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sam henri gold

can someone please talk me out of spending New Phone-Level Money on a vacuum with a laser

Григорий Клюшников

I'm absolutely sure there are hundreds of Chinese knockoffs on aliexpress that are 10 times cheaper but work the same

Christian Selig

@samhenrigold Only suggestion would be to check the refurb store, normally awesome deals on last gen items (might still have the laser) and anecdotally the two refurb Dysons I’ve bought have been awesome

Jason Woodward

@samhenrigold on the matter of that feature? No, I can’t. Works surprisingly well to reveal stuff on my hardwood floors.

Kyle Hughes

@samhenrigold My Dyson stick vacuum is the worst thing I have ever purchased, we have replaced the battery three times. I eventually bought a Kenmore plug-in and love it.

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