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Technology Connections

I'd like to tell a quick story about successful troubleshooting.

A few months ago I rented a scissor lift to install lighting at my new office. When it arrived, the delivery person gave me a quick demo and off he went.

Well, when I went to actually use it - the lift went up by about a foot then stopped and screamed beeps of terror. It was broken!

But the display on the control read "18"

Rather than call the rental company, I searched "sinoboom fault code 18" to see what that meant.

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Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

@TechConnectify I had that happen at about 3ft off maximum extension, except the whole thing just stopped without error code. I assumed it had reached maximum extension and did the remainder of the gig lighting install by hand with a ladder, which was truly awful. Didn't find out until the last moment of teardown that the lift could go the full height.


@TechConnectify Do we need to look it up?
Too good a hook to leave us hanging.

HTTP 418

The lift had reached adulthood – yaaaay!

Technology Connections

OK, this place. I've been pretty heady lately and not very technology-y.

So to make up for it, you can have this picture. As a treat.

Technology Connections

Real talk time:

"Just asking questions" is a weapon. We know full-well that some people exploit it to feign innocence when deliberately throwing noise into discussions. And it works in large part because it encourages otherwise earnest discussions which then contribute to the noise.

So be careful.

Lars Marowsky-Brée 😷

@TechConnectify "Sealioning". It is so well abused, it's been given a name.

Technology Connections

Real talk:

It is utterly exhausting to look at my notifications every morning (which is a difficult slog as it is with this many followers) and see response after response saying "just mute/block those folks" again and again.

I'm gonna make this as clear as I can:

On Twitter,

this. was. not. a. thing. I. had. to. do.

I can probably count on one hand the number of times I had to block people because, get this, Twitter had a quality filter which caught most insufferable people

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@TechConnectify I'm surprised no one has yet suggested that you code your own client with a custom bayesian filter… Please nerds have a bit of self respect and suggest more automated solutions!

(end of joke)

I enjoy your videos, please keep at it


@TechConnectify quality filter is algorithm.
Legit replies got caught up in the twitter Read More all the time. That is NOT a solution, couldn’t stand that “feature” on twitter and thankfully tweetdeck+tweetbot always showed all replies.
Keep it the heck away from masto (algorithms).
I feel bad for the issue you’re experiencing though. Maybe there are other solutions. Some people go the defederation route but I think that’s typically too heavy handed. Fedi is still tackling this.


@TechConnectify I imagine such a feature would be easily implementable in a frontend modification, I am not an expert on how the internals of ActivityHub (mastodon's inner protocol) work, but I cannot imagine it would cause a lot of issues. Maybe that's something worth looking into. I know it's not within the reach of everyone (it is not within mine, I don't know webdev at all), but I thought it would be interesting to mention as a passing thought

Technology Connections

Alright, now we're cooking with...


Technology Connections

To explain, this is my car's vehicle-to-load function in action.

A simple adapter signals the car to backfeed AC voltage from an inverter to the charge port (This is a generic adapter, btw, teardowns of the official unit reveal it's basically just a resistor across the control pins).

This adapter turns the car into a generator capable of running basic necessities for days. You have the full 15A of any outlet at your disposal.

Pretty neat™

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Fish 🦈

@TechConnectify it's been a bit since any technology Thing has made me audibly gasp but those closeups of digital film audio did the trick. fantastic video

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