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955 posts total
sam henri gold

Hey everyone, we (@lickability) are looking for a freelancer who’s super sharp with web + CMS wrangling (specifically @sanity_io and Wordpress)

If you know someone (or if that’s you!) DMs are open :)

sam henri gold

doing my drafts folder spring cleaning

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@samhenrigold Boogle Gard deserves to be posted Sam

Григорий Клюшников

everyone forgets that cows can be in places until they find themselves in a place where there are cows

sam henri gold

honestly the best feature of iOS

Nick Foster

@samhenrigold sighhhh I was so hyped for this feature when it launched. But there’s a million papercuts, like when a Kickstarter project tries to email you an update and you never get it cause it gets silently bounced. I’ve pretty much stopped using it 😕

sam henri gold

can someone at Google IO please send me one of these booklets? i’ll pay for postage but this feel like it’ll be collectible in 20 years or so.

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@samhenrigold "are you fucking kidding me? of *course* I'm enjoying it!"


@samhenrigold Everybody wants Apple to play by the same rules as everybody else... until they do.

sam henri gold

idk who needs to hear this but if you’re in the apple ecosystem EXCEPT apple music, you can still buy iTunes Match separately. it’s been a godsend for me to sync local tracks since spotify sucks at it. plus it still does that track upgrade thing (if you import a track from Somewhere 😉 it’ll let you swap it with the iTunes quality + proper metadata)

$25/year, one of the best value subscriptions imo

Lou Plummer 

@samhenrigold I've had 25K tracks with them for years and still listen to my music more than theirs

sam henri gold

okay haha very cute but getting the count of a word in a text file does not require an LLM. you’re cracking eggs with a sledgehammer.


sam henri gold

european wax centers are afforded the same diplomatic benefits that any other european embussy gets

sam henri gold

hey netherlands. you all did a really good job with the avrotros branding. very fun, 10/10

sam henri gold

good morning. i wrote a blog post (plea) last week because im at my wits’ end here

Geffrey van der Bos

@samhenrigold I can’t remember. Did you sent this to me on Whatsapp? Signal? Telegram? Slack perhaps? Or was it Microsoft Teams? Ah, no it was in the chat specific to that Google Meet before. Could’ve sworn it was via a DM on Instagram? Or in a private message on Twitter! That’s right! Oh maybe I just read it on Mastodon. That might be it. Couldn’t find in my Apple Messages.

sam henri gold

You may have 1 (one) picture Ja Rule and Nelly with an iMac at the Sprite[.]com launch in 2000. As a treat.

sam henri gold

“fall out boy is coming to NYC! get tickets! actually jk it’s a VOD from when they were here a few months ago” this is cruel and i’ve never felt more strongly about demolishing ticketmaster

sam henri gold

Forgetting Xcode's official artificial minimum iOS target version, how far can modern versions of Swift actually back-deploy?

Steve Troughton-Smith

LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS on the embedded Swift libraries is set to iOS 7.0 👀 I should do some testing…


@stroughtonsmith last i checked it was iOS 8 but that was a while ago (2020) - in *theory* as long as they've kept support for the built-in Swift runtime i wouldn't imagine that'd have changed...? (12.2 is the minimum so if they officially support 12.0 still then that shouldn't be an issue)

i wasn't able to get anything working on iOS 7 even though they said it worked

sam henri gold

alright that #eurovision kinda sucked. i think the remedy is to let america compete next year.

nobody @ me i said what i said.

Timo Hetzel

@samhenrigold let all 50 states enter separately for complete chaos.


@samhenrigold I loved the American Song Contest when they did the spinoff but they only ran it one year.

sam henri gold


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