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Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

This is your irregular reminder #Adobe are fucking dicks:

> Adobe Tells Users They Can Get Sued for Using Old Versions of Photoshop

We need #FLOSS tools to get to the point where they can replace Adobe tools. The alternatives are great, but they are sadly not there yet to replace Adobe tools for professionals.

And won't be unless projects like @inkscape get enough funding to develop to a point of being viable alternatives.

Yes, it is in no small part about the money.

Sven Slootweg

@rysiek @inkscape Only partly, though. There's a real problem in FOSS circles of (particularly) developers going "you're holding it wrong, you'll just have to learn how it works" rather than acknowledging that UX and accessibility are things that matter...

I have more than once seen projects actively reject help to improve these things because the project maintainer was of the opinion that it was "good enough" and it was people's own fault if they couldn't understand it.

Oro "it's flatpak time" 🏳️‍🌈

@joepie91 @rysiek @inkscape the devs have a point here. Gimp isn't Photoshop, so you'll have to learn how to use it to *some* extent. But good design helps a lot too, ideally I could look at the available menus and go "okay, this menu says canvas, it must do things like resizing it" rather than find the option under a completely different menu.

Sven Slootweg

@orowith2os @rysiek @inkscape I can assure you that that is not the point that said devs are making.

Oro "it's flatpak time" 🏳️‍🌈

@joepie91 @rysiek @inkscape the point I see is "you're not using it correctly, this isn't (insert proprietary software here)". And they would be correct. Both software has different design decisions and different workflows. The best they can do is make it easily usable.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@orowith2os @joepie91 it's a fine balance to be sure, and GIMP has improved significantly over the years.

Jeff Moe


What project did that? Can you link to the rejection? Thx.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

If you can replace #Adobe tools in your workflow today, great, more power to you! Not everyone can, sadly.

Tools like @inkscape, @Krita and @Blender are fantastic and built with love and energy and care. But in many cases they are still not an option for a lot of creative types.

So support them if you can. Use them if they work for you. Help improve them if you have the skills (that includes writing documentation, and working on better UI/UX!).

The better they get, the weaker Adobe becomes! 👀

Adam Lein

@rysiek Yeah, I wish @inkscape, @Krita, @Blender, @GIMP, @kdenlive, & Scribus could team up for a more-consistent (yet customizable for efficiency) UI/UX design.

Oro "it's flatpak time" 🏳️‍🌈

@Adam @rysiek @inkscape @krita @Blender @GIMP @kdenlive better to work on consistency and making it easier to follow first (good UI design) and focus on customizability later. If you do customizability right out of the gate, it makes things a lot harder to manage.

Diane 🕵

@rysiek @inkscape @krita @Blender

Not sure how far they are in the being good alternatives to Adobe products, but I think these two are chipping away at other parts of the adobe empire.

But people also mention @kdenlive (video editor) and @darktable (photography virtual "lighttable" and raw "developer" for digital photos)

Philip Mallegol-Hansen

@alienghic @rysiek

Outside of the FOSS space, I’ve had great luck converting folks in my life to use the Affinity suite of tools from Serif:

Good solid tools, that you buy once and get to use.

Bryan Hansel

@philip @alienghic @rysiek Affinity is good stuff. I wish they would support Android.

Jillianne Hamilton

@philip @alienghic @rysiek Another kudos for Affinity. Very reasonably priced tool for basically everything most people use.

Diane 🕵

@darktable @rysiek

I don't know enough about advanced photography techniques to really tell how good you are compared to lightroom.

I went through some of the tutorial went look sliders! Hey neat tagging. Oooh easily syncable parallel metadata files instead of one big database for nextcloud to corrupt. (Which happened to me with digikam a long time ago)


@alienghic @rysiek

KDE also has @digikam (photo manager), which has an editor called Showfoto that's similar to Darktable. It can also be run on its own. Been using it as the default image viewer and editor for years and it's quite good.

KDE has so much potential to create an open-source counterpart to the Creative Suite, due to the sheer variety of creative software and integrations they have with each other. A big reason why people use Adobe apps is that they fit together, making for extremely efficient workflows.

@alienghic @rysiek

KDE also has @digikam (photo manager), which has an editor called Showfoto that's similar to Darktable. It can also be run on its own. Been using it as the default image viewer and editor for years and it's quite good.

