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sam henri gold @ config

I’m at #Config2024 all week! Come say hi — I have a giant, goofy box of stickers & pins with a sneak peek of the all-new @lickability branding 🤫

sam henri gold @ config

obligatory “i am at config, please say hi” post. i am shy but i like meeting people & i have stickers and pins to give out.

#config2024 #config24

sam henri gold @ config

tbh i treated art school as mostly an improv exercise. you can totally heighten and "yes and" your way to a good grade. here are some nonsense thesis statements I almost did. please steal them:
- Democratizing Neo-feudalism as a Service
- Intersectionality in the Third Dimension: A VR Experience
- Re-imagining Mona Lisa as a transmasc icon
- The Politics of Pizza: A Marxist Analysis of Toppings
- The Subversive Power of Knitting: A Queer Theory Approach


@samhenrigold Art school taught me how to plausibly explain away my late-night I-can't-be-bothered-to-fix-this-problem-so-that's-how-it's-going-to-be decisions from the previous day on the spot during our final project presentations.

And people say it has no practical applications! Ha!

sam henri gold @ config

recently discovered the feudalism subreddit

sam henri gold @ config

while packing for config, i realized i left my favorite shirt in DC. I will need to take the rest of the week off in mourning. you’re welcome to join me in sitting shiva for my gray polo shirt.

sam henri gold @ config

this week i'm FINALLY going to share + open-source three little random projects I've been working on!

here's the first one: BALL

it's just a little ball that lives in your dock. take it out, throw it around, put it back. comes in one color: red. it makes a little bouncy sound when it hits the walls of your computer. like all good balls, it also casts a shadow.

nate parrott

it's inspired by this classic Dock widget by @nheagy which i have lots of fond memories of

Neil Sardesai

@nate can u toss it between multiple displays tho

sam henri gold @ config

silently judging your reimplementation of UIPageControl

sam henri gold @ config

if you owned a $99 HP webOS tablet it’s time to schedule a prostate exam

Alex Pretzlav 🥨

@samhenrigold what if I wrote the yelp app for the palm prē

sam henri gold @ config

not much what's uptime with you man (i just high-fived myself so hard my hand started bleeding)

sam henri gold @ config

i know this is the wrong takeaway from this page but man what a sucky bunch of flags and logos. vexillologically atrocious

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Григорий Клюшников

wtf did they do with scrolling on there, you touch the trackpad and it shoots straight into stratosphere


I don't think flags should look like they all came out of the same homogeneous hipster design agency...

Flags represent diverse messy groups of people.

If a group believes their flag needs a shiny marble earth that will later need to be stitched into fabric, I love that for them. Word art ak? fantastic! Big old tiger? Go for it. Stars and stripes? We'll put this one up on the fridge! Big old hammer and sickle? No wrong answers, i guess

Ramesh Gupta

⬆️ @samhenrigold

One language family sticks out like a sore thumb

sam henri gold @ config

been getting this awesome type of new spam voicemails where a woman’s voice chants the same message for 30 seconds straight: "Please return my call at your earliest convenience. Please return my call at your earliest convenience. Please return my call at your earliest convenience. Please return my call at your earli

Chris Coleman

@samhenrigold This sounds pretty important. You should probably 𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎.

Eric Zarowny

@samhenrigold please return my call at your earliest convenience.

sam henri gold @ config

why are you all still making music?? duality by set it off came out 11 years ago, nothing will ever top it. just give up and learn a trade.

The Flight Attendant

@samhenrigold I had never heard of the band set it off, or the song duality until you posted this toot and i gotta say... lmfao 😆

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Timo Tijhof


Wow, I didn't realise the first MacBook Pro looked so much like the PowerBook still.

Without the box I could've sworn it was my first personal laptop (Titanium PowerBook G4, I used an iMac G3/G4 before that, and briefly a Macintosh Performa before that.)

Brian King

@samhenrigold Beautiful. That has to be one of the earliest built-in iSight cameras on a portable.

sam henri gold @ config

I'll be at Config next week! I'll be the tall white guy in jeans and a company t-shirt.

What do you mean “be more specific”

sam henri gold @ config

props to whatever nintendo person smoked a big weed & was like "what if you made a game where you use the CONSOLE to control the CONTROLLER"

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Mark T. Tomczak

@chrisisgr8 I love Labo so much. Labo was Nintendo showing up to the Met Gala in greasemonkey coveralls to remind everyone where she came from.

"Toy company first. Games are a kind of toy."


seems like Nintendo makes cool shit and still somehow has the nerds, gamers and geeks still holding sway. In a world of enshitification they seem to consistently make good stuff

sam henri gold @ config

Ghidra is unusably hideous. Burn it to the ground. How do people tolerate this

Григорий Клюшников

The UI might be hideous but it does do a much better job of producing meaningful decompiled code than IDA or Hopper. Except Hopper is kinda better for ObjC. Sometimes.

Nick Foster

@samhenrigold the UI is awful but the functionality is rapidly overtaking IDA Pro, also it’s free and open source and has a git-ish collaborative tool built in (another thing IDA sucks at)

But also… yeah the UI is so so bad

sam henri gold @ config

recently made the horrifying discovery that there was a kids bop cover of padam. made an edit that literally nobody wanted:

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