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sam henri gold

john oliver irl looks more like Blathers than Blathers looks like Blathers

Matt Birchler

@samhenrigold John Oliver could still have a great career if all he did was play bird characters he looks like already.

sam henri gold

from the bottom of my heart, please stop running cutesy localized subway ad campaigns. i’m looking at one right now that says “From BLTs in LIC to BOGO sales in NoHo, Amex has you covered” and I’m having trouble containing the bile raging inside me

sam henri gold

youtube is a surprisingly terrible search engine.
- very limited operators (I can never get ones like `allintitle` to work)
- it shows you random trending chumbox content after, like, ten actual results
- the part that matches the search is super opaque (is it in the tags? transcript? description?)
- the filters are also opaque. “HD” doesn’t mean “just show me HD videos” — it also includes 4K videos

their engagement KPIs are impeding my ability to use a search field like a fucking search field.

youtube is a surprisingly terrible search engine.
- very limited operators (I can never get ones like `allintitle` to work)
- it shows you random trending chumbox content after, like, ten actual results
- the part that matches the search is super opaque (is it in the tags? transcript? description?)
- the filters are also opaque. “HD” doesn’t mean “just show me HD videos” — it also includes 4K videos

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@samhenrigold the showing random search results makes me so mad every time. I'M DOING IMPORTANT RESEARCH HERE, SHOW ME VIDEOS THAT MATCH THE FREAKING QUERY.

Sam Gross

@samhenrigold and none of those tricks work on the TV applications.

Григорий Клюшников

The part that drives me absolutely nuts is the fact that it knows that languages are a thing. It would automatically translate *some* video titles with no way to turn that off. Can't fix that by switching the UI to English either, because since I watch videos in both languages, it would start translating Russian to English. Crappily. Also sometimes the subtitles would turn on by themselves. WHY?!?!

sam henri gold

these came out so well 😤💪💪

i will let you all know which one of these works best for drinking tea out of. i have a hunch but it’s my duty to test all of them

sam henri gold

proud to announce i just Carbonized my last app! took me 22 years but I finally transitioned all of my Classic macintosh apps

edit: what do you mean it’s deprecated

sam henri gold

subjecting myself to a call with my credit card company to redeem a $300 flight credit. asking myself if this is even worth it.

Григорий Клюшников

startup idea: add speech input/output to ChatGPT and use it for these kinds of things

then laugh uncontrollably when it inevitably reveals itself by saying "as an AI language model"

Emmanuel Crouvisier

@samhenrigold Capital One? If they have live chat that’s often a less painful option but some banks just suck.

sam henri gold

ahah what if we kissed in a tesla’s panel gaps? 🥺👉👈

sam henri gold

crazy how they just let anyone handle a gutenburg bible lmao why am i allowed to do this

Григорий Клюшников

Are you sure it's original and not a reproduction? The wiki article definitely makes it appear as something that's meant to be kept in a glass case, only 49 of them are known to exist

sam henri gold

catch me judging your mezuzah placement from across the room

sam henri gold

I love brand apology videos for the same reason I love 2010s pop — the repetition is comfortable. Wells Fargo, Facebook, Linus, you name it. “Hey. It’s us. We fucked up. But we’re committed to building that trust back. Going forward, there’s gonna be less of me and more of “we”. Because we are us. And us are we.”

sam henri gold

can they just challenge each other to a duel with actual guns so we can end this collective nightmare.

Chris Barlow

@samhenrigold We’ll be cursing our grandchildren with a pop musical about one of them.


Maybe someone can sell them the Head of Vecna

Matt Freiburg

@samhenrigold “Two men enter…………………….. (<hushed voice> and a hangry tiger)… no men leave!”

sam henri gold

BAD GENAI. WE DON’T (bonk) DO (bonk) AGENT (bonk) STRINGS

Mike Beasley

@samhenrigold well now i’m curious… what’s the use case for detecting this difference?

Григорий Клюшников

If the user is using a text-mode browser, the navigator.platform property will return the string "Linux".

sam henri gold

i’m watching the news and i’ve gotta say, “racketeering” sounds like such a fancy crime. racketeering? i’m flattered, don’t mind if i do

sam henri gold

Journals in the iPhoto iPad app were a wild, beautiful, fleeting moment in time. I feel for the designer who probably spent a ton of time on the cloth stitch texture only to rip it out for iOS 7 after, like, nine months.

Григорий Клюшников

The world desperately needs more textures in UIs.


@samhenrigold this was great and there is still no good alternative to this even now which blows my mind somewhat!
A way to collate photos alongside other information related to a holiday like this is a great idea

sam henri gold

sorry, left you all stranded without an update. i did not, in fact, try fin. i got hibachi

sam henri gold

unironically such an absurd 90s country music video. at no point in the video does it do anything and i love it for that.

sam henri gold

one of the lines is “with the rear view mirror torn off / I ain't never lookin' back and that's a fact”

there are so many shots of rear view mirrors flying out of cars and shattering. really hitting you over the head with it

sam henri gold

this year has gotta suck if your legal name is Unnamed Coconspirator

sam henri gold

"please do not use your browser's back button" sounds like a you problem girlie!

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