KDE has so much potential to create an open-source counterpart to the Creative Suite, due to the sheer variety of creative software and integrations they have with each other. A big reason why people use Adobe apps is that they fit together, making for extremely...


@rysiek The Affinity products are also fantastic

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@Genstar that's one of the questions, yes. I don't have an answer. But I know the more support they get, the sooner they might be able to do that.


Irenes (many)

@rysiek people who've been following us for a while already know this, but we strongly believe that free software for creative professionals would be ideally made by user-owned co-ops

there are a lot of creative types out there who we see saying they'd happily chip in to build something if they felt like they knew a way to do that that would actually make a difference

𝑪𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒚 𝑺𝒏𝒊𝒑𝒆𝒔 🌱

@rysiek Adobe's licensing tactics make me so mad. Every time I have had to reinstall or transfer software from Adobe it has been a major hassle. The benefits being a monopoly, I guess. I am trying to learn @darktable so I can ditch Lightroom. I would much rather send my $$ to a #FOSS project.

RevK :verified_r:

@rysiek @inkscape Surely the licence is to “copy”, not “use”, isn’t it?

I mean they may argue “copy” from disc to memory, etc, is copying, but given the ruling that reading a web site (which is a lot of copying and sending and stuff) is the same as “reading a book”, I would expect “running a program” is not “copying” (or distributing, etc).

I mean I don’t know, but you can bet they do not want it to get near an actual court…

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@revk @inkscape

> Surely the licence is to “copy”, not “use”, isn’t it?

Wanna bet?

RevK :verified_r:

@rysiek @inkscape well I mean from a copyright point of view, which is the only reason you need a “licence” in the first place.

If they have revoked/terminated the licence, but you don’t need a licence to run it, what do they sue you for exactly?


@revk @rysiek @inkscape to use adobe software you need to connect to their activation shit servers ...
For newer ones: each few days
On older: just after install/update

So yes these assholes can stop you from using it.

I was forced to not reinstall my lightroom few years ago by adoshit corp.


@revk @rysiek @inkscape oh and yes. In their licence there is information that "activation service is needed and we will give access to it for at least x years and we can kill it after that lol loooser"

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@revk @inkscape EULAs might or might not be enforceable depending on jurisdiction.

And in the end it might not matter all that much. If you're just a creative type using the tools or a small workshop, will you be inclined to go to court and fight against a lawsuit from Adobe?..

Most likely you won't. Because that means years in litigation and a lot of money with a very uncertain outcome. So all this armchair lawyering is pretty irrelevant, IMVHO.


@rysiek @inkscape Canva replaced them for most of my needs

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@kinjalkishor sure, but it's closed source, no? While it's better than being completely stuck in Adobe prison, it's also a "fool me once - fool me twice" kinda thing with closed source stuff…

argumento :socialiststar:

@rysiek @inkscape one of the big problems that FLOSS software has to replace Adobe or similar are the proprietary colors and color spaces, particularly for CMYK offset printing. Either building an alternative or paying for a license are complicated (it would mean distributing non-free software).

Other than that, I've been quite happy with Inkscape and Blender since I left Adobe software a decade ago.

Jer Warren

@argumento @rysiek @inkscape I feel like I read recently that Adobe was no longer licensing Pantone colors. Seems as if it's not just FLOSS with that problem

argumento :socialiststar:

@nyquildotorg @rysiek @inkscape yeah, Adobe is OUTSOURCING the cost of Pantone to their users, and many don't need Pantone if you're not printing. But Adobe still ships Pantone and both Pantone and PostScript are "the standard" in professional printing.

Jaap-Henk Hoepman (@xot)

@argumento @rysiek @inkscape I’m using the Affinity suite from and really like it: one time payment (no subscription), and local install (not cloud based), and wide range of functions combined with very pleasant UI

argumento :socialiststar:

@xot @rysiek @inkscape lol, I just replied with that (deleted the post) :P

Afinity is nice, but other than not being open source, it doesn't run on Linux either.


@rysiek @inkscape

I get downvoted to hell over at hacker news for the following regularly, let's see how this tracks here

The *childish* GIMP people blew a huge opportunity to really give Adobe a run some time ago by keeping its ridiculous, likely ableist name, and they keep doubling down on it.

