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955 posts total
sam henri gold

yeah yeah wwdc is neat and all but i'm just ecstatic I get stay at the Marriott Courtyard Sunnyvale: THE LAMBORGHINI OF ECONOMY HOTELS IN THE AREA

sam henri gold

what do you call the little descriptive text that sits above a title? i've heard it described as all of these things and idk what to believe anymore (example in the replies)

Anonymous poll


a kicker
an overline
an eyebrow
the super-header
36 people voted.
Voting ended 29 Mar 2023 at 23:21.
sam henri gold

this pepsi rebrand is trash. i demand justice for the Pepsi Globe Dynamics

sam henri gold

I don’t remember the context but one of my first code projects in sixth grade involved me trying to generate a list of languages by taking the first four letters of the country name and appending “ish”. Worked great for English but sorta fell apart for Germish and Japaish.

sam henri gold

please stop making me scan qr codes to PDFs of your menu. just give me a nasty greasy menu. i just want to feel normal again.

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Todd Thomas :ivory_logo:

@samhenrigold please stop sending me these digital posts. Print them off and individually send them to each of your followers. :-)

Jamie Jenkins :verified_root:

@samhenrigold Wait till Apple releases the iEyes AR glasses and then the menu will just appear in the air when you look at the QR code. 😆

sam henri gold

general question to the #webdev crowd: if you use Tailwind, do you think about your markup? I'm thinking about it but I'm kinda put off by how it makes the markup look, unsure if there's something people do to clean it up

Brian LeRoux 💚

@samhenrigold we use utility CSS (not tw) and find most of the code ends up encapsulated inside custom elements that have semantic meaning (eg <my-header>) which comes out really clean in the DOM. View source on or to see it

sam henri gold

unsure how to describe it but greenwich connecticut has the wrong energy.

sam henri gold

i find it charming how this figure survived 20+ years in the documentation.

Григорий Клюшников

I remember stumbling upon classic MacOS documentation somewhere on that site, complete with screenshots and code examples in pascal

sam henri gold

sorry, just bard-ed in the backseat of a waymo

sam henri gold

(at a concert) “EVERYONE SING IT!” pretty sure that’s your job babe

sam henri gold

not a history buff but i'm not sure JFK was around for material design

sam henri gold

screw it, let's reignite the Quartz vs ClearType war. im in the fighting mood

Григорий Клюшников

When I switched from Windows to macOS, I used to hate macOS font rendering because of how it ignores pixels. Disabling "font smoothing" does make it a lot better though. The setting was removed in Monterey, but you can still use the command:

defaults -currentHost write -g AppleFontSmoothing -int 0

sam henri gold

bento box style slide layouts considered harmful

sam henri gold

do you all have certain lines from TV or movies that stick in your head way longer than they should? this pitch black line from the simpsons rattles around in my head constantly

sam henri gold

can someone please talk me out of spending New Phone-Level Money on a vacuum with a laser

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Kyle Hughes

@samhenrigold My Dyson stick vacuum is the worst thing I have ever purchased, we have replaced the battery three times. I eventually bought a Kenmore plug-in and love it.

sam henri gold

It’s getting really bad; America desperately needs to invest in better public transp- IF THIS BUS STOPS ONE MORE TIME SO HELP ME GOD I WILL LOSE MY MIND LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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@samhenrigold Just like our rail system.
Upgrades should have began & continued 30 plus yrs ago.

Григорий Клюшников

It wasn't a nice experience when I was waiting for a bus somewhere in California and the thing just drove past me like I'm not even there. It turns out in the US buses won't stop unless you wave your hand at them or someone inside pushes the stop button to get off 🤪

sam henri gold

you know, probably not the best idea to move to a new city with nothing but a dream and a cardigan. at the very least, save up three months of rent plus expenses.

sam henri gold

you know, looking back on it, it's incredibly funny that trump doubled down on "Covfefe" being completely intentional. i do not care for him, but that was a very funny decision for him to have made.

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