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big thembo energy

@Gargron @FediReminder she may have unfortunately been down during this time :c

also we don't support years or months yet because figuring out inconsistent numbers of days in months + years is a pain in the ass :p

Eugen Rochko

Into The Omegaverse: How a Fanfic Trope Landed in Federal Court - Lindsay Ellis

Aaron DeVore

I can't believe I just spent an hour watching a video about a lawsuit about wolf porn. Good, though.

Eugen Rochko

I've reached Avengers: Infinity War on my MCU re-watch... Goosebumps.

Eugen Rochko

Awake till 5am again, not a fan of slipping into these old unhealthy habits.

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Are you anxious?, I stayed up till 2 to 3 am so scared.. , but binge watching My Little Pony in my brain helps me sleep!

Simpelyfe (Sim)

@Gargron welcome to the team. I’m a night owl but I’m damn near certain it’ll be the end of my health.

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@Gargron seems like one of those cases that #AusGov keep creating where regardless of the outcome the citizens/consumres lose


@Gargron seems like one of those cases that #AusGov keep creating where regardless of the outcome the citizens/consumers lose



Our government is trying to look after their media mates. Google and Facebook aren't happy so are pushing back hard

They are worried about happens in other countries if we get away with it here

In saying that, someone has to pay the "journalists"

Eugen Rochko

I posted a Firefox screenshot on Mastodon's Twitter and it's been compressed to hell... What the hell

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Five Element Ninja

@Gargron yeah they compress the hell out of images. GradientBot's thumbnail images on there are terrible, although occasionally they get an interesting texture to them. It's annoying because someone might see the super compressed thumbnail and think that's what the full size image looks like.

Mr. Snrub from far away

@Gargron I blame ceph. While it has inline image compression and scaling it's not the most elegant.

Eugen Rochko

I feel awful. I’ve cycled through like 5 different things that I need to work on without making progress on any of them, quickly getting distracted by the other thing.

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Gracious Anthracite


Been there.

That's usually a cue to do my self-care checklist (thirsty? hungry? had pills? exercised? etc, etc, you know what works for you) and go do some of that, and maybe do some household chores for a bit. Or just get the hell up and go outside for a while.


@Gargron I suggest finding a menial chore "you've been meaning to do". Once you accomplish that, while still procrastinating, you set yourself up to continue on with doing things.


@Gargron Being an adult sucks sometimes. One thing I've done is create a task list on my Nextcloud server and manage it with OpenTasks on my phone. Helps keep me on track because sometimes it's easy to get frustrated and just say, "Fuck it, I'll do this other thing and come back to this later." but then 6 months go by and I forget about the first thing.

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Satsuma [moved]

@Gargron @darius that is.....a bizarre UX decision

Like I know finding unique usernames on the internet is getting increasingly difficult, but this doesn’t feel like its actually solving that problem—if anything restricting people to the FirstLast12345 format is reducing the total number of learnable usernames

Hyperlink Your Heart

@Gargron @darius Interesting, but people with these kinds of usernames generally only get dismissed as "bots" after also exhibiting disagreeable behaviour or opinions.

Eugen Rochko

You ever have pictures on your phone where you can see your computer's screen from long ago, and you catch a glimpse of people you were talking to back then who are no longer around. Wild

stn 🇺🇦

@Gargron imagine finding screenshots ca 2006 from a "post your desktop" message board thread, it's like 7 layers of shock


@Gargron Nope, but it's a lot of scary screens showing Windows XP, which is weird enough.

Григорий Клюшников

So many of my friends were, as I'd call it, consumed by relationships. And many of those who were not, moved abroad. It's depressing tbh.

Eugen Rochko

Love to wake up straight into a bad mood


@Gargron It must be in the air... Like the whole air! Hit me all the way over here too!


@Gargron they'd be waiting a long time before I'd let them in; I'd want to hear the full song first ;)

Eugen Rochko

Once again, headache... Maybe it's the weather, it's thrashing between cold and hot all the time

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Thomas Fuchs 🕹️🔭

@Gargron FWIW s a long-time sufferer from migraines, I long thought it was induced by the weather; but it turned out to be gluten of all things.


@Gargron Rhodesia Rhodiola tea - it's a good adaptogen for changing seasons. Or panax ginseng.


@Gargron A neurologist who specializes in headaches could help. There are lots of ways to treat chronic headaches & migraines. Also, be careful of taking pain medicine too often, because it can cause rebound headaches.

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