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To take control over our experience here we really need some tools. I.e. most of us here don't miss black-box algorithms designed to keep our eyeballs peeled, but we _would_ enjoy the ability to plug in user-defined filters and algorithms.

Some system like, idunno, ublock where you can subscribe to filters, would be good.

See also what happened with reddit around mod tools. Shouldn't open protocols and source be enabling control tools already?

2 comments | Expand all CWs
Kye Fox

@syklemil @TechConnectify That's one thing Bluesky is doing right. People look at all the Feeds and assume they're provided by Bluesky (and thus Bad Like Twitter), but most are developed independently.

They need to expand that thinking to the existing filters which are way too narrow. A near-duplicate reply filter would, if I understand correctly, solve a huge chunk of the problem for people with large followings. (for example)

Sheogorath 🦊

@syklemil Well, there is nothing preventing them to exist (for instance level administration they actually do), except of someone putting in the work to build them. There are APIs for all of this, there i the ability to fork the projects and there is a lot of documentation. But yet someone has to sit down and build it for it to exist. (maybe it actually already does exist it's just not known enough.)


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