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@kevinmirsky @outadoc and also means nobody's gonna see that their point was made a dozen times before.

Sorting replies by popularity had some good effects, too!

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Kye Fox

@TechConnectify @kevinmirsky @outadoc This kind of reply tends to be so stock, sorting by alphabetical might keep the 3rd+ person from saying it and make #2 consider deleting


@TechConnectify @kevinmirsky @outadoc yes, these are all things that are possible in the client alone. I think we should create some tickets for our favorite clients. There are so many talented programmers here… maybe some can help?


That would only help if your client or server are aware of all the replies to a particular post, which they often won't be
@TechConnectify @kevinmirsky @outadoc


@_dmh @TechConnectify @kevinmirsky @outadoc …but then those other replies don’t matter, as you don’t see them anyway…? All the replies you have, you can sort, collate and filter as you wish. This is a purely technical issue. There is nothing that would block my client from sorting and filtering the replies it’s supposed to display to me.


But if it's meant to discourage people from posting similar messages, it can't, because there might be similar messages from people your server doesn't know about.
@TechConnectify @kevinmirsky @outadoc

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