Confidence is not "I know what I'm doing."
Confidence is "I know how to find that out" and "I know how to learn new things" and most importantly "I know when I don't know what I'm doing, so I stop and find someone who does"
Obnoxious blowhards rely on people not understanding this distinction. And they amplify it by framing actual confidence as weakness.
This may be a useful thing to talk about with certain people in your life who are being fooled by fascists.
Warning that a proposed approach has downsides or talking about pitfalls of a similar experience should not be waved away as "negativity" or "being a blocker".
Wanting something to work well without doing everything twice is not "being obstructive about agile".
Saying that there is not enough time to test the proposed solution in a development environment before going to production is not "you're the reason we will miss the deadline that the new manager promised".