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@outadoc Or maybe just a content script/extension. The default web client for mastodon is pretty poor UX imo.

Not sure what the problem is here? He has a lot of hateful replies or many replies to other replies telling him to block this or just lots of spammy replies?

Must be hella bad as this sounds a bit unhinged.

Anyway I raised an feature request (something you can't do on Twitter) for disable replies, follower only replies but who knows if it will ever get implemented.

Technology Connections

@nf3xn @outadoc Did you have to use the word "unhinged"?

Anyway, here's a simple thing that would make my life a lot easier:

If notifications were stacked, I could see "oh, this post has 150 replies" without SEEING EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.

I think what gets lost on a lot of folks is that with this many followers, any time I say anything remotely controversial (which is often a surprise!) there is a lot of stuff I don't need or even WANT to see.

Technology Connections

@nf3xn @outadoc Right now, everything is signal which means that everything is noise.

I'm sure my perspective isn't the average one - smaller accounts probably like how raw and bare metal the experience is here.

I'm trying my hardest to say (as tactfully as I can) that this does not work at scale - and if this platform is to truly be an alternative to corporate services, that needs to be figured out and fast.

A* Ulven
@TechConnectify @nf3xn @outadoc The usual response to "Mastodon has scale problems" is "we don't want to scale, actually, because scaling is bad, we aren't Twitter"

@TechConnectify @nf3xn @outadoc As a frequent and relatively decent sized account on Fedi, and one of the larger ones focused on comedy, I have raised this concern before towards our instance operator, who runs their own forked version of Mastodon.

I think that combining notifications would enable you to have a more enjoyable experience, without the headache of making a post that jives just right with the community.

Jeremy Dyer

@TechConnectify @nf3xn @outadoc
My account is as small as can be and even I've hit the scaling issues on #Mastodon I post one cute puppy picture and suddenly I have dozens of responses with no clear way to figure out what does and does not need my attention. Can't imagine what that must look like when you hit *hundreds* of responses.

I like Mastodon as a platform, but I agree 100% that it needs to figure out how to handle large threads in a low-stress way.

@TechConnectify @nf3xn @outadoc
My account is as small as can be and even I've hit the scaling issues on #Mastodon I post one cute puppy picture and suddenly I have dozens of responses with no clear way to figure out what does and does not need my attention. Can't imagine what that must look like when you hit *hundreds* of responses.

V :ct_logo:

i've always been mixed on the experience ever since ive first tried activitypub based socials in 2019.
its nice to have a lot of customizability, but there's also a lack of customizability and control in the aspects that are most important, i guess.
It's hard to get anywhere as a small account if you dont have outside sources, and its hard to manage a large account without being overwhelmed, unless you have experience in handling such (i.e a ex-social media manager). its fun with friends to post together and have a "social" media that way, but the moment you start scaling up it becomes a mess and starts showing the flaws of [activitypub] itself.
A lot of the work does have to go into places like management of the instance itself, filtering out anything "unwanted", but when you have over 5, 10, 15k... people its hard to get a small group of people to do that, especially with the tools at hand- a group of people can just host a new server and domain and keep doing targetted harrassment, for example (and vice versa, not being able to see certain people because there's too broad of a filter). it really is a double edged sword, and honestly, it allows both the best and the worst of people.
I wish you well on trying to maintain your presence on a platform like this, because it truely has its goodsides and its badsides. make sure to take mental breaks- some people are only here to make people feel bad, but they are a loud minority, one that is fed by a lack of love. You are not a company who needs to keep the presence of a neutral entity, you are a person, and all [good] people deserve to be respected.

i've always been mixed on the experience ever since ive first tried activitypub based socials in 2019.
its nice to have a lot of customizability, but there's also a lack of customizability and control in the aspects that are most important, i guess.
It's hard to get anywhere as a small account if you dont have outside sources, and its hard to manage a large account without being overwhelmed, unless you have experience in handling such (i.e a ex-social media manager). its fun with friends to post...


@TechConnectify @outadoc sorry I meant sympathically, like desperate, at your wits end, exasperated, etc. no offense intended, and I even tried to untag so you wouldn't get bothered by it but that doesn't work either so just made it even worse lol my bad.

Technology Connections

@nf3xn @outadoc cool, thanks for explaining. I thought that might be what you meant but, y'know, lots of folks I run across say this sort of stuff in earnest.

Guus der Kinderen

@TechConnectify @nf3xn @outadoc this feature request is being tracked in Mastodons bugtracker. It can be found here: Various comments mention that some clients already support grouped notifications. I'm unfamiliar with them, but it might be worth giving it a try?

Guus der Kinderen

@TechConnectify @nf3xn @outadoc Interestingly, @renchap (Mastodon core team member & CTO) included notifications grouping in a provisional roadmap for Mastodon 4.3 last month! Fingers crossed that it will get implemented soon.

Martin Holland

@TechConnectify @nf3xn @outadoc

Did you have a look at For posts with many replies I find it very helpful: It stacks notifications and orders replies. Maybe this helps a bit.

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