Guess it's all about Krita


@rysiek @inkscape affinity is really good though not foss. They are very pro consumer in terms of their pricing and imo the UI blows adobe out of the water.


@rysiek @inkscape This is quite literally insane and simultaneously why I hate this “always online” era. I love the technological advancements we use daily today but companies like Adobe absolutely destroy my aforementioned love.

Rev. GothAlice

@rysiek @inkscape @eniko FOSS tools have ensured I’ve literally never actually needed any Adobe ones. Since… forever. UF-RAW has highly impressed me over the years.

In school we learned Corel tools, and I negotiated with the teacher that all of this proprietary 🤬 was garbage. The GIMP has suited well. Inkscape likewise.

Come at me Adobe for only mocking, not using your toolchain.


@rysiek @inkscape for me #inkscape is the clear winner when a clean SVG is required. The ones generated by Adobe Illustrator are hot garbage even beyond repair


@jlapoutre @rysiek @inkscape

The main claim that "FLOSS ... alternatives ... are sadly not there yet ... for professionals"

Is one that is much more complex than this binary would suggest. It depends on which professionals you mean. Scientists? Wood workers? Glass blowers? Web designers?

Each workflow in each business or industry has it's own assessment of Inkscape as a replacement tool.

But the answer is correct: Invest in programmers please.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@doctormo oh absolutely. I tried handling that in the second toot of that mini-thread. Kinda.

@jlapoutre @inkscape

Adrian Cochrane

@doctormo @jlapoutre @rysiek @inkscape Just the other day I remarked on a disconnect where FOSS-adjacent folks who don't trust opensource UX to have improved, & FOSS folks who don't trust them to be judging based on our current state.

I don't know what to take from this dynamic beyond meaningless noise to disprove...


@rysiek I have to say that @inkscape is right now a viable alternative to Adobe, and @Krita and @GIMP and...

No one client never have asked me about the software I use, they only want tasks done.The only people I found that rejects FLOSS design tools are other designers...

just adrienne

@nombreapellido @rysiek @inkscape @Krita @GIMP There is absolutely no tolerable FLOSS replacement for InDesign, and a lot of us still need that, thx.

@rysiek @inkscape The only way I see any of the alternatives replacing Adobe products is if they do what Blender did:

Try to create a professional quality product (like the blender shorts) regularly, and note in which ways the software is lacking either because it doesn't have certain features or because the UX to achieve them is not good, without falling into dumb criticism like "it's not exactly like the competition so it sucks". That and a lot of donations aimed at the needed improvements discovered with each attempt.

With each cycle of improvement, more people can use it for work because it covers new use cases.
@rysiek @inkscape The only way I see any of the alternatives replacing Adobe products is if they do what Blender did:

Try to create a professional quality product (like the blender shorts) regularly, and note in which ways the software is lacking either because it doesn't have certain features or because the UX to achieve them is not good, without falling into dumb criticism like "it's not exactly...
Wilmhit until demonetized
@rysiek @inkscape I don't see what's new here but will boost. Maybe someone else will find it lifechanging

@rysiek @inkscape serious question - is there any reason anyone has to disclose what tools they use? Just never tell anyone. Also pirate Adobe products.


@rysiek @inkscape It's highly improbable that any of the products you are promoting will be functional with the same licencing in 5 years time as today. That is the reality of the software industry. This is especially true for products that are still establishing their business model or might soon disappear from the market altogether.
It's also important to point out, that it is not Adobe but third parties, that could potentially sue users of legacy products.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@jtillessen what products am I promoting that are "improbable" to "be functional with the same licencing[sic] in 5 years time", exactly?


@rysiek I'm sorry. I didn't read that correctly. I thought you were talking about commercial software alternatives. 🥴


@rysiek @inkscape I never paid for it and my copy works

Lax intellectual property laws are good

JT the Artful :autism:

@rysiek (Was # FLOSS a typo? Did you mean #foss )?

I am always on the lookout for good open source art programs. Medibang Paint has been pretty decent for my samsung tablet (Free). Clip Studio Paint has a $5 sub on mobile. It has been ok.

Its harder to find decent FOSS art programs. Blender3d is what I learned on, and is in many ways better than Maya. GIMP/Glimpse UI is still wonky.

