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Mike Piontek

Really enjoyed the new welcome screen on macOS 15

Chris White

@robotspacer @siracusa You can’t convince me anyone at Apple uses macOS.


@robotspacer the constant permissions requests to allow screen recording and audio are so annoying on macOS 15

It's gotten to the point where when I see it pop up I just immediately accept, the amount of pop-ups is honestly hurting mac security in this way

Ruben Schade :runbsdBg:​

@ostyn @robotspacer Yeah, and I don’t blame anyone for doing so! Notification fatigue is real.


@ostyn @robotspacer The probable reason why Apple suddenly started asking 3th-party apps for screen access on macOS: crippling competition of other AI apps;

“Additionally, in the year ahead Apple says [Apple Intelligence] will introduce a variety of other Siri upgrades. These include awareness of content that’s on your screen”

Josh Rivers

@Kdude @ostyn @robotspacer The funny thing is (1) I actually approve of Apple making third party AI apps less easy to use but (2) I won’t be installing Sequoia or likely buying another Mac because of this crap permission prompt and the apps it does break.


@joshrivers @ostyn @robotspacer Sure, a warning is not bad. But there should always be an opt-out;
Big Tech companies should not be allowed to dictate what we are allowed to do on our own machines, in a Democracy.


@robotspacer Oh good, guess it can join the annoying notification about notifications.

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