source, and also retains their signup details to prevent duplicates...


@TechConnectify And then any time filtering is brought up some guy is always like "b-but muh freedom of speech" like everyone else is required to look at every toot they make.

Daniel Brotherston

@TechConnectify I think there's an interesting distinction here...or...something else is happening.

I found twitter did a terrible job of "catching the insufferable people"...

Like I routinely had people in my feed saying running over cyclists was justified--I made very extensive use of block, and after I started doing that my Twitter feed became significantly more...erm...sufferable.

But maybe my definition of "insufferable" is different.

In any case, Mastodon absolutely needs better tools for users with large followings. Here, the times at which I have any notifications in the morning are usually a surprise.

@TechConnectify I think there's an interesting distinction here...or...something else is happening.

I found twitter did a terrible job of "catching the insufferable people"...

Like I routinely had people in my feed saying running over cyclists was justified--I made very extensive use of block, and after I started doing that my Twitter feed became significantly more...erm...sufferable.

Technology Connections

@danbrotherston I have no doubt my experience on Twitter wasn't universal: I didn't take on much if any advocacy role, and my identity as "YouTube guy" generally isn't marginalized (though, golly, it feels like it is here!).

But really the key difference is probably just my following size. Most tweets would get dozens of replies - the filter was going to be more aggressive for me than the average Twitter user, I'm sure.

Technology Connections

@danbrotherston Which also explains why I have such a huge (and awkward) disconnect when trying to convey my problems, here.

I am understandably difficult to empathize with. Who care about big youtuber problems? This isn't their space.

But even if somebody is nice enough to care, they probably just don't experience the things I'm experiencing. So their advice, though well-meaning, is pretty useless and annoying to hear ad nauseum.

Daniel Brotherston


I mean, I don't think that should be difficult to empathize with, but humans be human...empathy is something we all struggle with...

Not that I have solutions, but don't think it gets solved without the kind of filtering that most of masto seems idologically opposed to...I wish that was less an ideological bent here.'s nice this is an open platform, someone could build a solution...but so far it doesn't seem that anyone has.

Daniel Brotherston


Ahh fair point, yes the Twitter experience was also probably different.

@TechConnectify My instance runner has a good filter for that so lucky not to have to deal with those people
Shauna GM

@TechConnectify Thank you for making this clear - I missed the earlier conversations you had on this, and had no idea about the quality filter. I added my voice to this Github issue requesting it:


@TechConnectify Mastodon is Linux: the social network, for better and worse (and worse still)

Edit: “Linux” not “Twitter”


@TechConnectify I meant Linux the social network (sorry I’m tweeting at an aquarium like an idiot)

Joel :void: :casio:

@TechConnectify what if you mute the word mute? :blobcatderpy:



I don't know how Twitter accomplished it, but oh how I wish I could subscribe to other users' individual block lists on Mastodon.


@TechConnectify the challenge here is that Twitter's quality filter and moderation required creepy algorithms and armies of 3rd world moderators to maintain.

Mastodon is explicitly against those approaches.

Which means that while they must solve the notification problem, they've prohibited themselves from doing it using the same solutions that Twitter did, which is a big challenge.

I'm surprised Gargron isn't pushing harder on this; his own notifications must be awful.

F4GRX Sébastien

Twitter.replacement. This place is not made by a single not-so benevolent dictator, it is what you make of it.

Dave Diamond

@TechConnectify I understand now what you're saying about Twitter. I would have thought that platform would be far worse, but you're saying they're giving you some filtering that Mastodon isn't giving you. And I can understand how that would suck. I hope you're giving that feedback to the people that can change that in this platform.


@TechConnectify under the assumption that most reply guys aren't following you - i have a feeling if your account was migrated to a smaller instance (i.e. one that doesn't have "mastodon" or related terms in the URL) this would at least be marginally better, since there wouldn't be as many randos that don't know your content finding your posts in the local/federated TLs

mastodon wasn't really designed for thousands of users on one instance and gargron is really taking their time getting to that issue

(ofc, if you do decide to migrate, i would probably contact the instance admins beforehand to ask if they are willing to take on the load of 34k followers; alternatively, self host if you're feeling brave)

@TechConnectify under the assumption that most reply guys aren't following you - i have a feeling if your account was migrated to a smaller instance (i.e. one that doesn't have "mastodon" or related terms in the URL) this would at least be marginally better, since there wouldn't be as many randos that don't know your content finding your posts in the local/federated TLs

John Harris

@TechConnectify Having large numbers of followers on Mastodon causes one's experience to degrade, it seems. I made a post a couple of weeks ago that got so many boosts and likes that I had to mute it.

There is also the case where people generally want to be helpful, but Mastodon hides the number of replies a post got unless one looks at it directly, as "1+," so if someone thinks "maybe I should reply," they have little indication of how many other people have replied already.


@TechConnectify I wouldn't call Twitter's filter "quality".. they blocked people based on follower count. You never would've seen my response on twitter.

@TechConnectify I'm pretty sure Twitter still gave you a notification each time your tweet was replide to though? What's different?
Chris 🇺🇸🇦🇺🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

@TechConnectify Mastodon is a technology similar to email. The protocols are open so that anyone can create their own thing, while still maintaining compatibility with the rest of the ecosystem.

Unfortunately, we don't yet have the equivalents to Gmail or Outlook, that improve on the base experience and know how to deal with spam. And it's not clear who would have incentive to build this. The current Mastodon devs probably don't have large enough audiences to be affected by this personally.

Dentaku (Thomas Renger)

@TechConnectify That's an interesting point but unfortunately not easy to replicate in a federated system mostly run by volunteers.