But unfortunately, as long as companies think Adobe is the standard, they'll keep forcing artists to use it.

JT the Artful :autism:

@rysiek RE: #FOSS
Ah, you did mention UI/UX issues. And documentation. That is the main thing a lot of these free programs are lacking. Blender3d has fairly good documentation, and if you are a shortcuts person, its amazing for that.

GIMP has been a struggle to use (Broke off into Glimpse). I only program in python, and I am a beginner at that. And GIMP has been confusing to use, with tablet driver issues.
Writing drivers is insane programming work tho.


Some people use the acronym #FLOSS (free/libre open source software) instead of #FOSS. My understanding is that the addition of "libre" is to emphasize that the "free" in FOSS doesn't necessarily mean "free of charge" but "free" as in "freedom/liberty". (Someone correct me if I'm wrong)


@rysiek @inkscape Oof! Horrible. I paid for your software, now you want to sue me???

Nicole Parsons

@rysiek @inkscape

You know you're in a monopoly when "captive market" becomes "captive consumer".

Gradually, it just becomes "captive".

Andrew Wedlake

@rysiek Always a good sign of respect when you sue your own paying customers.

It means that Adobe knows that newer products aren’t any better than older versions, and instead of incentivizing customers to upgrade, they choose to waste their resources to force customers to subscriptions to rake in more profits.

Hey Adobe, why not also sue existing subscription customers who leave, claiming that they add undue prudent onto their remaining subscription holders?


@rysiek @inkscape Ruffle and Lightspark are great alternatives to their now chinese-only flash player!

deepfake horizon

@rysiek @inkscape jokes on you adobe, the last version of PS I ever paid for was CS3 and there is exactly 0 reason for me to upgrade or subscribe for even 1 month lol

Kye Fox

@rysiek For people who need the refinement of commercial stuff:

Affinity Suite is quite affordable:

DaVinci Resolve is free for 99% of needs and the full version is included with their $400 Speed Editor:

Blender also covers most of the video editing and compositing functions of Adobe's stuff.

Capture One offers perpetual licenses for $300 (skip all the add-on stuff):

Darktable's UX is unusually refined for open source software if that's too much.

@rysiek For people who need the refinement of commercial stuff:

Affinity Suite is quite affordable:

DaVinci Resolve is free for 99% of needs and the full version is included with their $400 Speed Editor:

Blender also covers most of the video editing and compositing functions of Adobe's stuff.

Jeff Moe

@rysiek @inkscape

Why do we need tools for "professionals"? They're just making corporate trash, polluting our culture.

It would be better for the applications to focus on their free users.

As a side note, I was packaging Inkscape back when it was called Sodipodi. :)


Timo Grün

@rysiek @inkscape
Also a reminder that Adobe isn’t alone. Phase One, makers of Capture One, the Lightroom alternative, are working very hard to out-dick Adobe. They haven’t quite made it yet, but they’re getting there.


@rysiek @inkscape
So I can't reinstall my Photoshop SC2??? My new laptop doesn't have a disc drive anyways.

Kitchen Priestess (she/her)

@rysiek @inkscape

That kind of crap is why I have an old laptop that is completely offline and wifi disabled.


@rysiek @inkscape Adobe is becoming a liability. Even though I invested some time and money in presets and the workflow, the situation is getting worse every day.

Parade du Grotesque 💀


That is honestly insulting to all f*cking d*cks everywhere.

Regardless of your gender and sexual orientation (WHICH IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS, OK?) having sexual intercourse with a d*ck can be a very pleasurable experience.

Dealing with Adobe... Not so much.

Jay States

@rysiek @inkscape business is an evil place. I guess I will not be using as many adobe products anymore.

Klaus Zimmermann :unverified:

@rysiek Adobe gets to rank worse than Microsoft in my book in software freedom abuse.

I mean, they rank *worse* than Microsoft. That's how shit they are.


Eva Chanda

@rysiek @inkscape Shhhh... Don't give #elonputz any ideas! He'll force people to buy new Teslas every 3 years. #adobecapture

Eric Lawton


For many people, software tools are their "means of production".

Another twist on capital's methods of extracting value from other people's labour.

Paul Koenig

@rysiek @inkscape @darktable From the way the notice is written, it sounds like more fallout from Adobe no longer including the Pantone color scheme.

