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1,325 posts total
sam henri gold

I know you all were jonesing for my take on the #AppleEvent invite, and I simply must give the people what they want. I'm glad @dgriffinjones included me as the de facto voice of my generation (with apologies to my generation).

Григорий Клюшников

According to macOS dictionary, "wonderlust" isn't an English word. But anyway, I'm so looking forward to the end of distinction between "iPhone chargers" and "Android chargers". We'll just have one "everything charger".

sam henri gold

New blog post: Plussing your iOS app

I love direct, actionable things that help improve something. Long term, abstract goals have their place (“anchor designs around your brand's visual style!”) but sometimes, you deserve a little objectivity. As a treat.

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Bosco 🇨🇦🤺

@samhenrigold I chuckled every time I saw `playerLayerWithPlayer` (5-7-5 haiku?) when I worked on a podcasting thing in the before time 😅

Steve Canon

@samhenrigold I'm _ERROR_Buffer_ReadWrite__Too_Small_For_Arguments_To_vImage__CheckBacktrace

sam henri gold

idk if you've ever looked at the lyrics for this song but they're kind of a mess.

sam henri gold

wild how consumer reports still docks points off a computer for lacking an optical drive

sam henri gold

I was skeptical that I needed to preview this pocket folder in my space in AR but I’m glad I did.

sam henri gold

what do you all think this is a website for. because you will never, ever guess

sam henri gold

if you said “luxury umbrella" you're a filthy liar


@samhenrigold My guess was going to be some kind of menstrual product. Was NOT prepared for the actual answer 🤣

sam henri gold

Going to the vet with an old (15) dog is really great because you'll go in for skin problems and leave with:
- Omega 3 oil for his food
- Antibiotics food sprinkles
- Medical shampoo 1x week
- Antibiotic lotion to put on his sores 2x week
- Pain killer in his food
- Joint supplements (as a treat)

sam henri gold

web design kinda freaks me out. too much space. i’m this close to saying “screw it, everything is clamped to 800x600”

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Dave Alvarado

@samhenrigold start with mobile first and you'll have the opposite problem.

Григорий Клюшников

I use 1024x768 as a baseline because people do still use laptops with these kinds of screens. I tried a wider layout in the early days of Smithereen, but it turns out longer lines of text are harder to read. It was kinda at this point that I decided to give up on trying to be original and just build a pixel-perfect copy of VK's old design instead.

sam henri gold

say what you will but he’s a total stud

Григорий Клюшников

Nice to see that this stupid 2FA popup has carried over to the modern macOS all the way from the 90s.


@samhenrigold hmm what is this..............................................

sam henri gold

lemme tell you, having a text shortcut to this post link has paid off in spades.

sam henri gold

had a rager of a weekend (I figured out a way to gracefully degrade icon web fonts so if FontAwesome fails to load, the chevrons can fall back to unicode arrows →)

sam henri gold

I still keep the now-broken HBO Max app on my Apple TV to remind me of when times were simpler.

sam henri gold

don’t tell me how to live my life. burrito

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Chris Barlow

@samhenrigold Where are these $8 burritos? Sounds like a good deal!

Nick Tune 🇺🇦

@samhenrigold making customers choose between a burrito and your product is not a good marketing strategy.

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