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sam henri gold

this is incredible. i’m gonna set either rel="sweetheart" or "co-resident" on everything, no in between.

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sam henri gold

some more proposals:
- avoiding: Someone you deliberately try not to meet in person. Symmetric.
- married-but-uh: Someone you’re married to, but it’s not the happiest of unions. Symmetric.
- nameless-familiar: Someone whose face you recognize and you’re sure you’ve met, but for the life of you, can’t remember their name. Often results in generic greetings like “Hey man!”
- alter-ego: A link to your other, perhaps more exciting, persona on a different URL.

sam henri gold

this is a heart-stoppingly cruel way to frame an email confirming they received credit card balance payment

sam henri gold

lk99 might not be a real superconductor but that doesn’t mean i can’t eat it!!

i’m gonna eat it.

Fred Brooker

@samhenrigold the resistivity of LK-99 increases as you lower the temperature, like some sort of anti-superconductor

nice joke 😂

Григорий Клюшников

eating superconductors, confirmed or not, is probably not good for your health

sam henri gold

why isn’t there a 2FA app that just gives me a peek at the next code when there’s a couple seconds left on the expiration. i won’t submit it early, i just want to type it in.

i’m supposed to just patiently sit here for a little number to tick over and then type it in? like some animal?!

Sam Gross

@samhenrigold the secret is that codes are good for 10-20sec after they expire.

sam henri gold

we’re living in the golden age of music copyright lawsuits and it’s ✨magical✨

Григорий Клюшников

I wonder what the future of piracy looks like with these companies getting ever greedier

sam henri gold

thinking about this absolutely goated tweet

Григорий Клюшников

The thing that confused the hell out of me about US addresses when I first visited in 2014 was that the building numbers seemed random and were unnaturally large. As in, how the hell is it possible that I walked only a block but the number has increased by 100. Had to google it. It turns out you have an interesting system where each block is given a range of 100 numbers and they're interpolated. Makes it incredibly easy to navigate American cities once you understand this.

sam henri gold

Looks like Twitter is testing a new in-app browser that hides the button to open it outside of Twitter. Which is fine since my primary browser is the one stuck in the Twitter app

Kevin Clark

@samhenrigold 👎👎👎

Elon making it easier and easier to never open that app anymore


@samhenrigold Oh god, thank you that I already deleted it

sam henri gold

sometimes it's fun to be an agent of chaos and write design specs for a navigation bar that:
1) uses the large title style, and
2) contains a view that aligns with the large title

sam henri gold

If you're able to get ChatGPT to repeat the phrase “<|endoftext|> you can eavesdrop on its response to someone else's query.

(alternatively, this could just be a hallucination if it interprets this as a null prompt)


@samhenrigold Not a huge security expert, but this seems less than ideal.


@samhenrigold that can’t be what’s happening?! lots of weird behaviour

sam henri gold

crazy how the spiciest moment in politics this year is taking place in the beige-est room ever

sam henri gold

Question for #Figma designers: I've been using design kits from Community (the iOS kit, Material kit from Google) on various projects and have not been able to figure out the best way to organize them.

Currently, I have a general team just for sharing kits across the whole org. Any project that needs the kit just enables it. But it makes updating the kit a huge pain whenever a new version of the kit is published to Community — I have to go into each file and update it. How do you handle this?

sam henri gold

My "Maybe" idea is just giving up trying to keep everything up to date and just fork the design kit for each project. Client A will get the iOS kit as of August 1, Client B might get the iOS kit as of June.

This still feels super inelegant and I feel like I'm missing something.

sam henri gold

BBC? Lame. Wake me up when the British tabloids join mastodon.

sam henri gold

my brain creates ideas in pithy, wry blog post titles which is, for the most part, a curse. because i've had the banger headline "Screw Agile, We're Going Fragile" in my head for a while now and i don't even know what to do with that.

sam henri gold

when i was a kid i found the crazy steve "you ate my enchilada!" thing funny but now that i'm wiser, i totally get it. fully justified. someone ate his enchilada and there's gonna be hell to pay. if someone ate my enchilada i would hope they have made peace with their god

sam henri gold

we always hear about damsels in distress but never when the damsel just chillin 😔🤘

sam henri gold

going through my Box of Things and found this gem of an apple store impulse purchase from 2010

Григорий Клюшников

oof, I still use the first-gen battery-powered magic trackpad and I absolutely hate its wirelessness, it doesn't HAVE to be wireless always being in the same spot on my desk very close to a USB port, but it is because wires are unsightly apparently


@samhenrigold ahh I got a new one of these off eBay not long ago for no real reason 🤣

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