Craig Mcgee

@craignicol @inkscape @rysiek sued, for using an old version, they presumably paid for? surely not legal. oh wait, they are an amerikkkan company, so prob is absolutely fine!!

Craig Nicol

@rysiek @inkscape and if you use the new versions, Adobe will be training its AI on your published and unpublished work... 🤔


@rysiek @inkscape I switched to Serif's Affinity Studio for personal work. It's not FLOSS, but it's way cheaper than a CC subscription, and pretty easy to learn (though it doesn't have all the same features).

For GIMP and Inkscape to escape their niche and become viable Adobe replacements, they need to invest a ton into user research and UX/UI design, as those are the #1 issues barring wider adoption, IMO.
(That, and a name that isn't a disability slur.)


@rysiek I wonder if Pantone is the "third party" they're warning about, tbh. Didn't they recently start making you pay for those tones separately?

Henrik Hemrin

I'm a non-pro.
Last year I migrated my photo catalog from Adobe Photoshop Elements, via Lightroom classic to get more metadata (in particulare face tagging) migrated, over to digiKam. For that purpose, FOSS #digiKam works well. I also try it for editing. In addition, I have started to explore and use FOSS #RawTherapee for editing and will likely add FOSS #GIMP (I have used it now and then). A few times FOSS #Inkscape. I still use non-FOSS AfterShot but will likely end that.


I'm a non-pro.
Last year I migrated my photo catalog from Adobe Photoshop Elements, via Lightroom classic to get more metadata (in particulare face tagging) migrated, over to digiKam. For that purpose, FOSS #digiKam works well. I also try it for editing. In addition, I have started to explore and use FOSS #RawTherapee for editing and will likely add FOSS #GIMP (I have used it now and then). A few times FOSS #Inkscape. I still use non-FOSS AfterShot but will likely end that.


@rysiek @inkscape

I have an archived old version of Adobe CS on a fully operational non internet connected old Apple MacBook Air, and honestly, if it was any good I would use it despite the unwarranted threat of violence, but it's absolute garbage; unusable, awkward, uncooperative worthless junk!

Affinity Serif - FTW!

Goodbye Adobe, forever - I sincerely wish you well 😂


@rysiek @inkscape

I haven't gone through the pricing, but here are some alternatives.

For video, I've found Openshot Video Editor which has proved to be pretty damn good.

For Adobe they can...


@rysiek Rent-seeking bastards. I was so mad when they bought Figma, which is also a damn subscription, but at least it was cheap and lightweight.


@rysiek devils advocate here, I am a super big fan of the workflow with Adobe software. It makes my pipeline work tremendously easier.

Claude :linux:

@rysiek @inkscape I don't know, I'm not a professional, but maybe Open Source tools are quite alright and the pros just learned with Adobe and don't want to learn something new.



Meanwhile, for Mac users, I'm finding Pixelmator to be an entirely serviceable PS alternative. Very reasonably priced, and none of this "license instead of buying" nonsense.

love how no one at Vice gives a shit anymore

@rysiek @inkscape Moved to Affinity Photo 2 and Luminar Neo and I will never look back. Adobe is evil incarnate.

sudoedit@fosstodon :~ $

@rysiek @inkscape As time goes on the more I think the FSF might not be as crazy as they seem.

Dana Whittle

@rysiek @inkscape First, switch to Affinity apps, then help convince basically every govt site in North America (and beyond) to stop forcing Adobe and its surveilling, invasive software on us via forms that require Reader to function.


@rysiek @inkscape I feel like one of the big challenges with #FLOSS tools for things like image editing is that initially, FLOSS flourished where the users were more inclined to manipulate the tools themselves, and to do things like submit patches, take on more development roles, or even just read the code to try to understand it. It was a hit then for things like the Apache web server, and other GNU system tools - the users were closer to the code, so to speak, and would dabble in it to some extent.

On the other hand, people using things like image editors are more thinking of creating whatever it is they're trying to create, as opposed to maintaining an infrastructure. Someone just editing a photo isn't necessarily thinking about the inner workings of their OS (to the extent someone hacking on a web server might be). So, there's more of a gap between the people who would be using that and the people who would be writing those tools.

