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sam henri gold

as a reminder, I made an “owo whats this” bookmarklet a few years ago. it's a worthy addition to your bookmark bar.

A programming guide converted to “owo what’s this” lingo. 

For example: “UwU If uu awe pwoviding secuwity featuwes, uu shouwd make theiw pwesence cweaw to da usew. Fow exampwe, if uuw maiw appwication wequiwes da usew to doubwe cwick a smaww icon in owdew to see da cewtificate used to sign a message, most usews wiww nevew weawize that da featuwe is avaiwabwe. ( ˘ ³˘)♥”
Григорий Клюшников

(modern browsers hate bookmarklets SO DAMN MUCH, I had to spend 5 minutes fighting mine to let me self-xss myself)

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