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955 posts total
sam henri gold

this account is strictly mdni (magicians do not interact). i don’t know where that rabbit came from and frankly im unwilling to find out. get outta here you freaks of fuckin nature.

sam henri gold

the Nantucket Current has been chronicling the first cybertruck on the island and is making fun of them parking like a dick. this is the reason a free press is crucial to democracy.

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Tormod Halvorsen

@samhenrigold @gufo

"Damage caused by high tide is also not covered by warranty."

Chris Godwin


What you need for that beach is one of them Odyssey 21 extreme e cars. Y'know, an electric vehicle designed to be rugged, not a musk mobile which is designed to aid the symptoms of a mid life crisis

sam henri gold

as an american, i was put on this earth to turn anything that could have nutritional value into something that actually tastes good. behold my latest concoction: brussel sprouts, air fried with olive oil, a little bit of parmesan and topped with a maple syrup reduction for sweetness.

If this provides any nutritional value I will have failed myself and my country.


@samhenrigold similarly i bake them crispy in the oven (which is the only form i will eat them) and they turn out edible ;D i guess they still have some nutrition even after nuking them for an hour >.<

sam henri gold

hard to express how much my life has improved since putting a super long USB-C cable plugged into a super high wattage power adapter next to my sofa.

you don’t understand: i can charge anything from my favorite place to sit. life changing.

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Iris Young (he/they/she) (PhD)

@samhenrigold I catproofed a couple cables and keep them in a side table next to the couch, already plugged into a charging hub. It is indeed life changing.

Greg in AZ

@samhenrigold completely agree about having the long USBC and high powered charger. Love it so much, brought it on vacation.

sam henri gold

from the archives: tired of using the trash to delete files? might I recommend chucking unwanted files in T̷͖̅Ḧ̴̟́Ȇ̴̢ ̶̜̽H̴̺̕Ò̶̜Ḽ̸̏E̴̘͆

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@samhenrigold @alienmelon Oh no, I know where this goes. This is how you accidentally invite strangers to link to your weird island full of puzzles.

Liaizon Wakest

@samhenrigold hey @gnome, please implement this as the default trash experience in Gnome... its sooooo good.

sam henri gold


Evan Boehs

@samhenrigold this is an emotion only a SwiftUI developer can relate to.

Only swift developers know the pain of spending hours sifting through undocumented components, and the triumph of finding the answer in the most unlikely of places

sam henri gold

btw SwiftUI already has the symbols for a variable blur modifier, they can be found at link time. you just need to add some stubs to the *.swiftinterface files and there you have it, a variable blur one-liner.

Evan Boehs

@samhenrigold this is sweet. You should try submitting it to the store, I wonder if you’d get away with it

sam henri gold

if i ran a university founded by intellectuals who left traditional universities in protest of their conformist tendencies and limitations on academic freedom, i simply wouldn’t call the cops to arrest a bunch of my students that pay through the nose to attend

sam henri gold

i love hopelessly validating SVG files and getting non-actionable errors in return

sam henri gold

i don’t have three hours to watch a comprehensively researched @TechConnectify video on dishwashers can someone just tell me if I should buy cascade powder or gel

sam henri gold

i have determined that i simply attract german shitposts. i am like catnip for confused recommendation algorithms. between that spotify discover weekly thing and this, i have no other way to explain why i keep getting 3D animations with german text to speech.

sam henri gold

the “nyc bagels are the best” folks have been REAL quiet ever since the WB Mason brand bagels hit the scene

sam henri gold

(I like the special edition Polar seltzers, WB Mason is, yet again, the only company that has it in stock + ships to me. I’m not thrilled doing this but the nearest grocery store that carries it is a Stop & Shop in Maspeth which is like 50 minutes away on the F)

sam henri gold

can’t reveal sources but i heard from someone in marketing that there will be full frontal

sam henri gold



[iOS in-app alert]

“Are you enjoying this app?”

[Yes / No]

Yes -> prompt user for App Store review

No -> take user to in-app form asking why they don’t like the app


My suggestion:

1) don’t do this
2) if you’re going to anyway, make the very first option on the “No” form be auto-selected and it says “I actually like the app, I just didn’t want to say ‘yes’ and be taken to fill out a review at the moment you asked because I’m busy”

sam henri gold

@jimniels third option if space permits on the initial alert: “It’s fine I guess; go away and don’t ask again”

sam henri gold

tbh they should just repurpose the android lawn sculpture land as a mock cemetery for their killed products.


@samhenrigold they could save a lot of money by killing products *before* they're developed

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Григорий Клюшников

You know a company is full of shit when they start sentences in a freakin press statement with lowercase letters.


> The company explains that the LLM it uses runs on the cloud, which is something we never questioned.

Well that's a relief. I was worried the $200 gadget actually had a chipset that was worth the price.

sam henri gold

from the archives:
I was thinking about @notboring’s blog post about adding "juice" to products (

Instead of thinking about juicing something, my instinct was to think about how to make it completely over-dramatic. A file compression utility:

sam henri gold

(watching the mkbhd rabbit review) GET EM KING

Lorena 🍏

@samhenrigold Imagine trying to take on the iPhone and fumbling that hard 🤣

sam henri gold

would love an explanation why this was the third song in my spotify discover weekly. i mean it’s bop-y but i don’t speak german

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@samhenrigold Marti Fischer is somewhat Youtube-famous in the German speaking world, I'm also surprised you would get this in your Spotify algorithm :D he does fantastic videos, but not sure it's as enjoyable with subtitles

Jordan Kay

@samhenrigold Oh this is a whole thing on TikTok (there’s a dance)

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