I like the way #Blender had open movie projects, where the developers would work alongside artists to produce an actual creative work. I think more of that kind of thing would benefit the likes of #Krita and the #GIMP, and other projects.

@rysiek @inkscape I feel like one of the big challenges with #FLOSS tools for things like image editing is that initially, FLOSS flourished where the users were more inclined to manipulate the tools themselves, and to do things like submit patches, take on more development roles, or even just read the code to try to understand it. It was a hit then for things like the Apache web server, and other GNU system tools - the users were closer to the code, so to speak, and would dabble in it to some extent.

Felipe :wyd:

@rysiek @inkscape what? they are going to sue a billion people lmao

Old Man Luke

@rysiek @inkscape I saw someone suggesting that this might have something to do with Adobe losing Pantone licensing. Two giant companies getting in a money spat and passing the problem down to the users.

❄️ freezr ❄️

@rysiek @inkscape I am more concerned that Addobbi can buy anything it wants, it lives into a monopoly and nobody raises up a finger to highlight it...

Psoul 🏳️‍🌈:vbike:🇺🇸

@rysiek @inkscape
I’m in school right now for visual media design. Our program is centered around the Adobe suite… I can’t wait to switch over to Affinity, the UI is so much better.

Simon Cox :SEO:

@rysiek @inkscape @nbwpuk Not surprising. I switched to the Affinity suite when they Serif launched it and have never been happier.

Patrick H. Lauke

@rysiek i wish there was a good alternative to Lightroom that can also seamlessly import existing catalogues ... I'm locked into it, effectively, since I have decades' worth of raw files managed in it. at least I'm on the last "proper" version of it that you could outright buy before it went Creative Cloud leasing model...

Duncan Horne :kare_mac:

@rysiek @inkscape I haven’t used adobe products for years. As well as Sketch, Affinity replaced Adobe for me, and does the job just as well.


@rysiek @inkscape TBF it's kinda shooting the messenger, Adobe is just telling users that they could be sued due to third party licensing that is no longer valid. Or some such guff.

Adobe are still dicks, even if only because of what they did to Macromedia Freehand. Yes, I can hold a grudge for a looong time.

Completely agree that we really need a FLOSS vector and raster editing program that's on the same level as something like Blender. Oh, and a NLE. There are FLOSS examples of all of these programs, but they really don't cut it at the moment. The Blender project shows that this doesn't have to be the case.

@rysiek @inkscape TBF it's kinda shooting the messenger, Adobe is just telling users that they could be sued due to third party licensing that is no longer valid. Or some such guff.

Adobe are still dicks, even if only because of what they did to Macromedia Freehand. Yes, I can hold a grudge for a looong time.

catgirl/whale solidarity

@rysiek @inkscape the main fork of Glimpse has such an irredeemable slur of a name that it prevents a lot of people from using it


@inkscape @rysiek I gave up Photoshop for Gimp and never looked back.

Antti Peltola

I remember when #Adobe was allowed to purchase its sole serious competitor #Macromedia off the market with competition regulators saying nothing about it.


@rysiek @inkscape This is capitalism gone mad. Manufacturers should not be able to lock customers into buying more of their product.. when you buy something, you should own it and have complete freedom to choose what you buy next.


@rysiek No we don’t. Becoming a "good enough" alternative will be just fine.

Like, if Adobe tools are so much better that professionals would rather get blackmailed over it than using open alternatives, how can you place the expectation to reach that standard onto a community of volunteers and non-profits? Is that even in reach yet for some of those projects?
(idk I don’t use Photoshop)

FvH 🦣

@rysiek @inkscape Thanks! Here’s Affinity Photo, Designer, Publisher and Final Cut Pro since many years. Nothing to complain about being Adobe-free ;-)

@inkscape @rysiek Dependence on any program that requires a license/subscription, only encourages other companies who haven't yet adopted those models, to at least explore the potential.

And as far as "tools for professionals" is concerned, I'd say more than that, we simply need good usable tools in general.
Sultmhoor 🔒

@rysiek @inkscape This article is four years old. Has Dolby or Adobe sued anyone for using the product yet?


@rysiek @inkscape "Adobe is warning some owners of its Creative Cloud…" – Not correct at all. Adobe is the only "owner" of its cloud. Boggles my mind that this can be news to people. You rent rights and own nothing.

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