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A* Ulven :verified_blobcat:


I'm honestly shocked nobody has suggested you to "just sign up to a Fediverse admin with a list of blocked instances you dislike"

As if:

- You had a list of trusted admins prior to joining
- You had a list of instances you would like to avoid prior to joining
- Migrating between instances (especially instances running different software stacks) was at all easy

Just to be clear, I wholeheartedly support these criticisms that you are attempting to bring up, and I have hundreds of criticisms in addition to these regarding how Fediverse works.

The problem, as you have easily seen, is that any criticism of Fedi is seen as an attack of the fundamental inner-workings and the contributors. So you are quickly labeled hostile, and told to "fix it yourself" for any issues that you might have.

I hope you continue your presence here, but I wouldn't blame you if you decided to leave.

Flaky :blue_jay:​

@AlgorithmWolf @TechConnectify Bluesky seems to be trying to make federation not an issue for its users, while here federation is a core part of the fediverse’s identity, for obvious reasons of course, but things can get messy when you have your gripes with it as Alec has seen. And that’s not counting the different sides of fedi he might’ve ran into that’d make it a bloody mess.

Technology Connections

@Flaky @AlgorithmWolf Yeah, that time the Lemmy post kept creeping into my notifications and my replies to it kept appearing on Lemmy sure. was. fun.

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