The twitter "quality filter", at least AFAICT from the little documentation there is about it, hid all the replies from you except from people you followed or with blue checkmarks. Those checkmarks (at that time) were given out only to select people and in a manual process involving an identity check by a twitter employee.

Jonathan Lamothe

@TechConnectify I imagine the reason for this was because Twitter was filtering your replies based on some opaque algorithm. The trade-off being that there were probably messages you missed because—for whatever reason—Twitter decided you shouldn't see it.

Moderation remains one of the fedi's greatest challenges. I'm not a Mastodon user, so I'm not as familiar with its moderation offerings, but Friendica (what I do use) allows for user-defined filtering based on regexes. This is obviously not the ideal solution for everyone (especially those who aren't particularly technically inclined) but if available, might be useful to you.

On that note, I will likely mute this thread by the end of the day because every time I comment on one of your posts, my notifications go bananas for days. It's almost as if you have a valid point or something. 🙃

@TechConnectify I imagine the reason for this was because Twitter was filtering your replies based on some opaque algorithm. The trade-off being that there were probably messages you missed because—for whatever reason—Twitter decided you shouldn't see it.

Moderation remains one of the fedi's greatest challenges. I'm not a Mastodon user, so I'm not as familiar with its moderation offerings, but Friendica (what I do use) allows for user-defined filtering based on regexes. This is obviously not the...


LB: I wonder how much of the Reply Guy fuckery that happens on here is somewhat down to it being a relatively nerdy spot, and relatively nerdy guys often not being all that socially adept.


@TechConnectify The "quality filter" was nothing of the sort. It was a simple flamewar detector based on the ratio of likes to comments. That downranks flamewars and makes them harder to find, depriving them of participants. Every large site has them, from reddit to hacker news to twitter to facebook.

How to make that work on something distributed like the fediverse, where servers would need to algorithmically cooperate on flamewar detection? no idea.

Ian Z

@TechConnectify Sorry your experience is less than stellar in these regards.

This is a good time to encourage people to donate to Mastodon and other Fediverse projects. Yes, you didn't have to pay for Twitter (until recently) but "when a service is free, you're the product".

Additionally, Mastodon is open source, so encouraging people with dev skills to contribute to it or, build fediverse tools, is also helpful.

T-posing 3D Rotating Puppy :dogwink:
@TechConnectify sorry we only have low-quality people available on this app, we can't make your experience influencer-friendly
Tobias Hellgren

@TechConnectify That must have been quite a magic filter because I was harassed by literal Nazis every time I replied to something political. I had to block daily, and there aren't that many people in Sweden. I'm guessing the filter didn't work in other languages? Twitter was/is horrible, always been (except for the good first 5 years)

Brian Enigma

@TechConnectify I feel like everyone makes the analogy that Mastodon (with its multiple servers and accounts) is like email vs Facebook or Twitter or whatever. But we’ve benefitted from years of client- and server-side spam filters for email, which just haven’t yet materialized for Mastodon.

Michael Santaly

@TechConnectify Apologies if this has been recommended a million times but have you tried It’s a web interface for Mastodon which is much nicer than the default and has stacked notifications. The @elk team really did an amazing job

🏳️‍⚧️ Ginny Maive
@TechConnectify you're right, and it's a double standard. I don't think it's fair to expect you to have the emotional energy to deal with that, and most people on here wouldn't tell smaller accounts to just deal with it.

moderation should be done proactively, not just reactively when the target of abuse sees it

there are very well researched tools to help; they're not perfect, but even basic systems can do a good job rooting out trash.

what we need more of, is algorithms (bait)
@TechConnectify you're right, and it's a double standard. I don't think it's fair to expect you to have the emotional energy to deal with that, and most people on here wouldn't tell smaller accounts to just deal with it.


@TechConnectify serious question: what do you think about the YouTube‘s ability to „quality filter“ the comment sections in comparison to, say, fedi? Being a „creator“ myself, I definitely get a lot of obnoxious comments that don’t technically cross the moderation line.

Does it bother you more on mastodon, because you treat it is a more personal communication method? Or do you perhaps not engage with/read the YT comments at all?

Charlie Owen

@TechConnectify I hear what you’re saying. I guess on Twitter the criteria for being classed as “low quality” was age of account, followers, and some bio information. That was handled as part of a centralised platform. We could replicate that via a personal or instance-level automated filter? But I don’t think there’s any modular plugin for Mastoson that allows that. Ironically implementing such a thing depends on the centralised will of @Gargron :(

bison ✅

@TechConnectify they working on something similar

"Twitter has a quality filter for accounts of your size - this means that many nonsensical comments are filtered out. We will try to implement something similar in Mastodon optionally, just needs some time ^ ^"


@TechConnectify I'm surprised no one has yet suggested that you code your own client with a custom bayesian filter… Please nerds have a bit of self respect and suggest more automated solutions!

(end of joke)

I enjoy your videos, please keep at it


@TechConnectify quality filter is algorithm.
Legit replies got caught up in the twitter Read More all the time. That is NOT a solution, couldn’t stand that “feature” on twitter and thankfully tweetdeck+tweetbot always showed all replies.
Keep it the heck away from masto (algorithms).
I feel bad for the issue you’re experiencing though. Maybe there are other solutions. Some people go the defederation route but I think that’s typically too heavy handed. Fedi is still tackling this.


@TechConnectify I imagine such a feature would be easily implementable in a frontend modification, I am not an expert on how the internals of ActivityHub (mastodon's inner protocol) work, but I cannot imagine it would cause a lot of issues. Maybe that's something worth looking into. I know it's not within the reach of everyone (it is not within mine, I don't know webdev at all), but I thought it would be interesting to mention as a passing thought

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